Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 352

[352] Will there be no grief because I am a sinner (3)

For a collapsed Sorceress, majesty was nowhere to be found, and there was just a small beast in front of her who was just afraid of the world.

It was fierce.

It was pathetic at the same time.

Gene seemed to know what she was doing.

“Don’t bring him back. ”

The Sorceress shakes her head ferociously at that.

“It’s not necromancy. This way…. This will bring the priests back to life. ”

“It’ll only take a moment. And you won’t look so good yourself. ”

“That’s all I need. That’s enough – just one day, one hour or one minute! I… that’s all I need… So please… Leave me alone…. ”

“You can’t bring it back, to be exact. ”

“That’s… what? ”

Gene doesn’t know what kind of alcohol the encore film is. But it was possible to speculate.

A spell that forcefully binds the dead flesh and spirit. With it, the Sorceress forced him to be bound before the spirit of the dead left.

“Feel if there are supernatural spirits in the world. ”

That said, the Sorceress maximized her inspiration in order to feel spiritual. Spells disappeared in the world, but the Sorceress was able to use them without a natural agent.

as we move through the fundamentals of the anthem with expanded inspiration and feminism.

“This is…. What….”

I could have done it if I wanted to.

I couldn’t feel the spirits of the ultrasonic rate at all, which must not have been that long after death. Yeah, it’s weird.

If you’re an astrologer, you should be able to die and keep your mind on things. Even if he died without a grudge, he wouldn’t be a ghost. He could have said a few words for himself.

The supersonic, which had such strong power, did not cause anything after death.

You may have thought life was as regretless as that, but this is strange.

The meat is in the arms of a Sorceress.

Then, where is the spirit?

The ultrasound died before the heavenly body was sealed. And now the heavenly body is sealed.

Where is the spirit?

“The supernatural spirit must have been sealed with the heavenly body. If you try to bring him back, you’ll only be a dog’s death without being alive. ”

“Sealed with a genuine formula… I don’t know… ”

The Sorceress looked at Gene.

The Sorceress didn’t know what the heavenly bodies were. And Gene knows what he’s up against.

Then I found the light of the Sorceress, but I had aspirations in my eyes, like death.

“Y-yeah. Let me hear it right!”

It’s not completely abandoned by the world yet.

Jin saw a frenzy mixed with the aspiration in the eyes of the Sorceress.

The mad do not return to normal through trials.

I’ll just go even crazier.

Jin saw the Sorceress engulfing in other frenzies, and he had no choice but to use his taste.

Both the innate truth and the current situation were told to Jin, and the Sorceress’s expression became a frown.

Nature is the vessel of all spirits.

The sum of all spirits is the power of the heavenly body and the reality of magic. He designed a punishment that would be inflicted on him unconsciously by such a group of spirits. There was only one Sorceress in the world who received that kind of punishment.

What was even more shocking was Carls’ actions.

“I…. Utilization… I was attacked… You mean…? ”

The Sorceress was in a great state of confusion to the extent that the expression of the spirit was right.

“If Carlz is right. ”

Leading lady, command book.

All of it was given to her by Carls.

“Nonsense, nonsense. I…. I myself…. I found all of it…. ”

The dragon found the mistress in the sleeping ground.

You know what? It’s famous around here.To the north of here is an island with enormous snow deposits, and dragon corpses are everywhere. Maybe it’s a rumor. ’

I heard that.

‘If that’s true, there might be a hostess or something. A lot of people say that. ’

Stories that spread like legends around were not particularly subject.

I followed the rumors everywhere and went to the land where the dragon fell asleep. The Sorceress found the Dragon Core in the freezing cold, even without the help of an ordinary person.

But now I wonder.

Who spread the rumor that a mere mortal had a dragon corpse in that land that he could not even set foot on? It’s a place where no one can go, and dragons sleep and gossip.

Who trampled on that glacier a long time away from the Human Village? Rumor has it that the dragon is there.

‘One of the demon-hunters was aware of the evil spell that stirs up the dead. ’

I was digging up legends about the Demon Hunter and I could hear them. He wandered the world in search of traces of his mannerism, and he was able to reach any castle that served him as a god.

Castle’s leader was a shaman, and he said he had a trust sent down through a lion.

The Sorceress proved herself a descendant of Tai Tai and was able to listen to the trust.

‘I hid my last vision at the end of the world that is no longer to the north. ’

Sorran was convinced that it was a message left behind and reached the North Pole. And I found the hidden command book on the glacier.

The soluclear, and the command book.

All of them were out of reach of ordinary humans.

The Sorceress traveled around the world to gain power and acquired precisely the information Kalz had sprinkled on the world.

