hunt hollywood

Page 57

"Proportion of viewers who choose to watch movies influenced by "Run Lola Run": 81%."

"Proportion of viewers not affected by comments: 33%."

"The proportion of viewers who think the film has been unfairly commented by the media: 76%."

"Proportion of viewers who plan to recommend to friends after watching the movie: 69%."

conference room.

Just after reading the data in front of him, Peter Saunders has already roughly understood why the box office trend of "The Butterfly Effect" in the second week will exceed everyone's expectations.

At the end of the research report, it also clearly pointed out that compared with the overwhelming negative reviews from the media, "Butterfly Effect" has a much higher reputation among the audience. The audience score of 7.7 basically belongs to the category of an excellent movie.

At the same time, because the audience of "The Butterfly Effect" tends to be younger, these people seldom read newspapers on weekdays, and are more inclined to choose movie viewing targets recommended by friends.Therefore, the impact of the media's one-sided negative reviews on the film's box office is far less than Fox estimated.

The report also speculates that the popularity of "Run Lola Run" has brought "Butterfly Effect" a very large potential audience base.Although some viewers temporarily gave up watching the film due to the negative media reviews in the first week, they still chose to enter the theater again after word-of-mouth of the film audience spread, which also largely contributed to the film’s weak 17% drop in the second weekend .

Similar audience surveys are basically carried out on the major releases of major Hollywood film companies. Those numbers were already in place before The Butterfly Effect's next weekend box office came out.

It's just that the media's bombardment of bad reviews for "Butterfly Effect" was too violent, and everyone at Fox couldn't feel too much security because of these data.

Now that the box office results of the film have been released, it is easy to deduce the reason through the data.

At the end of the day.

Movies are, after all, a high-stakes business as unpredictable as the weather.

Peter Sanders looked up after reading the report, and an executive in the publicity department was expressing his views.

"Ronald, besides these, I think we can completely exaggerate the strong contrast between the negative media reviews and the film's box office through public opinion control, and make people believe that "The Butterfly Effect" has been treated very unfairly, and even, We can imply that someone is deliberately discrediting the film, which can maximize the sympathy and rebellion of the audience and lead more people into the theater."

Ronald Goldberg nodded approvingly after listening, and said, "Nick, you should come up with a detailed implementation plan as soon as possible, and I will ask New York to cooperate with it. Well, that's it for the time being, everyone go to work on their own." Go ahead. Remember, I'm going to see The Butterfly Effect increase to over 1700 screens this Friday."

It was originally a publicity strategy adjustment meeting. Peter Sanders was only called in because of his status as the vice president of production who was directly in charge of "The Butterfly Effect", and he did not express any opinions during the whole process.

Hearing Ronald announcing the end of the meeting, Peter Sanders also got up and was about to leave with the crowd, but was stopped by Ronald Goldberg.

"Peter, the next promotion of "The Butterfly Effect" still needs the cooperation of Simon Westeros, you are in charge of contacting this matter. In addition, I remember that Daenerys Films is still preparing a romance film, and you have to re-let it Someone do an assessment report for me."

Peter Sanders nodded in agreement. When Ronald Goldberg left, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was only nine o'clock in the morning.

at the same time.

With the start of a new working week, the box office data of the second weekend of "The Butterfly Effect" also spread rapidly throughout Hollywood,

Compared with the trackable box office curve of "Run Lola Run" at the beginning, the box office of "Butterfly Effect" in the second weekend surprised too many people. It was not until the internal report of Fox gradually spread that many people finally believed it. this fact.

$2169 million in the first week and $1185 million in the second weekend.

In just ten days, the total box office of "Butterfly Effect" has reached 3355 million US dollars.There is no doubt that even if it fails to break through [-] million in the end, this movie will definitely be able to squeeze into the top ten of the annual box office list.

Thinking of this, many people suddenly became alarmed.

