hunt hollywood

Page 48

Jennifer nodded, watched Susan walk away, and then smiled and talked to two eleven or twelve-year-old girls.Because parents are very good friends, we all know each other.

After waiting patiently for a while, Jennifer was drinking coffee and chatting with Susan when an elegant black-haired middle-aged man came down from upstairs. It was Robert Iger.

Seeing Jennifer, Robert Iger took two steps forward with a smile, gently hugged the girl who stood up, and said, "Jenny, what can I do for you to call me? Also, come back at this time and tell your father Mommy yet?"

"I'll go back later," Jennifer was a little embarrassed when she heard Robert Iger's question later, but she still said, "Bob, I hope you can do me a favor."

Having said that, Jennifer has already taken out a video tape from her backpack.

Seeing Jennifer's actions, Robert Iger's family was a little confused, so they just waited for her to continue talking.

Jennifer lifted the video tape in her hand, thought for a while, and asked, "Bob, is there a video recorder in your study?"

Robert Iger shook his head doubtfully.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Susan Iger roughly felt that she understood something, and said proactively: "Jenny, we have it in our bedroom, you can go there to see it."

Listening to Susan's tone, Jennifer realized that she must think that the video tape was some kind of shameful scandal. She quickly shook her head, pointed to the video recorder in the living room, and said with a smile, "You can also play it here."

Amanda, the youngest daughter of Robert Iger, immediately became interested when she heard that the video was going to be played. She stepped forward to grab the video tape from Jennifer and said, "I'll do it, I'll do it."

Both the Igers knew that Jennifer was a very measured girl. Seeing that she did not stop the younger daughter from snatching the videotape, they sat down on the sofa together, smiling and waiting to watch the contents of the videotape.

After a while, pressing the play button, Amanda stepped aside.

The first thing that appeared on the TV screen was a small stall selling all kinds of ornaments. The camera seemed a little careless, and someone next to him could be faintly heard talking, mixed with the sound of scattered guitars as if they were being adjusted.

Then, as a male voice said, 'Bumblebee, for Jenny', the lively and rapid guitar sound immediately flowed from Robert Iger's home theater with excellent sound effects.

Because at a certain moment in the beginning, everyone around was instantly quiet, and the guitar sound at this time appeared pure and clear, with a certain mysterious attraction.

Although she has replayed it countless times, Jennifer still has a little satisfaction on her face when she listens to the tune coming from the stereo.Robert Iger also raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Jennifer with some doubts in surprise.

Susan Iger even asked directly: "You played too hard, Jenny, who is this?"

Before Jennifer could answer, the camera on the TV screen had already turned around, and quickly aimed at a big boy holding an acoustic guitar.

The picture quality of the super [-]mm film is still good, so when a certain figure appeared in the lens, Susan Iger and the two little girls were still a little confused, but Robert Iger narrowed his eyes instantly.

Jennifer withdrew her attention from the TV screen, glanced at Robert Iger, noticed the change in his expression, and immediately became a little more confident.

The video tape is not long, only about 5 minutes.

However, when the crazy performance on the TV screen ended, Robert Iger's youngest daughter Amanda reacted from the surprise, and immediately exclaimed loudly: "It's so cool, Dad, I want to learn the guitar too. Also, Jenny , is this your boyfriend, can you let him teach me?"

As Amanda said so, Robert's eldest daughter Catherine also turned her head to look at her parents expectantly.

Susan Iger finally came to his senses at this time, but still felt a little unbelievable, and said, "This boy, it seems, should be that Simon Westeros, right?"

Jennifer nodded with a smile.

Robert Iger was already lost in thought.

This week, why are there so many media frantically chasing news about Simon Westeros?The reason is simple, because Simon has a strong social attention, which can lead to higher newspaper sales and TV ratings.

However, as the core of this incident, Simon Westeros has never directly responded to the heated discussions in the media, which has to be said to be a pity.

Correspondingly, whether it is a fan of "Run Lola Run" or an ordinary passer-by audience, due to Simon Westero's avoidance of the media, he is destined to be very interested in media information directly related to him.

Under such circumstances, such a video tape showing Simon Westeros' amazing guitar skills suddenly appeared, and it can just respond to many media questions about Simon Westeros during this period.

So, if it is broadcast on the TV network, what kind of effect will it have?

After thinking about it for a while, Robert Iger got up, walked over to take out the video tape himself, weighed it in his hand, then turned his head and looked over, and said, "Jenny, what do you want me to do?"

Jennifer also stood up, looked at Robert, with rare determination in her eyes, and said, "Tomorrow, "Good Morning America."

Chapter 083 The Reversal Begins

"Good Morning America" ​​is a morning news program on the ABC television network.As a profit-oriented commercial TV station, in order to pursue ratings, the content of "Good Morning America" ​​is not completely boring news broadcast, but very flexible.

In addition to the hot news of public concern, there are also a lot of anecdotes, celebrity interviews and even variety games in the program. Occasionally, big-name singers are invited to perform live on the street.

