HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 24: Ravenclaw Common Room


"With the school song being sung, let us begin feasting!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

The moment he finished speaking, food appeared on the long tables of the four houses with a distinct crack. Looking down at the table, I look at the food with intrigue. Many of the dishes I've never seen before, and I don't know where to start.

"Meowser, what looks good?" I asked.


"Right, and you Luna, what do you recommend?"

"The Nargles have not touched these two." She pointed at a dish of mashed potatoes and a weird mixture of meat presented as a meal. 

"What are Nargles?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Mischievous things." She replied with the most serious tone I've heard so far.

"What do they look like?" 

"Little red blobs, you can hear them chuckling from time to time."

"Well, I'll keep an eye out for them then."

Taking a mental note to look into Nargles, I grab the two dishes she pointed out and put some on my plate. Done with serving myself, I go to put the dishes back before Luna stops me, grabbing the two dishes and putting some on her plate as well.

'Right, she would want that too.'

Mentally face-palming, I begin to mix the meat and mashed potatoes together before taking a bite. 

'Damn, this is strangely good.'

Looking at Luna, she has also taken a bite before widening her eyes in surprise. It seems as though she also didn't expect it to taste as good as it does. Finishing up the meal, I hear glass being tapped and look towards the source of the noise, which was Dumbledore again.

"Thank you all for such a good feast. The house prefects shall lead the first years to their house rooms, everyone else can leave as you like." 

After saying that, the great hall burst into loud chatter, with some prefects shouting for their houses to follow them.

"Ravenclaw first years! Follow me!" Shouted a woman.

Getting up from the table, I look for Meowser, to see if he has escaped yet. Looking at him trapped in Luna's arms, I sigh and walk towards the voice shouting for the Ravenclaw's first years.

"Are we all here? Perfect, Follow me."

Saying that she led us outside of the great hall behind the other first-year groups in the other houses, before breaking off and going up a flight of stairs.

"Be careful with these stairs, they move and some of them are fake. You'll learn to tell the difference pretty fast. The Ravenclaw common room is located on the fifth floor of Hogwarts before you climb up the staircase located around this corner."

Leading us to what can only be described as a tube with stairs lining the walls, she motions us to climb to the top of the stairs. Out of breath, we come to a stop before a door with an animated bronze eagle mounted on the front of it. 

"This is the Ravenclaw's knocker. It will ask you a question or a riddle and you must answer it to enter the room." 

Walking up to the bronze eagle, she stares at it, waiting for the knocker to ask a question. As if sensing someone walking up to it, the bronze eagle asks a question.

"What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?"

Upon hearing the knocker's riddle, the Prefect turns towards us, encouraging us to answer. Seeing no one walking up to it to answer, I decided to take my chances and walk up to it. Looking directly at the Eagle, I say nothing.


The Eagle retracted its wings, letting the door open to show the Ravenclaw Common Room. The Common room was sparsely populated, with few students talking to each other. Instead, there was a miniature library located on the left, where most students are currently either reading or doing what I presume to be homework. Situated in the centre of the room is a statue of a woman, with text inscribed at the bottom of the plaque.

'Lady Rowena Ravenclaw,

One of the four founders of Hogwarts.'

"Alright first years, here are your timetables. The dorms are off to the right, the boys' dorms are on the right, and the girls are on the left. The bathrooms are in each of your dorms specifically. Here are your timetables for the rest of your first year. I recommend going around and exploring the castle tomorrow morning so you know where your classes are. If you have any questions come up to me or go to Professor Flitwick, who is the head of Ravenclaw. Have fun."

After dumping a load of information on us, she runs out of the common room through the entrance. Looking at the timetable she has given us, I notice an abundance of free time each day, and breakfast goes from 730am to 9am, which is truly generous.

"Luna, Im going to wake up early tomorrow morning. Breakfast is at 730am, I'll wait for you there until 8."

"Ok, I'll be there."

"Cool, can I have Meowser back?"


"Uh, ok, take good care of her."


'Just accept your fate at this point.'

Looking towards Meowser, I feel no remorse. Saying goodnight to Luna, I walk towards the boys' dormitories and ask one of the nearby students how to find my own dorm room.

"Oh, your names are on the nameplate out front of the room."

Looking towards the doors a little more closely, I facepalm.


Walking along the corridor, I find the room with my name on it, along with two other people's names on it. Opening the door, I am greeted by two people laying on their beds, reading books. Opening the door seemed to have disrupted them, as they put their books down and turn their attention to me.

"So you are the last roommate, huh?" Asked a boy with brown hair and eyes, dressed in a nightgown.

"Uh, yes, my name is Zane."

"Mine is Klein." Said the boy with brown hair and eyes.

"I'm Palius," said the other person in the room, with black hair and eyes dressed also in a nightgown.

"Don't worry about Palius, he is a man of few words."

"Fair enough."

"Just some advice since it looks like you are new to the Wizard World, you might wanna keep a distance from Luna. She has a bit of a bad reputation for being delirious."

"Delirious? She seemed pretty normal to me."

"...I see. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight"

Klein suddenly ended the conversation, while Palius just stared at me before returning his attention back to the book he is reading. Deciding to ignore this, I go up to my trunk and take out my pyjamas before putting them on. Snuggling into the bed, I remark at how soft it is, maybe perhaps magically fluffed. Eager for what tomorrow holds, I drift off into sleep.


Author Corner

Sorry about the delay between chapters, I managed to make some free time today to write out a chapter but please don't expect daily updates anymore. Maybe in like 6 weeks when my exams are done I can pick up the pace. Writing a chapter takes like 2-3 hours, which is just mostly me researching to see if i got any of the facts wrong.

I didn't receive any negative feedback regarding the author corner so it stays.

What I did receive feedback for was how limited the MC's knowledge of Harry potter is. I really didn't just want to hand over what happens on the story on a silver platter to the MC. That's boring, however I can find a way to implement more knowledge of Harry Potter into the MC, so I will make a poll.

Comment here for keeping the level of HP knowledge limited and to have zane figure out the plot for himself.

Comment here for Zane to just know whats going to happen. Please note that this will probably change the story dramatically so think it over before voting for this option.

For my scribblehub fellows' I have made a poll with three options, If you don't want any of the 3 just comment your suggestion below.

Of course, If i don't want to change the story I will let you know in the next chapter. I feel like there are simply too many stories that have their MC's know it all and dedicate their entire fucking lives to stopping Voldemort at the cost of literally everything that they have in their lives, or it barely works out and you are left thinking why the Mc even bothered since he knows the plot and it will sort itself out even if he has to flee Britain for abit.

Oh yea, I'm testing swearing in this chapter since a comment said FF's can swear. 

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