Counting "Run Lola Run" which is still in theaters, a young man who has not made his mark in Hollywood for less than a year has already created two films that are enough to squeeze into the top ten annual box office charts in North America without knowing it.

Even Steven Spielberg has never created such a miracle.

Realizing this, Daenerys Films, which is located in an office building in Santa Monica, suddenly once again attracted the attention of the entire Hollywood.

In Hollywood, one success is considered accidental, but two successes are enough to prove too many things.Now, since two miracles have been created, Simon Westeros' good luck may not stop abruptly.

Daenerys Films headquarters.

The time is already afternoon.

Simon's office is welcoming a heavyweight visitor, CAA president, Michael Ovitz.

Due to the internal turmoil of WMA last year, CAA took the opportunity to poach a large number of top stars. With this company and its mature packaging operation mechanism, Michael Ovitz is definitely one of the most powerful people in Hollywood at this time.

However, on the other hand, Michael Ovitz is an extremely low-key person.

In my memory, it was not until the end of the 80s, when CAA became more and more powerful, that Michael Ovitz, the "giant crocodile" hidden in Hollywood, finally surfaced after the media spared no effort to dig out, and he reached the top many times in a row "Premiere" magazine Hollywood power list No.1 position.

On the sofa in the reception area, Simon and Ovitz sat opposite each other.

Michael Ovitz has an easy-going temperament that makes people feel close, but his words are straightforward, saying: "Simon, these days, you have already asked John Travolta, Robert Redford, Meg Ryan and many other clients have sent invitations to cooperate. So, in order to make our cooperation easier, how about joining CAA?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Simon felt the strong desire to control the CAA boss.

However, he just shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Sorry, Michael, I already have an agent. Moreover, even if I join CAA, I will not sign a share contract with you."

"Of course, our company is actually very flexible in this regard. Spielberg is also our client, and we signed a fixed salary contract with him," Michael Ovitz also showed a smile, and at the end he seemed to have some ideas. Pointingly added: "Same as you in WMA."

"In this case," Simon shrugged and said, "Michael, you should know that I would never terminate the contract with Joe easily. If it wasn't for him, I might still be a cashier in a supermarket. So, we still Let’s talk about Bob’s pay.”

Michael Ovitz nodded, he didn't chase after you as rumored, or just didn't show it for the time being, he changed the subject very simply, and said: "Bob called me, he wants to be in your new A cameo in the movie. I read the script, and honestly, I don't think it's such a good choice. But you know, we're always going to do whatever the client wants. So, Simon, $100 million, Bob is definitely worth the price."

Chapter 099 Destined

Simon heard Michael Ovitz's conditions and replied: "Michael, Bob is indeed worth $100 million. However, "Pulp Fiction" is only a medium-budget production, so I can only give $50. Plus 5% of the North American box office net profit sharing. As for the sharing model, I don’t need to explain it anymore.”

The whole of Hollywood knows that Michael Ovitz is a detail-oriented, very scary kind.Since he is well aware of the CAA clients that Daenerys Films has contacted during this period, it is naturally impossible to be unaware of the net profit sharing rules of "Pulp Fiction".

As expected, Michael Ovitz didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Simon, if it was before today, Orion might have stuck the production budget of "Pulp Fiction" at $800 million. But now, they shouldn't mind adding more, no? ?"

Michael Ovitz apparently hasn't heard of the content of Simon's contract with Orion.

The base salary of $50 proposed by Simon still comes from the original budget of $800 million, and the funds he can use to select other actors in the future are only $150 million.

As for the additional 5% North American box office net profit sharing, it was Simon who temporarily won it from Orion in the morning.

Traditional Hollywood filmmakers generally have a very strong superstar worship, and Robert Redford's participation in "Pulp Fiction" is definitely something Orion can't wait for. The second weekend box office of "Butterfly Effect" also made Orion executives full of confidence in Simon again.

Therefore, Simon didn't waste too much time on this matter, and Mike Medova nodded in agreement.

