Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 339

[339] At the kitchen door (2)

What was the intention of making the disciple’s powerful trauma run before his eyes?

At first, the Sorceress was read to mean that it had to overcome adversity. To overcome the most traumatic trauma is the path forward as a human being.

However, the teacher did not give any advice, and the Sorceress did not overcome the trauma, even though she was doing something foolish that overwhelmed the trauma of the past with new trauma.

One day, when the ultrasound was very painful, there was a day when I coughed and swallowed.

While the teacher went to get the medicine, Sorran cared for the sick elementary school and spent the night with the priest who was about to take a breath.

Don’t die, please. You’re mistaken with a sweaty priest in your arms. I begged him not to leave like this because I did everything wrong.

But she hadn’t heard of the blackout, and she spent a thousand-year-old night like an eternity.

It was that day that the teacher saw the Sorceress hugging her body and crying. With the medicine I obtained, the body of the supernatural was restored to rest, and the Sorceress was embarrassed that her hostile mind had been teased by the teacher.

And I was also surprised that the teacher was not surprised at all.

‘Did you know? ’

“What do you mean? ’

‘… you know what I mean. ’

The question was, do you know the pathological behavior of pretending to hate the priest so much that the child was cut off?

The Sorceress did not even understand her own actions and mind. She didn’t even know why she had to do this, so she knew she was crazy.

‘I knew it would be if you meant the mind that was your own. ’

However, the teacher’s words were strange.

I didn’t know your heart. I knew you would be.

This meant that the reason the teacher brought the supernatural rate itself was there.

The fact that the supersonic rate is here will make the Sorceress feel that way, and eventually she will suffer from photophobia.

Cannibals, and guilt, and affection.

It meant that the teacher had designed the mind that was becoming more and more obsessed with the ending. He knew the troubles of the Sorceress well, so he used them.

But why?

Didn’t you tell me to get rid of the bully? Don’t you want me to get over the bullying? Then why… Why are you being so harsh…? ’

The Sorceress asked, “Unprecedented rebellion.”

‘That’s just a saying. ’

‘… Yes? ’

‘I just said that. ’

The teacher’s words were too much for the Sorceress. If he knew this was going to happen and brought the supernatural, the Sorceress had to hate him.

“If you overcome all afflictions, you become Buddha. ’

It’s not an absolute rule for shamans, but that’s what the Sorceress learned.

‘But what good is Buddha to the world? Buddha is in heaven, and human affliction to Buddha is just a pity. ’

‘Difficult…. That’s right.’

‘We are not meant to be Buddhas. ’

He was a demon-hunter. That’s why it’s not their goal to overcome all afflictions and transcend them.

You have to live on the ground and die on the ground without becoming a Buddha.

I’m not just a transcendent watcher of the world, but a demon-hunter who always has to dive into the world and roll into the mud.

‘So we must live in affliction, not overcoming affliction. I told you to overcome affliction in the sense that you should keep thinking about it, not because I really wanted you to overcome it. ’

Do you mean to live in pain without overcoming adversity? ’


‘Why should I? ’

“To count the heavens, you have to understand the sky, and you have to understand people to understand yourself.” ’

It was contradictory to say that priests were needed to understand humans.

‘Teachers are human. Did you really need a priest? ’

Why did the teacher bring the supernatural rate? If you want humans to know humans, that should be enough for a teacher.

‘Lana, you have your world. Every man has his own world, and you have yours. ’

Her teacher knew more about the Sorceress than she did.

‘In your world, I am not a man. ’

‘Yes? Well… What….’

‘You have been believing in me ever since you followed me. You don’t doubt me, you don’t complain, you never understand me. The world in your world is like the world itself. ’

Just as humans could not fully understand the world, Sorceress could not fully understand teachers. You must have meant something. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. I did not even doubt under such absolute trust.

In the small world of the Sorceress, the teacher sat in the same seat as God.

Naturally, it was because it was the teacher who gave her life.

‘The only emotion you feel for me is respect, faith, respect, faith. I am an indicator of your life as well as your true self. ’

The feelings she felt for her teacher were not human feelings, but for immortal and immortal subjects.

The teacher is a human, but the Sorceress treats him with something that transcends the human race.

‘If you thought I was a person, you would have been angry or upset about bringing me a priest. But it took you four years to come up with that question. ’

After six years of mathematics under the teacher, after four years of elementary school, the sorcerer could not bear the doubts within himself, but expressed the questions to the teacher.

I’m not even allowed to argue. How can I have conversations and emotional interactions with myself? The mind was unilateral about the teacher of the Sorceress, and the relationship between the teacher and the disciple was not troublesome because there was no conflict.

‘Understanding humans requires moving relationships and emotions, and you cannot imagine the change in relationships for me. That’s why I brought a priest. ’

The Sorceress regards the teacher as impossible, so the relationship does not change. That’s why a different member of the priesthood was needed.

in order to gradually forget the troubles of being a teacher and being alone every day and to make the sorcerer that sinks into me feel troubled.

