Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Gon, Killua gave up, Lan Fei played

I have to say that Killua’s dark steps are really weird. It is indeed the top skill of the killer family. His speed does not seem to be fast, but he can see afterimages appearing one after another, which is dazzling.

“It’s amazing, Killua looks like there are several figures.”

Gon was shocked.


“As expected of the Zoldyck family, this is one of the assassination moves, limb bending.”

“Using the speed of footsteps to create countless illusions to confuse the enemy.”

“To be able to do this at a young age is terrifying.”

President Netero stared at Killua with interest.

“It’s not fast, but it can confuse people.”

“Dark steps and limb bends are worthy of the killing skills of the Zoldyck family.”

Lan Fei put his arms around his chest and watched carefully.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, just as countless phantoms formed a circle around President Netero, Killua stepped forward and charged towards President Netero.

“It’s too simple to think.”

President Netero flickered, sideways dodging Killua’s surprise attack.

However, Killua didn’t give up, he didn’t speak, he was calm, and continued to launch a powerful offensive. His flexible body and weird assassination techniques were his strengths.

But who will Netero be? That was a ceiling-level Hunter. Even if Killua’s offensive was strong, he couldn’t touch President Netero, let alone grab a basketball from President Netero.

After dozens of rounds, Killua still couldn’t get within three feet of President Netero.

“With such agile movements, is he really an old man?”

Killua paused, staring at President Netero.

“Killua, come on!!”

Gon on the side was extremely excited, his eyes eager to try.

“Gon, why don’t you two go together?”

Lan Fei asked.

“how about you?”

Gon tilted his head.

“I’m going one-on-one with President Netero.”

Lan Fei grinned.


“Lan Fei, are you kidding me? This old man is a monster, and you have no chance at all by yourself.”

Gon’s eyes widened.

“How do you know if you don’t try?”

Lan Fei shrugged. Once he opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia, he had the speed of light with glittering fruits, and he could completely grab a basketball from President Netero’s hands.

After all, this is just a game, and President Netero will not show too much strength.

“What, is it not working anymore?”

At this moment, President Netero gave an amiable smile, and he stared at Killua as he played basketball.

“Damn it, you underestimate me.”

“Since that’s the case, I’ll make you unable to move.”

Killua gritted her teeth, her eyes faintly revealing the killing intent that only killers have.

As soon as he stepped on, his figure swept out at a high speed, and pressed against the wooden floor to grab President Netero’s bottom plate.

boom! !

In an instant, the sound of the collision spread, and Killua directly kicked President Netero.

“it is good!!”

Seeing this, Gon couldn’t help clapping his hands.

“This old man is obviously releasing water.”

Lan Fei watched with interest.


“Pain Pain!!!”

Just when Killua thought he had succeeded and was extremely happy, his complexion couldn’t help changing, and a heart-wrenching pain came from his feet. Holding his left foot, he screamed in pain.

“Fun little guy!”

“The offensive is not sloppy, it’s not simple, it’s not simple!”

“If it’s someone else, I’m afraid the bones of the feet will be broken.”

President Netero said to himself.


“Is this old man too perverted? His feet are as hard as iron.”

Killua stared at President Netero through gritted teeth.


“It’s me, take a rest first.”

At this moment, Gon outside the field waved to Killua.

Killua was helpless and couldn’t grab the basketball from President Netero for the time being, so he could only try it out with Gon.

“This kid, it shouldn’t be easy!”

Seeing Gon walking forward, eager to try, President Netero’s face was still as calm as water.

“Gon’s reaction is okay. It’s about the same level as Killua. It’s okay to practice your hands.”

Lan Fei secretly said.

Whoosh! ! !

Gon briefly warmed up, and with a flick of his figure, he was extremely fast, and charged towards President Netero.

“Attack from the front?”

“Even the kid from before knows how to confuse you with a figure, you are too naive.”

President Netero shook his head.


Suddenly, at this moment, Gon’s figure disappeared out of thin air, and the next second appeared above President Netero’s head.


President Netero was instantly interested.

boom! ! !

It’s a pity that Gon jumped so high that he completely forgot that he was in the airship. He directly hit the ceiling of the training ground and cried out in pain.

“This idiot!!”

Lan Fei patted his forehead.

“Gon, what are you doing…”

Killua was also full of disappointment, with a feeling of hating iron.

“Okay, start over.”

After the pain passed, Gon concentrated again, and started to move around President Netero step by step, his mind was thinking very fast.

No kind of offensive could break through President Netero’s defense, so there were only tricks left.

boom! ! !

Soon, Gon charged towards President Netero again.

Unfortunately, after dozens of rounds, Gon, like Killua, still couldn’t touch President Netero, let alone the basketball in his hand.

“Killua, you two together.”

At this time, Lan Fei glanced at Killua, who was resting.

“The two together?”

“Lan Fei, how about you?”

Killua frowned.

“I’m fine by myself.”

“When the two of you give up, I’ll come again.”

Lan Fei grinned.

“A person?”

Killua’s frown deepened, “Lan Fei, he seems to be very confident in his own strength.”

“Gon, I’ll come too.”

In an instant, Killua charged towards President Netero again.

One old and two young, once again staged a chase battle.

One minute and one second passed, three hours later, after hundreds of rounds of snatch, no matter whether it was a sneak attack or a frontal surprise attack, Gon and Killua couldn’t grab the basketball in President Netero’s hands, both of them were exhausted. His head was sweating profusely, and he was breathing heavily.

On the other hand, President Netero’s face was radiant and his breathing was still well-proportioned.

“Forget it, I gave up.”

Killua took a deep breath and shook her head helplessly.

“I also gave up, the strength of the old man is too perverted.”

Gon nodded and turned to look at Lan Fei, “Lan Fei, it’s your turn.”

“Oh? I almost forgot, there’s another kid.”

President Netero stared at Lan Fei with a smile. *

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