HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 21 – On the Hogwarts Express

"Zane! Wake up!"

Hearing a voice from outside my room, I decide to ignore it, for it is too early for a Tuesday.

"Zane! I know you are awake, today is when you go to Hogwarts."

Slamming my eyelids open, I jump out of bed and throw on the clothes I picked out last night. Putting my wand holster on, I open the door in record time. 

"I'm ready." 

My mother gives me an amused look, before pointing toward the bathroom.

"Go wash up, we are leaving soon."

Nodding, I walk to the bathroom and do my hygiene routine, something I intend to let magic do in the future. Finishing up, I rinse my mouth and walk out of the bathroom, up to my parents waiting at the front door for me.

"How will we be getting to Hogwarts?"

"We are taking you to the train station, where you will go by train." My dad responded.

"Train? To a magical school?" I asked.

"Don't ask." My father sounded defeated.

"Well alright, you two, let's get going. Don't want to be late now, do we?" My mother reminded us.

"Have you got your trunk, and Meowser is with you?"

"Yes mum, I'll send you an owl if I'm missing anything."

Seeing me reaffirm that I've gotten everything, she leads us out to the street, before grabbing her wand, and pointing it up into the air.


Looking towards the source of the noise, I see a massive bus pop into existence and come to a stop before my mother. 

"Kings Cross Station."

"11 sickles ma'am."

Seeing her pay for the magical-bus ride, I step on with all my belongings, accompanied by my dad. Finding a place to sit, I barely have time to plant myself onto a seat before the bus violently accelerates before another loud bang resonates in my chest.

Looking out the windows, I don't see much aside from flashing lights. After some time has passed, the bus stops and my parents get up. Following their cue, I get up too with my luggage in tow and Meowser on my head.

Stepping onto the floor, I am hit with a wave of nausea and feel like I am centimetres away from throwing up. Stabilizing myself, I see my parents looking at me, one with glee and the other annoyed.

"I won the bet." My mother said.

"Next time..."

Looking at both of them in confusion, I struggle to understand their antics.

"Don't worry about that, let's get you settled into the train." My father said.

Nodding, I follow them throughout the station, noticing increasingly weirder families walking in the same direction. Some families are dressed as if they have walked out of an insane asylum, others are dressed more modestly yet have wacky displays of magic above their heads. It's a wonder how ordinary people don't pay attention to them. 

Seeing my parents stop at platform 9, I look towards them as if to ask where the train is. My dad seeing this, hands me a silver ticket.

"Here, hold this and run into the archway there."

Looking at where my dad is pointed, I see another family running into the archway and suddenly disappearing. Widening my eyes, I start to walk into the archway.

'It should still work if I don't run, right?'

Only one way to find out. Walking into the archway holding the silver ticket, I slowly disappear into the wall and come out to the other side to be greeted by a black and red steam locomotive, with a plate on the front displaying 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS'. With my mouth open wide, I look around for my parents, only to see that they didn't follow me through. 

Leaving my luggage, I hold the silver ticket again as I prepare to walk through the archway, before feeling that the silver ticket has a paper attached underneath it. Opening it, I see it's from my parents.

'Hi Zane,

We decided that your Hogwarts journey starts from the moment you enter that archway. We didn't follow you because the journey is yours to make and we don't want to interfere with that. One last thing before we leave you to your adventures, make sure to owl a letter home each week, and if you forget a week, ill let you find out what a howler is.

Love, Martha & Cliff.

P.S. Board the last cabin of the train, that's where first years go.'

Reading this, I start to tear up, feeling a great sense of sadness well up in me. Attending a boarding school is going to be harder than I thought, even with magic accompanying me. As if sensing my sadness, I hear a meow from the top of my head, reminding me that I still have Meowser.

Moving my luggage with me, I board the last train carriage and try to find a compartment to sit in. Opening the first one I can find, I prepare to throw my stuff in and take a nap, before realizing that the compartment is taken. Sitting in the compartment by themself is a little girl with gold hair.

"Is this compartment taken?" I asked, only to receive a stare in response.

"No." She responds.

Thinking nothing more, I throw my luggage where the girl has stored hers, before taking Dororthy out of my trunk and starting to read through my game plan for Hogwarts. Tilting my head down to read, Meowser falls off of it and replaces the book in my hands with her instead. Giving Meowser a smile, I put her in my lap and watch the train's platform slowly get more chaotic.


Author corner:

holy mother of soldier in tf2, I am tired. its 1am and I have lectures in a few hours, but I wanted to get this chapter out because I wanted to be at least ON the train.

there is something I wanted to say again but I forgot again.

yea I introduced luna, but not in the way your expecting, probably.

Oh right, after last chapter was posted I started a fire, will post photo in comments (webnovel).

So much talking.

I also forgot to name the trunk, if you have suggestions keep them to names that can be associated with eating immaterial items, and I don't want voralicious. or anything with vore in it.

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