Hunter of the Perished World

Chapter 327

[327] The night of the Unrepentant flows (1)

“You’re not gonna die? ”

“Yes! Word on the street is that every warrior can be caught in a mysterious blue flame and killed or resurrected!” ”

Charlotte’s lips tremble, her complexion flickering.

Enemies resurrected to the Undead never live again if they cut or burned their limbs. But this was the first time. An enemy that can kill or resurrect. There was no way to deal with it.

I don’t know why I’m using it now, but I have no use for questions like that.

“Photon Blade…. The photon sword might work. ”

If it is not something that interferes with the body, but something related to the soul, the photosword will be excellent, and Charlotte’s guess was fairly close to the truth.

“The enforcers tried, but the photon sword didn’t work either. ”

However, the answer I gave was to make myself sad. Just as you can’t kill a living person with a photosword, the resurrectors who are forced to join their spirits can’t do any damage with a photon sword.

“What…. This nonsense…. ”

“Undead is happening where enemy special fighters are fighting! At this rate, we may be surrounded by expanding enemies! ”

Even where Jin’s party fights, the liquor of the Enchantment Film is triggering. That’s why the dead commander has become immortal and is fighting for the Allied forces. Four of them were expanding their coalition forces exponentially, rather than decreasing their command forces. At this rate, the soldiers on the front that had passed through the four lines would be surrounded and besieged.

One spell turned the tide again.

What’s the difference between being an immortal soldier and being an absolute soldier? Charlotte thought she was afraid of Azura.

But it wasn’t. Now that she’s faced Asura, she has to wonder if she should be more afraid of Asura than she is of Carlz.

There is no way to defeat an enemy that does not die. We must retreat. But if we decide to retreat, it’s all over.

Allies are already in a pretty deep allied camp. It is clear that retreat in that situation will result in collapse of the advance and destruction of the allies by the enemy advance during retreat.

It’s too deep to retreat. Withdrawal in this situation was no different from death there.

You cannot retreat, nor can you hasten the battle.

Identify your weaknesses. Why should the enemy use this spell now? To fight the most certain battle to determine victory or defeat?

Or is there a penalty for using this spell?

How do I stop this spell in the first place?

Charlotte felt her head clear at that moment.

Like a sign.

Killing Azura will solve everything.

That thought stuck firmly in my head.

Kill Asura, and this spell is over. That way, those immortals will fall and destroy their enemies. It was not a logical and controversial accident, but a sudden and strong conviction.

To Charlotte, it was a transcendent experience that could not be explained in language.

‘I know that. But how? Where? ”

Everyone knows that if you kill Asura, the situation changes dramatically. But the Allied forces would not give up Azura easily, nor could they locate it. Where the hell is Azura?

You can tell by the fact that you weren’t swept away by the enemy camp. So which way is the west side of the river and the east side?

If they knew where Asura was, they would have deployed special forces there right away, assassination and special operations of any kind.

Even if I am sure of that now, I am not in a position to do so. I don’t even know where Asura is. How can I fight?

However, Charlotte suddenly felt a great sense of camaraderie passing by.

What is it?

Charlotte was looking at the map unfolding on the table. Charlotte’s eyes were fixed in one place, as if nailed.


Charlotte glances at the place as if it were fixed. My whole body was filled with fluffy hair.

This is it. This is it. There is a beast here. Here it is.

Without any reasoning or evidence, Charlotte was so strongly convinced. Charlotte has never felt anything like this in her life.

However, a simple thought without any basis did not escape as if someone had forced their way into their head.



“Mr. President!”

“Are you all right?”

“Oh, no… No, it’s okay. It’s okay.”

I went through something with a brief headache.

Underground bunkers, dim lights. There were two girls and a man.

And a woman kneeling on the floor in front of a mask and a golden bead.

From there to the cart.

Charlotte has never seen Asura. I only know that she is a woman, and I have never even heard of her mask.

But as soon as I saw the woman on her knees, Charlotte was convinced it was a massacre.

Just as the self was divided into two pieces, Charlotte denied the certainty of boiling within her while also affirming it.

‘What… What the hell? ”

Can shamans do this? Asura suspected that she was under some kind of curse, but Charlotte was convinced from the inside.

This has nothing to do with Asura. The certainty was so intense that Charlotte could hardly deny it herself.

Something unknown is interfering with him and trying to tell him something.

Do you believe? Do you not believe?

Charlotte is already convinced, but she’s confused because she doesn’t know where that comes from.

Something unidentified determined her to be the enforcer of destiny.

And there was no more time to wait.

Azura is there. And you can kill Asura.

That’s enough.

