Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 27 Dawn of Victory


That's pretty much it, right? Lin Tianlang hid his figure and thought to himself. He was hiding in a bush about fifty meters southwest of Momo. The bush was big enough to hide the figure of a boy. His whole body got inside. It was a little stuffy inside, and there was also the smell of some shrub leaves, and even some ants. But these things are bearable in order not to get caught.

Another advantage of this position is that the location of the arrester is also very clear. Looking through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the bush, one can see Momo's every move. Lin Sirius can see clearly where she will go later.

"One hundred and fifty! One hundred and fifty-one! One hundred and fifty-two..." Momo was still counting with her head covered, and her counting voice was very loud.

Yo West! Now, take a look where everyone else is?

After hiding himself, Lin Tianlang began to search for the locations of other hiders. The first thing I saw at first sight was Karion. This guy was really big-hearted, and he was actually hiding behind a tree behind Momo! This position has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it has a wide field of vision and can completely grasp the movements of the captor, and then adjust its position in a timely manner to hide in places she would never expect. As for the disadvantage, it is that you are too close to the captor and can be easily exposed. All in all, this is a hiding place that only an expert can master.

Sirius shook his head. He didn't think it was a wise choice for Calyon to hide there. Following the move of the captor and always hiding in places where the captor would never expect sounds wonderful, but in the game of hide-and-seek, the more times you move, the easier it is to reveal flaws, and it is very likely that you will be caught while you are moving. The captors who turned around caught him alive. To be honest, it was better to find a good enough hiding place from the beginning and then lurk there without moving.

Continuing to search for others, Lin Sirius saw the elf sisters hiding in a corner. To be honest, this position was not as good as the one in Carleon. Although the latter was easy to be exposed, it was at least easy to move. The position of the two sisters was, first of all, a must-go place for the captors to search for, and secondly, it was difficult to move to other places. They were basically a place where they were waiting to die.

Looking for other people, Leia was well hidden and Sirius couldn't find him at all. Xu Weiwei, on the other hand, was even more daring and stood directly among the crowd at the edge of the atrium near the event venue. It can be said that her position is not hidden at all. She is standing there openly. However, there are many other students next to her. There are so many people and it is difficult to spot her just by looking at her. It's just that her long silver-white hair was too familiar to Lin Tianlang, so he was suspicious at first glance, and then he discovered the girl's location at second glance.

This girl is really brave. Lin Tianlang thought to himself. This kind of hiding technique exploits the psychology of the person who catches the person. Normal people's logic for hide-and-seek is to find a place to hide. Most people who stand up generously like this will not be participants in the game. Taking advantage of this psychology, when the arrester looks in the direction of Xu Weiwei, it is easy for other people to attract his attention, so he comes to the conclusion "Oh, the person over there has nothing to do with the game" and subconsciously ignores Xu Weiwei's existence. This trick also has advantages and disadvantages. For those who are very careful, this trick is not only difficult to use, but is equivalent to direct exposure.

Looking again, there is one last person. Lin Tianlang fully used his eyes, but Aniya could not be found anywhere. This girl was originally short in stature and was very suitable for hiding. It seemed that she made full use of her stature and disappeared directly on the spot.

"One hundred and ninety-eight! One hundred and ninety-nine...two hundred!! The count is over!!" Momo shouted and opened her eyes, and then immediately looked around alertly. Of course it would be impossible to find someone so easily at first glance, and it would be boring if it were so easy.

"I'm here to catch you~~~Just wait for me~~~~" Momo sang, and then started to act.

Come on, it seems I have to hide my aura too! Lin Tianlang said to himself. Xu Weiwei, who was standing on the edge between the atrium and the court, was waving and cheering. It seemed that she really regarded herself as a member of the team watching the game. He was really a scary guy with the ability to directly integrate into other environments.

"Hey hey hey, where are they all hiding? First, let's catch little Ani who looks like a fool and sacrifice her to heaven~~~" Momo chuckled, seemingly not letting Aniya go at all. In the eyes.

Girl, if you think so, I can only say that you have met a master. Lin Tianlang thought to himself that even he, the hider, didn't find Aniya, who was also a hider. It was obviously more difficult for Momo, who had lost her vision for two hundred seconds, to find Aniya.

