How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 7

7 – Homecoming (3)

“… I guess now all you have to do is put a seal on it. “Here, please sign next to your name.”

The time I spent face to face with Baron Perkins did not last very long. What the Baron brought was a document that clearly stated that Robinet would pay 10,000 gold to Reed, and that Reed would clearly acknowledge that we were responsible for breaking the engagement.

The contents were clean and without any unnecessary elements, so there was no need to add or subtract anything. Since he came as Robinette’s legal representative, it seemed like he had organized the provisions of the document first.

“Yes. That will be fine. Now, take a shot between the two overlapping sheets of paper, and take another shot along the fold of the parchment here.”

As it was between families, the seals of each family head were needed to finish. The Robinette’s seal was brought by Perkins, the deputy, and the family’s seal was held by the butler, Hudson, who handed it to me. It seemed that his father had left it with Hudson before going up to the office.

When two documents with the same content were overlapped and the seals of both families were placed in between, the entire process was finally completed.

“You worked hard. Everything was resolved amicably, which is fortunate in many ways. outside! Bring it!”

When Perkins called out to the outside of the drawing room, the servants who had been waiting in advance came in with two large sacks.

”10,000 gold by Manning standards. Check it out.”

”Thank you for your consideration. Butler, let’s check.”

“Yes, Lord Soga. then… “

Hudson dumped two sacks of gold coins onto a large table in the middle of the drawing room, then picked up one.

Then, as Hudson cast mana into the gold coin he held in his hand, the gold coin began to tremble.

Mana escapes through the gold coins in his hands, and covers the gold coins piled on the table.

Then, like the gold coins Hudson was holding, the gold coins on the table each began to vibrate.

– less, less

-Jalgeulang, jjagrang

A loud noise filled the living room. Hudson was silent and focused, and Baron Perkins and I just watched the scene.

After about a minute, the trembling of the gold coins began to subside, and after a while, three gold coins fell next to the table.

Hudson stopped the spell, picked up a gold coin, checked it, and handed it to me.

“It is over, Lord Soga. It looks like it didn’t pass the integrity check here because the three borders are broken, but what are you going to do?”

“it’s okay. That’s about it. Baron. There doesn’t seem to be any problem. Please finish at this point.”

“I’m sorry. I must have gone through the confirmation process before departure… It seems that the gold coins at the bottom of the sack have been ground on the way. I am very grateful to Confucius for his consideration.”

said Baron Perkins with an apologetic expression.

“it’s okay. Isn’t that a common thing? Don’t say too much to the lower ones. I’m afraid that they will curse me for no reason.”

I waved my hands as if it was no big deal, and the baron, realizing my intentions, responded with a smile.

“Heh heh, they should know that Confucius was so considerate. I will do as you say.”

“Now wake up. Thank you for your hard work. What are your plans for the future? If you’re thinking of staying for a while, I’ll give you the family’s annex.”

”I feel like a chimney, but unfortunately I won’t leave this old man alone. Now that we’ve finished our work, I think we should leave right away.”

Perkins made a face full of regret. Is it because you’re a legal expert and you’re good at it? Even in his old age, he seems to lead a busy life.

“Then say goodbye and leave. I wish Reed a lot of peace.”

“Thank you. May you die safely. Butler, see the baron off.”

Baron Perkins bowed his head to show his respect, and I accepted his greeting with a light nod. And when he left the drawing room and turned to look at the table, the gold coins were already back in the sack.

“Are you outside?”

Hearing my voice, the door opposite the baron’s exit, leading to the inside of the mansion, opened.

Entering from there was a middle-aged woman with a warm-looking impression.

“Did you call?”

The head maid, Roberta, entered and bowed politely.

Roberta was a woman who came into the family before I was born and worked for nearly 30 years.

After her hostess mother passed away, she willingly took over the household chores, so it could be said that among the servants in the family, there was no one who could compare to her except for the butler in terms of loyalty.

“Long time no see, Roberta. how have you been doing? Put some gold coins in the safe here. I have to go up to say hello to my father.”