In the face of Ovitz's doubts, Simon did not beat around the bush, shaking his head and said: "Michael, this involves a contract issue."

Although the sharing terms between Simon and Orion are kept secret, the contract of "Death is Coming" is well known, and Fox deliberately announced the original sharing terms as a gimmick.

When Michael Ovitz heard Simon's answer, he showed a clear expression on his face, but said again: "Simon, you want Bob to participate, but you are not willing to pay enough for the film. This is definitely not acceptable."

From being the named executive producer of "Run Lola" to the later Sundance Film Festival, Robert Redford helped Simon a lot.

Simon listened to Michael Ovitz's words implying a run, but he was not embarrassed, and said: "50 US dollars, plus 5% profit sharing, the value of this contract has a high probability of exceeding 100 million US dollars. I have already given The highest price I can offer, that's enough to prove my sincerity. If Bob can't be satisfied, then I can only say sorry. But a movie is a movie, Michael, this is the riskiest business in the world, we can't be willful And for."

Michael Ovitz listened to Simon's words, looked deeply at the young man in front of him, his expression seemed hesitant, but he still said: "Simon, I will pass on your conditions to Bob. In addition, Let’s talk about "When Harry Met Sally". Nora Ephron is also a client of CAA, but it’s a pity that you bought the script first. So, how about CAA’s sole agency for this project? You offered According to our own conditions, we are responsible for contacting the studio."

Simon shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, Michael, I have already received several calls today about "When Harry Met Sally", so Daenerys Pictures does not need CAA's help now."

"It's really a pity," Michael Ovitz also shook his head slightly, then stood up and said, "In this case, Simon, maybe I should leave."

Simon stood up and reached out to Michael Ovitz, saying, "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Michael, you are a legend in Hollywood."

Michael Ovitz shook hands with Simon readily, but did not turn around immediately, stood still and said, "Simon, to be honest, in order to let you join CAA, I did a very detailed investigation before I came, and even prepared to That's enough for us to talk about all afternoon."

Simon just smiled and said, "Then why did you leave so soon?"

Michael Ovitz did not hide it, and said: "Simon, I have already found out before I came that we are likely to be the same kind of people, but this did not make me shrink back. However, just now, I suddenly realized that we are destined will only become rivals."

The smile on Simon's face didn't diminish in the slightest, and he said, "Seriously, Michael, I just had the same feeling, and it's very strong."

Michael Ovitz also laughed, and asked with interest: "When?"

"You just said: We always try our best to meet all the requirements of customers," Simon replied, and asked, "What about you?"

"A movie is a movie, we can't be willful," Michael Ovitz repeated what Simon said just now, but immediately said: "However, Simon, your expectations may be difficult to achieve, filmmakers are very willful. "

Simon retorted: "Not in the big studio era."

Michael Ovitz: "The era of the big studio is history."

"History is always reincarnated. Therefore, people like to use the 'wheel of history' to describe the passage of time."

"Very interesting point of view," Michael Ovitz nodded with a smile, "Perhaps we can become friends in private."

"Of course, they will also be opponents at the same time."

"You have to understand, Simon, you are still very weak in front of CAA."

"If a lion wants to change history, it must find a bigger target. It can't use ants as opponents."

"Speaking of changing history, Ron and I thought the same way back then. Then, CAA was just established, and it was just the name of our small company, which attracted a lawsuit. It is a very profound lesson."

"Isn't this a threat?"

"Of course not. In terms of standpoint, we are actually salespersons, and you are consumers. It is absolutely stupid for a salesperson to threaten consumers."

Simon and Ovitz chatted like this, unconsciously feeling somewhat speculative.

However, each of them was actually very busy, and the two did not sit down again, and Michael Ovitz quickly said goodbye and left.After sending Michael Ovitz out of the company headquarters, Simon returned to his office, and Susan told Simon that Amy Pascal was already online.

Simon originally wanted Amy to handle this meeting, so that even if the negotiation fails, both parties will not be too embarrassed through the agent.However, Michael Ovitz hoped to talk to Simon in person, so he and Amy temporarily switched schedules.

