HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 18 – A Magical Delivery

Opening my eyes, I am greeted by the sight of my father's study. Recalling my dad's words, I realize he said nothing about looking around. Going to The Nest to grab Dororthy, I start to look around the room and record what I see.

The first thing on my list of things to look at was that accursed door handle. Looking at the door handle that has caused me so much grief, I notice that it is covered in strange markings that pulsate from time to time. Looking at Dororthy, I decide to make a new section called 'To Research' for these strange markings and anything alike. Looking at the bookshelves themselves, they also have strange markings all over them. Recording them down into Dororthy, I look at the ceiling, except there isn't a roof. Looking up, the sight that greeted me was a vast night sky. 

After staring off into the night light that is the ceiling for what felt like hours, I hear a knocking at the front door. Snapping out of the daze I was in, I exit the study. Walking through the hallway and up to the door, I open it, to see a delivery man.

"Here are your packages, have a good day." He says, before running off into his van and onto the next house.

Opening the packages, I see multiple tags, each with different labels.

'Madam Malkin's Robes.'
'Slug & Jiggers'
'Flourish & Blotts'
'General Goods Store'

Seeing the stores that I visited with my parents inscribed on the tags, I wonder if this is the delivery. Putting them on the kitchen counter, I take Dororthy with me into the Nest. Looking at my room I feel a sense of exhaustion wash over me.

'So many strange and interesting things happened today...'

Sitting down on my chair, I hear a panicked meow. Looking where I have just sat, I see Meowser lying underneath the cushion.

"What is the big deal, you sit on me all the time."

Seeing Meowser stop meowing, I smile and get up, setting her free. As I sit down properly she jumps onto my lap and makes herself at home.


Thinking about how silly this cat is, I turn my attention to my wand. Pulling it out, I can feel that the wand wants to be used, but I'm not sure how. Waving it around doesn't produce any results, and I don't know any magical spells. Though I did manage to manipulate it when we first bonded. Thinking about how I was moving magic into the wand and thought about fitting eggs into people's mouths, I attempt the same thing. Except this time, Im just imagining a light bright enough to light up the room.

Moving magic into the wand, I start to want a light. After some hard wanting, the wand sputters out some sparks, before slowly forming a light. However, it is not up to the brightness that I want, so I move more magic into my wand, which dims the light even further. 

Before I could think further about what just happened, I hear a crashing noise in the kitchen. Walking out of the Nest with my wand ready, I make my way towards the kitchen. Peaking my head around the corner, I don't see anyone in the kitchen. Instead, I see that the kitchen counter has been littered with items, some of which as fallen off the kitchen counter. Walking up to the pile, I check if anything fragile has been broken. Thankfully, everything seems to be intact.

Looking closer at the pile, I see it is all the items that my parents wanted to be delivered. Remembering the tags inscribed with the stores on them, I try to search for them only to find nothing. What I did find was a bunch of books, clothes, a weird hat. Deciding to ignore the hat, I pick up a book and read its title.

'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk'

Opening it up, I see it is filled with magical spells with explanations on them, their uses and how to counter them. Looking at the other books, my eyes widen and my mouth starts drooling. Quickly putting all the books in a pile, I try to pick them up, only to fall flat on my butt.

'Too many books, too heavy.'

Not wanting to make multiple trips, I attempt to lift up the bottom book with magic. Pulling out my wand, I close my eyes, push magic into my wand and begin to want the books to levitate. Opening my eyes, I see the bottom-most book hovering 5cm off of the floor. Seeing that it worked, I push the books into the Nest, preparing to read them all by tonight.


Author Corner:

Trunk was in there somewhere, zane doesn't know what it is yet so just thought it was a normal trunk, though if it shows up in a magical delivery it must not be normal...

The magical delivery. I took the idea of a port key and made it better? The way it works is there's a source and destination portkey, the destination port key is sent to the desired address using an owl or muggle means, before the source portkey is activated with whatever is attached to it. Im not sure why this wasn't thought of in the canon, a portkey to deliver humans is normal but parcels? too much I guess.

Not sure what else I wanted to say, halfway through this chapter I went to the shops and got some subway as well. I will always love me a good sub.

The magical experiment was a last-minute idea of mine, and I intend to get more into it next chapter. Some of you might know what happened already.

You might realize that zane wasn't really explained the magical word that well, that's because his parents are intending Hogwarts to teach him the intricacies of the magic world and he is still a normal-ish 11-year-old. Last names are different, might explain why soon. Its rather normal in my books.

If you have a better cover photo than a sideways cat for this novel, please send it to me on discord. 

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