Hunter’s Burial

Chapter 68

Chapter 67: : The Beginning Of The Battle

Time passed little by little, and soon it was almost nine o’clock in the evening. Pam and his party had already arrived at the central fighting arena early.

This is the largest battle arena in the 200th floor of the Sky Arena. It is located on the 219th floor. The number of spectators can reach 25,000. This is the place where important events in the Sky Arena are held. , For example, the challenge to the landlord, the fighting Olympics events, and this kind of landlord competition tonight are basically held here.

Tonight, Pam and his party have already obtained the information of the two contestants in the first qualifier.

They are from the samurai genre, the first-class descendant, Okayama Shinnosuke and Ryan Akley, nicknamed Dart.

Okayama Shinnosuke’s record is 10 wins and 0 losses, while Ryan Yackley’s record is 10 wins and 1 loss. The strengths are all very strong players, Okayama Shinnosuke is the first player to get ten wins and the right to participate, and Ryan Yakeli is the fourth.

Soon, it was exactly nine o’clock, and the female commentator also started to introduce the players from both sides.

“Master Pam, it’s time to start.”

Johnson, who was sitting next to Pam, was a little excited. He was already infected by the crazy atmosphere at the scene.

“Well! Take a good look at it.”

“Captain, which one do you think will win?”

Rocker turned to look at Pam and asked.

Pam thought for a moment and said.

“The battle of the minders does not depend on who has the most minds to win. Combat experience, combat skills, combat preparations, the battle arena, and the player’s state and mentality before the battle will all affect the outcome of the battle. Now It’s too early to draw conclusions, let’s wait until the two sides appear.”

Just after Pam finished speaking, the voice of the female commentator at the scene also conveyed the entire venue through the microphone.

“First of all, we welcome Okamura Shinnosuke to the stage. Okayama Shinnosuke entered tonight’s stage with a record of ten wins and zero losses…”

Following the introduction of the female commentator, Okayama Shinnosuke slowly walked into the ring wearing a black samurai uniform with a samurai sword inserted at the side of his waist.

“Okay, our Okayama Shinnosuke player has already entered the ring, so next, we have Ryan Yakeli player on the field.”

???? “Ryan Yakeley, the current record is ten wins and one loss. Although the record is slightly behind by one game, but…”

With the introduction of the female commentator, Ryan Yakeley also slowly walked out of the channel on the other side.

Ryan Akley was wearing a black cloak and a black mask on his face as he stepped into the ring step by step. Because Ryan Akley was wearing a mask, the audience couldn’t see Reese Akley’s expression.

When the two sides stood still, Pam and his party and the audience who were reciting at the scene quietly used “condensation” to focus their energy on their eyes and observed the two sides in the ring. And Sessions stared at the two people on the field with his eyes fixed.

“Judging from the momentum, energy, quality, and state, in this game, Okamura Shinnosuke’s winning rate has reached more than 90%.”

Pam lightly judged the two in the ring.


Rocker also watched intently. He also agrees with Pam’s statement, mainly because he finds that he himself can’t beat Nobuyuki Okayama, compared with the momentum they exude from each other.

After confirming that the two of them were ready to fight, the presiding referee gave a daily explanation, then compared his gestures, let the match begin, and quickly left the ring.

The moment the referee announced the start of the battle, the two sides in the ring stood silently in place, but the thoughts surrounding them indicated that they were all on alert.

Pam and the others had already learned about the fighting styles of the two sides through pre-match video clips, and saw Ryan Akley take out three black cross-shaped darts from under the wide black cloak, with a small row of fine holes on the darts.

“Johnson, watch carefully.”


When Pam saw Ryan Akley take out a dart, he knew that the official battle was about to begin, and the noise at the scene gradually calmed down.

Okayama Shinnosuke saw the dart that Ryan Akley took out, and he was very keen to notice the small hole on the dart, and he also hung from the sides of the body with both hands, and turned into a combat attack stance with his right hand holding the sword and striding forward. .

After Ryan Akley took out the cross dart, he raised his hand and threw it violently. Ryan Akley’s thoughts were wrapped around the three cross darts, and the finished font flew straight to Okayama Nobunosuke.

???? “The speed is very fast, but at this level, it should be hard to follow.”

Seeing Ryan Alek’s shot, Pam secretly judged in his heart.

Just as the cross dart was about to approach, Okayama Shinnosuke’s thoughts flowed instantly, covering the samurai sword around his waist.

“Ding, ding, ding!”

The sword light flashed, and the three cross darts were directly blocked, but after the cross darts collided with the samurai sword, they all flew straight into the sky.


Okayama Shinnosuke was a little surprised, this was not the trajectory he shot.

Okayama Nobunosuke looked up, his eyes narrowed, and he saw dozens of sharp beams shot out from the small holes of the cross darts, from top to bottom, in a disorderly and orderly manner.

Okayama Shinnosuke loomed over him.


Okayama Shinnosuke’s heart instantly had a judgment. UU reading www. After saw it clearly for a moment, Okayama Shinnosuke did not retreat but advanced, and rushed directly to Ryan Akley, avoiding the top-down attack.

“Chi Chi…”

On the slate where Okayama Shinnosuke used to be, dozens of small pits were directly punched by the sharp light.

“Johnson, do you understand? The darts attack from the top down. Because of the venue, it is absolutely impossible to retreat from the area shrouded by the sharp light. This is the limit of the battle arena.”

“Understood, Lord Pam!”

What Sessions and Rocker said to Pam were also shocked, not because of Pam’s judgment on the situation, but because of Pam’s attitude towards Johnson. Pam would explain the situation to Johnson, which made them jealous for a while.

While Pam was talking.

I saw that three more cross darts appeared in Ryan Akley’s hand, and this time the direction they were thrown was not the oncoming Okayama Shinnosuke, but the darts in the air.

At the same time, Okayama Shinnosuke’s attack has reached Ryan Akley’s eyes.


Okayama Nobunosuke’s knife slashed through Ryan Akley’s cloak, but missed Ryan Akley.

Because at the moment when the samurai sword was about to slash him, Ryan Akley stepped back to the edge of the ring with the help of the cloak, leaving behind a black cloak Ryan Akley showed off a black outfit.

At this moment, the six cross darts in the sky have changed their direction, and they all flew towards Okayama Nobunosuke, while Ryan Akley was in front and shot three cross darts again.

Completely surrounded Okayama Shinnosuke.

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