Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 29 2 Rules of Potions Class


As the sky gradually darkened, Lin Tianlang packed up the items he wanted to take back and walked out of the gate of Shenglun Academy. As soon as I walked out of the gate, my cell phone, which had no service just now, immediately received a signal. There were also many vehicles parked on the road in front of the school gate. After staying in a different world for five days, as soon as I returned to this place full of human fireworks, I felt a sense of familiarity.

"Although magic is great, it still needs modern elements." Lin Tianlang said with emotion as he looked at the sunset in the west.

"Yes, but I heard that the magic world is a completely different scene. I really want to see it." Next to Lin Sirius, Xu Weiwei said. She and Lin Tianlang were going home on the way, so naturally they followed Lin Tianlang. Lin Tianlang didn't mind having multiple people accompanying him on the way to school, it was better than being alone. But suddenly remembering Carion's declaration just now, Lin Tianlang suddenly became curious about Xu Weiwei. This girl... seems to have no flaws in this regard.

Although she had gotten along well with many boys in high school, she had never heard of Xu Weiwei explicitly stating that she liked someone. In the eyes of his high school classmates, Xu Weiwei had the closest relationship with him, but in Lin Tianlang's own eyes, he knew very well that Xu Weiwei should simply regard her as her best friend. To put it mildly, she did not treat him as her best friend. Watch as a boy.

"Suddenly I'm curious about what it would be like for this guy to fall in love." Lin Tianlang thought in his heart. As for himself, he sighed. For eighteen years, he has always retained his virginity. Whether it was his first love, first kiss or first hand-holding, he has not given out any of the many firsts. He has been solo until now. Although Carlion's declaration just now was very bold, Lin Tianlang actually quite agreed with it.

I really want a girlfriend too...

"Hey, where did the wandering spirit go?" Xu Weiwei's dissatisfied voice rang out and she waved her hand in front of Lin Tianlang.

"Ah, what's wrong?" Lin Tianlang came back to his senses.

"Did you listen to what I just said?" Xu Weiwei said angrily.

"Well, it didn't enter my mind and ran out of my right ear. Could you please say it again."

"Humph, I really wasn't listening..." Xu Weiwei crossed her arms and rolled her eyes: "I just said that others told me that the scene in the magical world is completely different from the human world. I really want to go there and see it."

"Magic world? Isn't our school already in the magic world?" Lin Sirius asked.

"The school is only a small part of it. I am referring to the big world of magic. I heard that it is a completely different environment from the human world." Xu Weiwei said with longing in her eyes.

"Magic are we going to get there?"

"We came out from the north gate, which is connected to the human world. If you want to enter the magic world, you have to go through the east gate. Didn't you see that many students go to the east gate after school? Those are the locals in the magic world. Student." Xu Weiwei said.

The two came to the subway station and took the subway back to the city center they were familiar with. After getting off the subway, the two parted ways at the gate of the community. When he got home, the first thing Lin Sirius did was to charge his phone, then turn on his computer and play a few games. I haven’t touched any electronic products for five days, so I have to make up for it tonight.

Ten minutes after going online, the account belonging to Xu Weiwei at the top of the friends column sent him a team invitation. Lin Tianlang raised his eyebrows, clicked to accept, and then connected the team voice.

"Moxi Moxi? Hey, I'm here to take the initiative to help you improve your scores. Don't you feel honored? You don't need to be paid?" Xu Weiwei's pleasant voice came from the earphones. Having a friend of the opposite sex who you can play games with will make many people envious, right? Lin Tianlang thought to himself. Although Xu Weiwei is not a candidate for his girlfriend for the time being, she is actually very good as a friend.

"It's an honor. I'm seated, let's start the train!" Lin Tianlang said.

The two finally had a great time playing together for three hours, which ended at ten o'clock in the evening.

The next day, Saturday, Lin Tianlang followed Xu Weiwei's agreement and went to the arcade with her to play all day long, from nine in the morning to six in the afternoon. Lunch is for two people to eat together, AA system. In this regard, Xu Weiwei has never asked Lin Tianlang to treat him. Unless someone is treating someone to dinner for the purpose of repaying a debt, it will be shared equally.

Overall, I had a good time on Saturday. When I was exchanging game currency, I was misunderstood by the staff as a couple. Lin Tianlang was extremely embarrassed and kept denying it, saying that they were just good friends. Xu Weiwei, on the other hand, deliberately didn't say a word. It seemed that she wanted to tease someone again.