Last Saturday, a secret drug test was conducted to confirm that Meg Ryan had not touched anything too incurable, and Simon signed a film contract with the other party. The salary of 30 US dollars also comes with an option contract. After "When Harry Met Sally", Meg Ryan must star in another Daenerys film.

Billy Crystal is Jonathan's client, and the contract has been confirmed earlier.As a well-known TV actor in the United States, Billy Crystal's first big-screen movie "Two Stars Chasing the Moon" starring last year was very good at the box office, so the salary is determined to be 300 million US dollars.

Then there's the director.

Rob Reiner.

This is the former director of "When Harry Met Sally". The details of the original film are perfect in all aspects, and Simon does not intend to change.The script has already been handed over to the other party. After several contacts, Rob Reiner also intends to direct. Amy went to discuss the contract with the other party's agent today.

Simon got on the phone with Amy, chatted for more than ten minutes, and leaned back on the leather chair behind the desk after picking up the line.

Rob Reiner is still a contract client of CAA, and the director's salary offered did not surprise Simon.

500 million US dollars.

In addition, the other party also asked to be the producer and insisted on a certain right of final cut.

After some negotiations, the remuneration has not changed. Amy successfully vetoed the other party's request for final editing rights, but Simon still needs to decide whether to agree with the other party as the producer.

Rob Reiner's films in recent years have been very successful.Last year's "Walking with Me" also won a North American box office of more than 5000 million US dollars. Simon has no objection to the salary. After discussing with Amy just now, he also agreed to the other party's request to be a producer.

Now, the pay of Rob Reiner and Billy Crystal is already 800 million US dollars. Although Meg Ryan takes the newcomer price, if she wants to invite the original "Princess Leia" Kelly Fisher is the female supporting role, and it is definitely impossible without 200 million.

It’s just that the online cost of the main creator has reached tens of millions. Under this kind of coffee position, the offline cost must also be guaranteed to be around 500 million US dollars.

As a result, the budget for "When Harry Met Sally" came directly to $1500 million.

In my memory, the North American box office of "When Harry Met Sally" was about 9000 million US dollars. Compared with the production cost, this is definitely a project that can bring huge profits to the film company.

Before today, Simon was still hesitating whether to invest in "When Harry Met Sally" himself.

That money in Simon's hands will not be available until November.

In November, New York is already winter.

In the original movie, the series of yellow leaves and colorful autumn scenery when Harry and Sally get along are simply fascinating, which is definitely a highlight of the film.

But if you wait until November, the first snow in New York may have already fallen, and it is definitely no longer possible to restore those beautiful shots.Without those scenes, "When Harry Met Sally" would definitely lose a lot of color.

It is also impossible for Simon to wait until next year.

Not to mention the contract with Nora Ephron, there will definitely be next year next year.

just now.

With the release of the next weekend's box office data for "Butterfly Effect", the stalemate was revived instantly.

Simon also has a very precise plan for "When Harry Met Sally".

PS: This chapter is yesterday.I originally wanted to write 4000 words, but found that 3000 words is just right.Anyway, moral integrity is exhausted, no more, no more.

Chapter 100 This Is My Mia

After Monday, under the strong force of Fox Films, in just a few days, the media trend of "The Butterfly Effect" has changed significantly.

Compared with media film reviews that emphasize subjective tendencies, ordinary people are obviously more susceptible to the influence of real data.

The box office in the first week was 2169 million US dollars.

A modest 17% drop the following weekend.

Average viewer rating of 7.7.

All of these undoubtedly show that the film quality of "The Butterfly Effect" is far from being as bad as critics criticized.Under the deliberate guidance of public opinion by Fox Films, the public gradually realized that the one-sided negative reviews of "The Butterfly Effect" were probably the result of someone deliberately smearing it.

A subsequent article in the News Corp.-owned New York Post further convinced many of this.

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