Since I had to understand Humans before I could live as a demon-hunter, my teacher brought a priest and brought out the forgotten trauma of the Sorceress.

Knowing the nature of the Sorceress, the teacher knew that the Sorceress would suffer from superfluity. And finally, I knew that I would live in a state where I couldn’t do or do anything because of the guilt that I had done.

To a Sorceress, a teacher is the world itself. So, after hearing the teacher say that he had thrown himself into such trouble on purpose, the Sorceress was unable to help but was not angry with the teacher.

“I told you you had a world. ’

‘…… yes. ’

‘Priests are the only other people in your world. ’

‘ ……. ’

The world is full of sorcerers. Teachers do not exist as humans because they were the gods of the world.

But from the moment the teacher brought in the priest, the extraordinary rate became the only other person in her world. The only one capable of making relationships, interacting emotions, and sharing hatred and anger.

So, the Sorceress was projecting all of her troubles on the supersonic.

Fear, guilt, hatred, hatred, anger.

And all affliction, including affection, love, obsession, compassion, and compassion, stemmed from a single being.

Then the Sorceress realized what was wrong with the teacher.

Emotions are troublesome, and sorcerers do not feel any emotion through their teachers.

She felt all emotions only through the supersonic rate. Through the supersonic rate, the Sorceress learned all the emotions and knew what they were.

But at the same time, I was afraid.

His master was a cruel man. In the end, he didn’t give me the answer, he just gave me a reason.

‘I…. What should I do…? ’

‘Whether you love priests or hate them, I will not interfere. ’

The teacher did not overcome the affliction in me and gave no answer to the pathetic disciple who was begging for answers.


We have to understand humans. You need to know human suffering.

Only then can I become an archangel and become an immortal hunter.

Then what is man?

“Agony is human.” ’

Aggressive beings are human beings, and Aggressive beings are human beings.

Agony is pain, and the chorus suffered through cholera to a degree that it is incomparable to the cholera suffering. And the pain itself was the intent of the teacher.

The ultrasonic rate was not to stimulate the improvement of the Sorceress, but to cause the Sorceress to suffer.

overcoming affliction is not what the teacher wants. I just had to suffer without an answer in pain. The suffering is the way to understand humans, and being able to become a demon-hunter only makes the sorrow go away if you live through it.

However, not to overcome the bullying was even more provocative.

I didn’t get angry with my teacher or hate him, but I wanted to prove that I was a Sorceress.

I pledged to overcome this affliction, erase my guilt, and become one human being and face the supernatural. I thought I would tell you everything even if I hated you at that moment.

Even though he was a madman, he still felt he should have given him a chance to slap his cheek at the ultrasound.

However, Saturn that has lived will never be forgotten. After hearing the news from the teacher, the Sorceress did not harass the ultrasonic rate, but she still treated him coldly.

I wanted to keep that distance. The priest who had been treated too harshly has now become too cautious to show any awkward warmth.

I know how to hurt you, but I don’t know how to hug you. It was only when I realized what it was that I could ask for forgiveness that I could begin again.

However, over time, the relationship became frozen with the waves in a distant state. With the cold-hearted attitude of the Sorceress and the ultrasonic perception, they often spent a day without even talking.

Teachers who acknowledged that they were completely incompetent in their physical abilities said they did not need to practice martial arts to them.

The supernatural rate seemed very relieved for the situation, but the Sorceress was ridden.

It was because the moment I could get a little closer through the duel was completely gone. That is why the earliest rates and sorcerers had fewer time to be together, and it became a strange condition in the same space but with no encounter.

If you could just tell me a little bit,

It’s okay to pass. I wish I was a little closer.

It’s a coincidence. I wish I’d bumped into him.

The thoughts rolled around in my head and eventually were discarded.

Even on the day I touched my fingertips, I bowed my head as if I had committed a mortal sin, and the Sorceress seemed to burst into tears every time I saw such a priest.

I can’t blame anyone. The priest in front of him did this.

‘What’s the big deal? ’

That’s why I just shook my head when I said that with a feeling of ambition. You might be lucky to bow your head. It’s a good thing he didn’t see a red face just by touching his fingertips.

The Sorceress was always squatting at the kitchen door.

If a hungry priest wants to go into the kitchen and eat snacks, he has to go through a narrow door, and then he has to make eye contact with himself. And tell them to get out of the way.

‘Sister… I, I… ’

When I said that, I turned my head as though the Sorceress was not interested.

Then the priest takes the snacks in the kitchen. I know it was made by my teacher, but in fact, I take the food she makes and eat it.

“What else do you eat, you insect? ’

‘Ah, hahaha… ’

The Sorceress woke up every morning and made them.

Then he smiled at the reverend who was returning, and he had no choice but to run.

But I wanted to talk a little more, so I ended up with a sad face.

What else do you eat?

Just to say that.

She sat at the kitchen door every day waiting for the priest to come.

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