The weekend edition of "Good Morning America" ​​is just one hour long and airs on time at 7 a.m. in all time zones.

Inside an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Near seven o'clock, Jennifer Raybould tiptoed out of her room and went downstairs cautiously, but still found that her father, James Raybould, was already sitting in the living room reading a newspaper.

Shrinking her neck, Jennifer wanted to retreat quietly, but James Raybould had already noticed her daughter, and pointed to the opposite sofa without raising her head: "Jenny, come here."

"Daddy, good morning."

I had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​slipping away, say hello, and obediently walked over to sit opposite my father.After a little hesitation, Jennifer still picked up the remote control on the coffee table, turned on the TV in the living room, and tuned to the ABC channel.

James Raybould raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched his daughter's movements.

However, he suddenly thought of something. James looked at the already slim daughter opposite, but he didn't reprimand him. He just asked, "Why did you come back suddenly yesterday, and it was so late?"

Jennifer glanced at the TV screen, then turned to her father, and said, "I have something to do temporarily. I will arrive in New York at 05:30, and I will come back after finishing."

James Raybould waited for a moment, and seeing that his daughter did not continue to explain, he did not ask any further.

The little girl has grown up.

From Jennifer's insistence on going to Los Angeles to work instead of staying in the couple's New York firm, James Raybould realized that the control over his daughter these years was a bit too strict.Although they don't regret doing so, their daughter has grown up, and the Raybould couple also understand that it is time to let the child go on his own.

Thinking of this, James Raybould changed the subject and asked in a gentle tone: "I talked to Professor Robertson on the phone last week. He thinks your thesis is very good. Tell me about it."

Jennifer's attention turned to the TV screen again, and she was a little absent-minded when she heard the words: "Dad, today is Saturday, can we not talk about these things?"

Looking at his daughter, James Raybould suddenly felt a bit more understanding, and some discomfort from his father's instinct, and asked tentatively: "Jenny, are you in love?"

Jennifer froze for a moment, her face blushed inexplicably, but she shook her head, not looking into her father's eyes, and said, "Dad, no. I'm just, um, a little tired. Shall we watch TV?"

James Raybould smiled, put aside the newspaper in his hand, and said, "Okay, watch TV."

On the TV screen, "Good Morning America" ​​had already started, and after a few mainstream news, the screen shifted to a studio.

Looking at the large poster of "Run Lola Run" in the studio, Jennifer immediately lifted her spirits.

This was the result of her persistent insistence yesterday, and she officially signed a contract for this.

Although the content of that videotape belongs to that guy, the copyright is in her hands.If it was someone else, with such a video tape, it would definitely not be too much to ask the TV network for a price of one hundred thousand dollars.Therefore, the only condition she made to Robert Iger and ABC is that it must be broadcast on "Good Morning America" ​​this morning, otherwise she will contact other stations.

James Raybould noticed the content on the TV screen and his daughter's reaction, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

It turned out that it wasn't love anymore, it was star chasing.

However, James still said: "Is this the work of Simon Westeros? The recent controversy is not small."

Jennifer couldn't help retorting: "Dad, can't you see that the news is manipulated? They just don't want the box office of "Run Lola Run" to be too high."

James Raybould smiled and did not argue with his daughter, and also focused on the TV screen.

In the studio, Charles Gibson, the host of "Good Morning America", sat on the sofa on one side and gestured behind him with a smile, saying to the audience: "Seeing this poster, everyone must have guessed our topic today. .However, I still have to say that you are absolutely wrong.”

Amidst the doubts of the crowd, Charles Gibson briefly introduced: "As we all know, "Run Lola Run" directed by the young Hollywood director Simon Westero has recently caused a series of controversies and doubts. Many people doubt that such an 18-year-old It is impossible for a young boy to have the ability to complete such an excellent movie. We will not comment on it for the time being. Yesterday, our program team suddenly received a video tape. After seeing the video tape, we were surprised and we started to go crazy Called a lot of singers: Hey, friend, do you need a guitarist? Finally, a singer replied: OK, let me see how he plays first. Then, she came to our studio today. "

Charles Gibson stood up and said, "Welcome, Madonna."

Amid the applause at the scene, Madonna, wearing a jacket, tight leather pants, and high heels, came out from the backstage, hugged Charles Gibson gently, and then sat down on the sofa on the other side, and couldn't help but look at the "Run Lola Run" behind her. " poster, looking very curious.

In front of the TV, Jennifer frowned slightly when she saw Madonna appear. She didn't like this singer with a high public image very much, and she was also a little dissatisfied with this arrangement of ABC.

However, Jennifer also knew that she couldn't ask for too much.

On the TV screen, after a few simple greetings, Charles Gibson asked Madonna: "Maggie, before recommending our guitarist to you, I would like to ask, have you seen "Run Lola Run"? "

Madonna nodded decisively: "Of course, this movie is really cool. It's a pity that I've been too busy recently, and I haven't met the little guy who is said to be directing this movie."