“Prepare the transport. ”

“Sir! You can’t run a transport in this storm! ”

“Prepare to be new. That should be able to move in this storm, right? ”

“But the gas that has not been tested properly…. ”

“I don’t take no for an answer. Get ready, and page all your personal guards. ”

Charlotte’s grief gives way to the Concierge, and they start putting blood on her head, saying no.

The fact that a direct guard was going was synonymous with the word that the enemy himself was going.

The new enemy within this deadlock is gears on the battlefield again. They did not intend to rule over such a monstrous situation again.

The barracks of the command are in chaos, leading up to a voice that you want to use to impress the voice of the crowd.

But Charlotte muttered coldly.

“I am the enemy of Wargrave. ”

Then he reaches out his right hand and summons the arc saver there and points it at the chiefs.

“And I gave the order, obviously. ”

She expressed her willingness to bash his head in if she did not comply with the absolute principle of top-down clothing.

The chiefs couldn’t handle Charlotte’s fierce gaze.

If it were normal, Charlotte would not have been a good enemy. An enemy suitable for such situations is a great man like Ivan de Calz, who was good at politics.

But he was assassinated, and there sat a young Charlotte de Calz.

The war completed her as a tyrant, an unfinished enemy.

“Prepare a new transport and a direct guard. ”

But she was a tyrant who wasn’t afraid to go to the most dangerous places at the same time.

She is truly a Wargrave foe worthy of war, the most powerful fighter in the command.

The situation in the battlefield has been reversed. Every attack to kill the undead was a waste of ammunition and energy, and the resurrectors who surrendered with perfect intelligence knew to use their battle equipment as it was.

The chariot operated by the resurrected continued to move as long as the trajectory didn’t break or the turret was destroyed, and the resurrected enforcer stepped on his enemies with all his or her abilities as a cyborg.

Enemies that cannot be killed increase with each passing death, and it only expands exponentially like a pathogen. The defeated party plays a major role in increasing numbers of such immortals.

That’s why the command chose the undead rather than the dead, and the act of combat quickly began to shift in style.

Gene was also tired of seeing soldiers who never died, wrapped in blue flames.

Seeing a level of magic that had never been used, Gene couldn’t help but say that the Sorceress was the most powerful shaman in the world.

However, the force against this logic must pay for it.

‘It’ll be over soon. ’

The war will end with an allied victory.

At the end of this war, however, Gene was confident that he would not have to see anything more.

Gene fires at Avalanche, once again sweeping through enemy trains. As the energy blaster swept over, chaos clumped up and immortals were forming.

Even in surreal scenery, Gene still carries out slaughter.


And from the top of that gin’s head, a huge aircraft was advancing forward through the storm.

A giant transport with eight jet engines for vertical landing and propellers removed was a tester built by Carlz’s request to pierce and maneuver through the storm.

As a result, it was built, but not enough time to equip the weapon parts, and in the end, only one unit could be made, maintaining only the function of the aircraft. If it were possible, the war would have changed, but the time until the tester was built was too long. The second problem was the huge amount of supplies that went into production.

That’s why it was the first and last time this gas was active.

Fortunately, the Allied forces were not checking the sky properly because they didn’t think enemy gases could be operated in the storm.


However, this gust has clearly caused serious disruption to the operation of this massive gas. Without the original half of the manoeuvre, the gas shook from time to time, and the faces of the people onboard were full of tension. There was no way of knowing when the gas would be shot down or explode.

It was fortunate that the tester was moving properly, but it was flying in bad weather due to imperfect design. Seeing the passengers at any point in the crash, Charlotte exclaimed with a firm expression.

“When the gas falls, we fall to the ground and head for the enemy’s Islamabad Den! Never engage any enemy you encounter before! ”


Enemy direct guard.

That meant they were the best enforcers in Wargrave and the best combat force in command as a single individual. Everyone has undergone a new gigaframe procedure and is experienced in combat.

This squad of twenty enforcers was the strongest and only force Charlotte ever led into the enemy camp. There were actually fifty of them, but about thirty of them were killed together in the last assassination of Ivan de Calz.

That’s why these twenty were the only ones left until I had enough time to make up for the trip.

That includes Charlotte. Twenty-one.

“Our objective is first and foremost rubbish! Target B will be escorting that beast again! Engagement with other enemy units will be ignored unless we are unable to evade! Understood!”


We must kill Azura with these men and end this war.

Of course, if they were ordinary enforcers, it would be suicide. There was no Yacht on the battlefield, and it was fairly predictable that the Yacht would be in Asura’s care.

However, even 20 names, Charlotte gave the Terraframe protocol to all twenty of the remaining guards who were afraid to become enemies. I’m sure it would be a problem if he knew, but Charlotte knew.

Terraframe protocol is probably just a good technique for him.

Asura finally brings out the weapon of the spleen, called Liquor of the Enchantment Film.

And the last card Charlotte takes out is the enemy’s direct guard.