On Sunday, Lin Tianlang was at home alone, doing homework. There are homeworks to be done in the magic literature class and the history of magic class. Of course, there is also the spell homework "Unlocking Spell" assigned by the Charms class. Lin Sirius felt that this spell was simpler than the "Floating Curse" he learned on Tuesday, but the spell was a bit difficult to recite, but the magic power was fairly easy to control. It only took Lin Sirius an hour to become familiar with this spell. He tried to lock the door and then use the unlocking spell to unlock it. Watching the door lock slowly open under the influence of magic, Lin Tianlang once again sighed at the magic of magic.

At noon, I called my parents and reported on the situation at school. Of course, you can't talk about magic, so when answering what he studied in school, Lin Tianlang casually mentioned management.

Then it was Monday again. Back at the Magic Academy, Lin Tianlang began his new week of magic practice.

The learning content of this week is similar to that of the first week. It still focuses on learning the basic theory of magic, as well as spells, magic biology, history of magic, magic texts and magic application classes. Except for the boring magic theory class, the other subjects were pretty good.

After just two weeks of experience, Lin Tianlang's favorite class must be the magic class. Charms classes are held twice a week, and both times are two-hour sessions. This week, Lin Tianlang learned a new spell called "Thought Control Technique", which can control objects through thoughts. After reciting the spell, Lin Tianlang tried to control the textbook to hit someone remotely, and the target was Carlion. The latter was beaten around by his moving textbook, and finally became so angry that he used telekinesis to control a big book to fight back.

Later, Leia and Xu Weiwei, who found it interesting, also joined the battle, and the scene suddenly became a chaotic battle between four people. Later, Momo and Morrisa were also involved, and even Aniya was not immune and was dragged into the water by Momo. Everyone tacitly changed from fighting individually to fighting in a camp, with Lin Sirius, Aniya, Momo and Leia fighting against Xu Weiwei, Carlion and Morissa.

Teacher Dumela didn't stop it at first. It wasn't until more and more people who found it interesting joined the group and the situation became more intense that he had to step forward and stop everyone.

During this week, Lin Tianlang's greatest effort was to learn to control his magic power. His situation is almost unique. Others actually have very little natural magic power, and there is not much magic power they can control, so there is basically no loss of control. Lin Tianlang was different. Whenever he came to a magic class that required the use of magic power, there would basically be some problems with uncontrolled magic power every time.

For this reason, Teacher Du Meila also stayed with Lin Tianlang twice to teach him the method of controlling magic power alone. After many days of hard work, Lin Tianlang finally had much better control over his magic power.

On the weekend of the second week, when I got home, I found that my parents had also returned home from out of town. The two of them asked Lin Sirius with concern about his feelings during the first two weeks of school. The latter told half of the story and did not tell the other half. He basically told everything about his daily life, and the content of the class was almost entirely made up. There is no way, you can't tell them that you are learning magic, right? If it was true, it would be a trivial matter if the two of them didn't believe him. It would be funny if they thought Lin Tianlang was crazy and threw him into the hospital.

The following three and fourth weeks were spent like this. As the time together grew longer, Lin Tianlang basically no longer suffered from any discrimination as a human being. Except for Luka, he would occasionally express some disdain for Lin Tianlang. speech. This person's discrimination against the human race is probably deep-rooted. It is difficult to correct his thoughts. Lin Tianlang is too lazy to care and just ignores him.

Apart from that, there is nothing else going on, and life in the Magic Academy is pretty stable. It wasn't until one month after school started that their class schedule changed. I joined a new class, the Potions class, and then naturally met a new teacher: Fran Griffin, who taught Potions.

"Listen, there are some rules in my class that I must explain to you in advance-" Griffin stood on the podium and said in a long voice. He was tall and thin, Lin Sirius estimated to be 1.85 meters tall. He was wearing a black robe and looked very oppressive. The Potions class is held in a special Potions classroom with many tables. There are crucibles, crucible tongs, test tubes, Erlenmeyer flasks and other objects on the tables, which is somewhat similar to the configuration of a chemistry laboratory.

"First point, in my class, you are not allowed to whisper or speak casually without my consent. You are not allowed to interrupt when I am speaking. Even if you raise your hand, I will not answer your stupid questions. Stopped because of the question." Griffin said slowly. His whole person looked like a standard, arrogant, and extremely arrogant image of a god.

"Second, my classes do not allow unexcused absences. If anyone is absent from class and I find out... hahaha, the consequences will be serious." Griffin sneered, his smile a little sinister. Although he was telling everyone not to miss class, his expression conveyed it. What he means is that he hopes everyone will do this so that he can punish them.

"Finally, I have to let you understand that refining potions is a superb craft and an art. I don't expect to train all of you to become masters of alchemy, but I hope that you will go out of school in the future. When dealing with some emergencies, you can rely on the knowledge you have learned in potions class to refine one or two doses of potions to meet unexpected needs..."

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