HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 103.1 Interlude (POV Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

POV Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

— Remus, my boy! Come and sit down. Tea? — Albus Dumbledore was radiant with kindness and hospitality, the smile never leaving his face.

— Thank you, I've just had lunch.

— Well, — the Headmaster sat down at the table, his hands resting on the armrests. — I think we have a lot to talk about...

— You're right, Director. — Until that moment, the man had been trying to avoid the elderly headmaster's gaze, but now he took a deep breath, stood still for a second, and then looked up. For the first time in years, there was a confident fire of determination in the werewolf's eyes that Albus didn't like at all. What was it that had such an effect on Lupin? What did he, the Headmaster, not know? Meanwhile, the dark creature spoke. — I received your letter, — the man nodded, hiding his eyes for a moment, but then overcame himself. — But I didn't answer it so I wouldn't have to say it twice. — Albus narrowed his eyes slightly, but kept his good nature. — I will no longer answer your 'innocent' questions, and I am leaving the Order of the Phoenix. I believe I have paid my debt to you and the community of other wizards who have shown me kindness over the years.

— Remus, I don't think burning bridges is the best solution. — The elder shook his head. — People's lives are inextricably intertwined with the lives of those around them, and we all affect the world around us, whether by choice or by accident. Every action or decision we make inevitably affects the world, the people. Your help, the information you provide, has not only saved the lives of the Order, but also those who have been saved by members of the Order of the Phoenix. So I ask you to consider your words. I'm sure you don't want to break off relations with your friends and close comrades.

— No. — The man shook his head stubbornly, feeling the expensive white shirt with the starched collar scratch the skin of his neck and the unbuttoned heavy wool cloak sway slightly. — I've thought a lot, a lot... and I don't want to break with my comrades... but I also don't want to be a traitor. — The slightly "dimmed" eyes flashed with confidence again. — I've been approached, helped, treated with respect. No, I will not bite the hand that gave me what you once promised. — That look again.

— But you were friends with the boys! James, Sirius.

— And Rat! Where are they, my friends? James is dead, Peter is a traitor, and Sirius is being chased away by Dementors! By the way, where's the Tramp?

— I can't tell you that, I gave my word... — Lupin wanted to growl and bared his fangs at the Headmaster's words — just lies!

Sora had appeared in his shop last night, accompanied by a dazzling blonde with burning eyes. Before, Remus had thought that Lily was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. Now the man was firmly convinced that Elizabeth was even more beautiful than the cold beauty of Narcissa Malfoy and the hot Bellatrix. The man even felt that he wouldn't mind challenging the boy and winning this woman back for himself. But then those thoughts were suppressed, but the envy remained. His sensitive nose smelled blood and strong magic from both of them, and gunpowder from the girl.

The hyperactivity, the flushed cheeks, the burning eyes — it didn't take a master's degree to realize that something had happened. Even stranger was the fact that Dumbledore had sent a phoenix to Lupin, summoning him to himself. This 'summoning' was just caught by the pair. Hoshino, not clear from where or how, immediately understood everything and gave a strange artifact with two colored stones. And now, all Lupin could feel was coldness on his wrist, which seemed to freeze everything inside.

— Well, — Lupin rose from his uncomfortable chair, barely containing his anger and the urge to explode with insults. — In that case, I have no reason to stay.

— I hope you're aware of that, my boy. — The headmaster, who had kept his face until the last second, spoke to the werewolf as he walked away.

The door slammed shut. Albus swung his long, dark wand several times. One of the bookshelves moved aside, revealing a large cupboard with many small dark wooden drawers. More swings. One by one, some slide out, small pinches of herbs and leaves flying out.

 They collect in a small teapot with a strainer. The last drawer slides in, the bookcase slides into place, and boiling water pours into the compound. A few minutes later, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is calmly going over the tournament papers. Everything has been ready for a long time. All the roles have been assigned.

The actors wait for their time. The departure of one of the extras will not cause any damage, because his place will soon be taken by a new character — young, strong, hungry for fame and attention, and above all — money. They are easy to tame... no matter what they think they are, no matter who they think they are. And so all is well — as it should be...

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