There are no more hidden powers or special weapons from Charlotte.

20 Enforcers with Terraframe and Terraframe protocols.

It hunts Asura and ends the war.


The sound of gas surging in the wind could have caused the gas to crash in an instant. But it doesn’t matter if it falls.

There were no people on this transport who could have died from the crash or explosion.

However, Charlotte is now confused.

‘Leona… ’

Clearly, there was an unforgettable face in the bunker that appeared in a brief hallucination that had passed through his eyes.

‘There was definitely Leona. ’

I felt like a poor child. I really wanted to be happy. Probably a lot has changed along with Gene. Since Ramfil and Jean are enemies, Leonara should be no different.

Charlotte was on her way to assassinate Azura, and if so, she was definitely in danger of being with Azura.

Unlike shouting forcefully to his subordinates, Charlotte did not feel that I had to go to take away the happiness of the child who had once prayed for happiness with my hands.

But in doing so, Charlotte had too much to put on this one special feature.

If you want to use magic to support the battlefield, you’ll have to be quite far from the battlefield, Azura. In a chaotic battlefield, even if a single shot falls, the spell fails and there are concerns of retaliation.

In Islamabad, an armed force was avoided, with the exception of a large force that manages the garrison in case of an emergency. Keeping a large number of troops here was one of the reasons why it was so small to advertise the presence of key personnel here.

That’s why this is the most vulnerable spot in the Allied forces. However, there is no clue as to whether or not there will be an Assyrian here. There are already troops everywhere the enemy can come, and the gunship can’t make it through the front line by storm.

So, when a huge transport plane appeared from the distant sky through the storm, few troops at the garrison had no choice but to doubt my eyes.

I had to doubt it even more if it was just one.

Surrounded by Asura’s edifices, as well as generations. The appetizers deliver the massive transport to Asura as it approaches through the storm.

A plane that can run through storms? ’

Asura checks the heavy size and rough conditions of the flight and finds that it is not a very well-made piece of equipment. Even though it seemed impossible to manage many, it was not important now.

If the enemy is worthy of that aircraft, then it must be the same level of fighters that killed Galahad.

You have to make a choice.

The purpose of placing the diet for reconnaissance was to flee if an attack was detected under the circumstances. She is the Dark Bone Holder. It is clear that no matter how fast the enemy maneuvers, it is not difficult to escape.

But now Azura was using the liquor from the Angcheon movie. And if a shaman leaves, this level of magic will be undone.

The current situation is turning upside down, but if the liquor of the Enchantment Film disappears, the Immortals will be scattered to ashes, and the surviving commanders will trample the Allied forces again.

If you give up this spell that has the absolute advantage of the front, immediately the war is lost.

How the hell did you find it? ’

The garrison’s management doesn’t even know there’s a Sierra here. The only one who knows where Asura is is, along with Jean’s group, Commander Francis of the Allied forces. The entrance to the bunker was tightly sealed so no allies could get in, and Leona and Elizabeth were also kept out until the end of the war.

The one who can predict that Azura did not leave here during the war must know that it is magic.

However, according to the response of the commanders during the ongoing war, they had no knowledge of magic.

Naturally, as Charlotte did not know much about the certainty that she felt, it was natural for her enemies to not know exactly where she was coming from and not sense it coming from.

But it doesn’t matter why. Few hours are approaching, and the garrison’s troops are bewildered by its sudden appearance.

Is the fugitive the target?

Unfortunately, Azura had no choice.

“Perpetrator, take those two and run. Get as far away from this outpost as you can! ”

“Sister? I don’t know what you mean… ”

“Enemies are coming. Come on!”

The word “enemy” tears the eyes of the ultrasonic. One of the two shamans who had an absolute impact on this war was supernatural, but his manpower was completely avoided.

Killing an ultraviolet soldier with a cyborg fighter is easy, but the approaching might be the best force for the enemy.

The other three in the bunker reacted to the word “enemy.”

The chorus cried out.

“If you’re the enemy, you have to face them! If you tell him to run… ”

“I won’t say it twice! If Elizabeth and you die, the group ends here! ”



Asura stares at the colossal side with an invisible eye. Although there was no focus, the translucency could be read from the expression, not the cloudy eyes.

This was the second time I saw that look on the Sorceress’s face.

The first was when the teacher died, and the second was now.

His priest was someone who could make such a loving face.

Even if a Sorceress dies, a group with a command book can be retained. And Elisabeta, who had already used the forbidden spell and had already received a thousand sorcerers, had to survive, and had to live with the evil spirit.

An unbelievable word flowed from the mouth of a sorcerer who always insisted and only roared with a fiery personality.

“Yul…. Please.”

“Sister… ”

In that voice of intense sadness, the ultrasound was intuitive.

She had already accepted her defeat.

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