And even though he did what he wanted, he was eventually taken advantage of by Kalz.

Even Khaltz did not predict that the Sorceress would take both the Yongle and the Command Scrolls. Sorceresses with both of them were much better utilized than Carls expected.

The Sorceress was the one who gave Kalz the greatest gift without even realizing he was being used in the trap.

Like a character in a game.

Sorran gathered treasure as he collected clues scattered about the world.

She played a game designed by Carls that was very good. And after the final act, I lost everything.

Her life was a joke.

I was swayed by Kalz without knowing it.

I even got the thousand bees that Carls deserved. I literally cheated him into living a great role in Calz’s sin.

He even took advantage of his own sins.

“How…. How could you…. ”

The Sorceress stares at the air with her hollow eyes, muttering the same words over and over.

Gene couldn’t say anything looking at the Sorceress.

Now that I knew the truth, it was her role to endure, and comfort and empathy were something that Jean couldn’t give me.

Gene knew that the existence that would become such a thing to the Sorceress was already dead, and she didn’t want to fill that vacancy with anyone in the world.

The night before came with a breeze of pale blood. Everyone was silent. It’s only natural that everyone dies except the survivors.

Neither do they commemorate nor commemorate in their own way.

Everyone gathered and resolved the evening with the Seeation in the Abandoned Supply Depot, and after the meal, the horns scattered like they had promised. The threat disappeared because everyone was dead and without ghosts.

Yesterday, the most dangerous place in the world became the safest place in the world.

Leona flew a long night back to the river where the phantom tree stood.

Leona has found the remains of the dragon on the shores of countless corpses.

To mourn the death that you could not mourn. Leona looks down at it in the dark, where no one else is.

I don’t know why.

The Black Dragon that climbed out of the deep darkness of the Hive followed himself to New Delhi.

From that moment on, the dragon has always been a loyal servant. The black dragon, who must have lived longer than he did, followed Leona like his parents. As if Leona was the one who gave her the ceremony.

For two years without gin and ramfil, all I could trust was a black dragon.

But it vanished so easily in a single moment.

A lot of people died that Leona didn’t know about, and the Black Dragon did what Leona told him to do.

Too big to be a pet. They were too frightened to blend into human life together. That’s why the Black Dragon always waited for Leona at a distance, except in special circumstances.

Did you really love her?

Leona stares at the wreckage with a firm look. Since the natural order took her soul, the Black Dragon must have had a soul, too.

This is Hive’s experiment where humans were experimented with materials.

Charlotte had a soul that wasn’t there. The Black Dragon had a soul. What makes a human being and what conditions the soul remains of a human being.

Leona had no idea of the complications.

And I didn’t want to know.

“If so many things die, and you mourn them only. Am I a bad person? ”

Leona asks questions about what’s not in the world.

“If I’m not sorry for the things you killed and the things I killed, I’m sorry only for you. Is it because I’m the Devil? ”

Gene says the witch is not the Devil, but Leona can’t believe it. His mind is so selfish and cohesive.

I’ve never felt guilty about a murder in my life as a hunter. But there must be something about so many deaths that are unrealistic at this scale.

Many murders and deaths seemed to break their hearts before the Black Dragon’s death.

Advisory, in fact, was not necessary.

“Actually, I do. ”

It’s not the Devil.

“It’s not the Devil, it’s because I’m human. ”

Not because he’s evil, but because he’s human.

Only what’s right in front of me.

Only what’s in my arms.

I don’t mourn the death of someone I don’t even know.

No matter how many sins he committed, no matter how many lives he devoured.

In the end, I feel the whiplash of something precious to me hurts more than the deaths of hundreds of others. Humans are selfish, so Leona knows that she has only human vices, not demons.

If it was death, it was not worth talking about.

I don’t want to cry.

Crying in front of this death is not fair. To be fair, you’ll have to weep over this countless innocent death.

That’s why I don’t want to cry.

Leona is human.

“I was born small…. ”

I’m crying.

“If only I was small enough to hold her…. It would have been nice…”

I wouldn’t have to fight.

I wouldn’t take it away in my arms.

If it wasn’t too strong,

I wish I was just a puppy, flipping a boat and flirting in front of him.

A Black Dragon that could not be held in its owner’s arms because it lived as a dragon.

I just lived in loyalty and died loyally.

A beast too big and too strong to be a pet,

And the owner who used the beast as a tool.

After all, he was only a butcher, so he didn’t think he deserved to cry.

After mourning only one death in so many deaths, Leona wanted to hide the evidence of hypocrisy flowing through her lips, thinking she was strange.


“Ugh… Ugh!”

An unbearable fever squeezes through the bird and seeps out without a hitch.

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