Momo was walking around, searching every corner of the atrium. Carlion started to take action, and just as Lin Sirius predicted, he planned to cooperate with Momo in moving. Momo quickly found the big tree where Kalion was hiding at the beginning, but now Kalion was obviously no longer there. He had changed his position to behind a bench, about a stone's throw away from Momo. A distance of about twenty meters.

"You are awesome." Lin Tianlang smiled and shook his head, he could only hope that Carion would not be caught.

"Hmph, it seems that everyone is serious, it doesn't seem that easy...ahhh! Catch one!!" Momo was approaching the corner where the elf sisters were hiding, and the blond girl with sudden long hair suddenly emerged from Someone ran out from behind the wall, causing Momo to yell.

"Haha! Stop, don't run!" Momo shouted happily. The girl with long blond hair stood helplessly. After all, the rule of hide-and-seek is that you lose if you are found, not if you are caught in a physical sense.

"Hehe, running in such a hurry, could it be a bait? If so, then the other one is here...ahhhh! Caught again!!" Momo ran over happily and grabbed the girl with short blond hair. come out.

"Hmm... why didn't it work?" The elf sisters were all caught in one fell swoop. It seemed that their bait tactics were not effective on Momo.

"Hehe, I told you, I'm very powerful. So according to the rules, you are also the arresters now, let's go arrest others together!" Momo said proudly, and let her do it less than ten minutes after the start. Caught two, this is definitely a bad start for the catcher.

"Okay." The elf sisters said helplessly, and then spread out to find others.

The number of arresters suddenly increased to three, and the pressure on the hiders suddenly came. Lin Sirius saw that Caerion suddenly seemed to be under great pressure. It was easy to hide from one person by changing positions, but it was too difficult to hide from three people at the same time. His disadvantage of not choosing a good hiding place at the beginning was now fully revealed. Lin Sirius was obviously a little panicked when he saw Carion's expression, and he didn't know where to hide.

Finally, after five minutes of maneuvering, Carlion was caught. But he didn't die unjustly. After all, Momo and the elf sisters went in his direction at the same time. There were almost no blind spots in the sight of the three people, blocking all of Carleon's transfer routes. The latter had no choice but to The next one can only be caught.

"Hey, hey, I caught another one~~~~" Momo said happily.

"This infection mode is too difficult to hide. If three people come to catch him, there will be no place to go!" Carlion said unconvinced.

"Hahaha, no matter what, classmate Karion, now you have become a member of the arresting team, let's catch all the other 'rats' together!" Momo said with a smile.

"Humph, of course, I can't live, and it's useless for others to live!!!" Carlion suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

The game continued, and the headcount ratio suddenly reached four to four. The hiders no longer had the numerical advantage. With the increase in the number of arresters, it was only a matter of time before the other four, including Lin Sirius, were caught. .

It looks like the game will be over soon. Lin Sirius thought to himself that the girl with long blond hair was standing next to the bush where he was hiding, less than three meters away from him. But the girl didn't seem to pay any attention to the bush next to her, and just kept looking at it from a distance. However, Lin Tianlang didn't dare to take it lightly. He didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that he would be discovered if he made any noise.

After another ten minutes, under the joint search of the four people, Leia was also captured. This guy took advantage of his body and climbed up a tree. No wonder Lin Tianlang couldn't find him before. If Momo hadn't looked up at the place where he was hiding, he might never have been discovered.

"Hahaha, I got caught." Leia said with a relaxed face, not showing any disappointment at being caught.

"Hoo ho, you're hiding high enough, classmate Leia. I was just wondering if someone would climb the tree, and it turned out there was." Momo said with a puffed face, but she was still very happy to catch another one. people.

There are only three left, and nearly half of the game time has passed. The time set by everyone is one hour. If no one is caught within an hour, the remaining hider who has not been caught will win. On the other hand, if they are all caught, the person who caught them wins. However, those who are caught need not be too discouraged, because they have a second chance to win after being "infected", which is to assist the captors in catching all the hiders. They will only truly lose if they are caught, but there are still other hiders who win.

Time passed little by little, and the game was over in fifteen minutes. After capturing Leia, the five members of the arresting team made no progress. The other three hiders had no clue, and one and two heads were a bit too big.

"If this continues, there is a chance to win..." Lin Tianlang thought to himself, his desire for victory became stronger and stronger, and his desire to win became stronger and stronger.

Madhu, who was originally an ordinary hide-and-seek, actually aroused the desire to win and lose!

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