Listening to Madonna's answer, Charles Gibson smiled and said, "So, Maggie, you also have some doubts that "Run Lola Run" was not filmed by Simon Westeros?"

"I just think it's unbelievable. He's the one after all," Madonna said, and she finally came to a realization, and said, "Charles, the guitarist you want to recommend to me, isn't it Simon Westeros?"

Charles Gibson smiled without saying a word, just raised his hand and gestured behind him, and said, "Then, let's watch a video first."

Most of the lights in the studio were dimmed, and a beam of light from a projector on the ceiling projected onto the big screen behind the studio.It still started with the careless shot in front of the handicraft stall, but ABC temporarily subtitled several passages of voice-over, and the audience could clearly distinguish the dialogues such as "little boy..." and "Flight of the Bumble Bee" for Jenny.

Immediately, the pouring out of the guitar made everyone feel like a wasp swooping down for an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned, and due to the enlarged image, the clarity was inevitably affected.However, under the foreshadowing of the topic just now, everyone recognized the identity of the guitarist immediately: Simon Westeros.

In the sound system of the studio, the crazier and faster notes continued. Even people who don't understand music at all can definitely feel the guitar skills of a certain guy who can be called a master.

At the same time, the camera swept across the audience in the studio, and almost everyone opened their mouths slightly with a look of surprise on their faces.

Madonna, who was just turning her head to watch the screen, unconsciously turned around and sat on the sofa, with a small hand on her chin, obviously trying not to stick it into her mouth. As Simon's playing on the screen became more and more Crazy, Madonna's mouth is also obviously silently repeating 'it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable'.

Five minutes later, when the video ended, the studio scene almost immediately recalled uniform applause.Madonna even clapped her hands regardless of her image, shouting: "What a crazy boy!!!"

at the same time.

In front of countless TVs, seeing Simon's amazing guitar solo on the screen, many people also couldn't help but express all kinds of admiration.

"It's so cool."

"Is this really something humans can do?"

"I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful. Those media have been talking nonsense recently."

"Mom, I want to learn guitar too."

"I've known for a long time that those who attacked Simon recently were maliciously smearing. I must watch "Run Lola Run" again today."

"Maybe it would be nice to see that 'Run Lola Run' show today."


"Sure enough, a madman, a cool madman."



Although it is a rest day that everyone generally does not get up early.However, as a national TV network, ABC still has a very large audience base. In addition, there are too many news related to "Run Lola Run" around me recently. The video about Simon on "Good Morning America" ​​is still very fast. aroused great repercussions. .

seeing is believing.

Seeing Simon Westero's crazy guitar performance in the video, many people immediately questioned the media's views during this period: You said that this boy lacks musical skills, and it is impossible to complete "Lola Fast" by himself. Run" soundtrack.Now, who dares to say that, if you have the ability, you can play "Flight of the Bumble Bee" again.

Since the accusations against Simon Westeros in this regard are false.So, what about other aspects?

Although this is an era without the Internet, relatively speaking, interpersonal communication has become more frequent because of this, but in the next few hours, many people completely fell to Simon's side because of this video.

Los Angeles.

ABC did not inform Simon of the content of today's program in advance, but with the broadcast of "Good Morning America", Simon and many people around him still got the news immediately.

It was less than seven o'clock in the morning on the west coast, and everyone gathered again in the mansion in Palisades.

However, what made Simon dumbfounded the most was the fax of a handwritten note from New York handed over to him by Jonathan Friedman who rushed over. There was only one sentence on it: Boy, you owe me once.

Signed is Madonna.

This is too good at taking advantage of loopholes.Your Lady Queen, have we met?

Chapter 084

The turning point of many things in the world often comes from some unintentional little things.

After a week of exhausting coping, although he succeeded in turning the tide of public opinion into a muddy water, Simon understood that the clarifications to be made on NBC's "Tonight Show" would not allow him to completely get rid of doubts, and it would take time to come to the conclusion. Water down the matter.

However, a video that popped up on ABC turned the whole thing around pretty drastically.

The previous doubts basically focused on whether Simon has professional capabilities such as photography, editing, and soundtrack.But after watching that video, anyone with a little independent thinking ability no longer doubts Simon's personal skills in music.

Obviously, how can Simon, a guitarist who has almost entered the room, fail to complete the soundtrack of a mere movie.

Now that Simon can complete the soundtrack, he can naturally complete photography and editing, which should be easier for ordinary people.So, is there any doubt that "Run Lola Run" will eventually be produced?

Of course, doubts will naturally not be so easily silenced.

It was soon pointed out that Janet Johnston and Catherine Bigelow were apparently present in the ABC video, and that Simon Westeros was using a collector's edition that should be worth around $1000. Gibson acoustic guitar.

These details are enough to prove that the video is likely to have just been staged recently, rather than the video of Simon Westeros performing in Venice Beach before his fortune.

For obvious reasons.

A penniless poor boy, where can he get an expensive brand guitar to sell himself!

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