Roberta heard my greeting and suddenly took on a shocked expression.

“oh my god… After receiving all the greetings from the boy, it seems that the day of this Roberta’s death has finally arrived. I heard that he broke off his engagement with Lady Iris, so I wondered if the young master had just gone out of his mind, but looking at it this way, I don’t think that’s the case again… Bocchan, did something happen at the academy? Why is your face so drawn?”

Listening to the sharp words of the old maid, I suddenly feel like my face is burning.

“Oh what? Even if you say hello, there are many complaints, Roberta. All right, take those gold coins and get out. I’m going up alone to my father, so you don’t have to guide me. I’ll call you if you need anything. Go quickly.”

“Or did you hear it belatedly? If that’s the case, I’m very impressed… Now that I’m finally dead, I’m afraid I’ll see the madam.”

Despite my urging, Roberta steadfastly finished what she had to say with a ho-huh smile. I didn’t know you would react like that to just one greeting. Suddenly I feel a tremendous amount of remorse.

After passing the door to the main house and going up the stairs to the second floor, I saw a wooden door that opened on both sides at the end of the hallway.

I went to the door, took a deep breath, and clenched my fist lightly and knocked on the door twice.

“Father, this is Edwin.”

“Come in.”

I knocked on the door, and a dignified man’s voice came from inside.

With my father’s permission, I turned the handle, opened one side of the door, and entered the office.

By the window on the opposite side of the door, there was a huge desk where the head of household worked.

From noble mtl dot com

And that man sitting in front of the desk scribbling papers is the current head of Reed, the current owner of Maidheaden, and my father, Earl Albert Reed.


“It’s been a while, Dad. Have you been well?”

“Then, goodbye. It’s been a while since I saw my son’s face… Edwin!! My God, what the hell are you like!”

My father, who had been concentrating on his paperwork, looked up and suddenly began to look shocked.

It was only when he raised his head that he could take a closer look at its appearance.

The Count’s dark hair and gloomy gray eyes were very similar to Edwin’s.

At first glance, I could see Edwin in his facial features, and judging by his thick lines, he must have been quite popular when he was young.

‘Will I feel that way if I lose weight too?’

Unlike me, who was thinking nonsense, my father seemed quite uncomfortable.

But Hudson was like that, Roberta was like that, and now even my father was pointing out my appearance.

What could be the problem?

“Hey… come closer Why are you so emaciated, huh? Was the incident with Lady Robinette so heartbreaking? What to do with this poor fellow… “

I walked closer to my father with a wry smile.

After hearing my father’s words, I could understand why people looked at me and said one word at a time.

I didn’t lose much weight when I checked, but it seems that it wasn’t like that in the eyes of people who have always seen me.

Earl Reed was a resourceful man with outstanding abilities, but he was an infinitely soft father to his son, Edwin.

Since his wife left him like that, the one remaining son must have been his precious treasure that could not be exchanged for anything.

And his engagement with Iris was done with only Edwin’s future in mind.

However, even though the engagement was broken and the academy was suspended, and he returned to the family, he did not say a single word of dislike to Edwin.

It’s a bit hard to say this, but this guy has a huge part in why my personality was so messed up before I regained my memories.

No matter how precious your child was, you should have raised him with proper discipline.

Looking at the Count’s disposition, it is clear that even if he had been expelled and returned as in the original, he would have been welcomed as if he had returned home.

“Look at how this skin and bone are in contact with each other. It’s a miracle that you came all this way from the academy with this body. Tell my Roberta to prepare the meal immediately… “

“It’s not like that, Father. Eat your meal at a later time. I have more to tell you.”

My father jumped up from his seat, rubbed my face, and poured out words.

And while I was trying to avoid that touch, the back side that was hidden by the desk came into view.

The things on the back of the desk were items that didn’t fit here at all.

There, a variety of dolls, such as teddy bears, rabbits, and cats, were all out of the blue on the floor of the office.

And what was between those dolls…


It was a small girl who looked to be about 10 years old, wearing a white dress with flowing frills.

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