How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 287: π’π­π«πšπ§π πžπ«π¬ (5)

β€œHe sure knows a thing or two, huh.”

Fortunately, the Centaurs were easy to get past. They weren’t particularly interested in Lamar.

Lamar’s insides were burning.

β€˜π˜žπ˜©π˜’π˜΅ π˜ͺ𝘯 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭π˜₯ π˜₯π˜ͺπ˜₯ 𝘐 π˜₯𝘰 𝘡𝘰 π˜₯𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘴. . .’

In order to negotiate on equal terms with these westerners, he needed to take the initiative.

Like other invaders who had lost their entire army in their attempt to conquer a single fortress, this foreign duke would have suffered the same fate.

And yet, in less than a day, the flag hanging from the fortress had changed.


Striking when the enemy is weakened is the basic principle of strategy. In that sense, Johan’s surprise attack had aimed for the most opportune moment.

The rogue gangs of the Black Mountains were half a beat late in their response to the surprise attack. If it were not for their sturdy fortress, they would have been able to hold out even if they were a bit late, but this foreign duke, just as the rumors said, was ferocious as if he had made a pact with a demon.

β€œThe gate is open! Charge!”

At Johan’s command, the knights leading the charge rallied the soldiers with their battle cries. The veteran mercenaries gripped their weapons tightly and rushed forward. Despite the sea of fire in front of them caused by Caenerna’s flames, the mercenaries paid it no heed.

β€œUgh. . . gah.”

As Caenerna faltered, Johan swept her up in one arm like a sack of potatoes. Having Johan protect her with Agnar’s Shield was better than having the others escort her.

Of course, being swung around like a sack of potatoes was not exactly welcome by Caenerna.

β€œUgh. . . ugh.”

She wanted to tell him to put her down, but she was too exhausted from summoning the spirits. Johan nodded as if he understood what Caenerna was saying.

β€œDon’t worry, Caenerna-gong. I’ll stop you if you go berserk.”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Caenerna went limp. She thought it might be better to just faint.

β€œIntruders! To the south!!”

β€œThe knights are inside!”

Although Johan’s light had not faded, the knights following him were no slouches. Each of them was a knight capable of fulfilling their duty.

Those riding horses charged right into the fortress, wielding their spears and bludgeons to strike down the rogues, who fell one after another.

β€œThere’s a barricade. Bluea-nim!”

β€œPrepare to charge. Break through!”

Iselia led the elven cavalry in a dazzling performance. Iselia, who came from a family of elven knights, and the elves who, although not knights, were from the kingdom, were of one mind.

If Johan had seen it, he would have told them to stop acting so recklessly, but the elves charged forward regardless. The rogues’ barricade was the first to crumble under their mad charge.

β€œRaise the flag! Block the escape routes so the rogues can’t get away!”

Captain Mackald of the dwarven mercenaries approached Johan, who had arrived a little later, and spoke cautiously.

β€œYour Highness, how about giving the slave soldiers Your Highness raised a chance?”

Those under Johan’s command were of different races and origins, but they had one thing in common.

They were all warlike and thought of themselves as the best.

In such circumstances, when a fight ensued, they did not willingly concede credit to others.

Thanks to this, the slave soldiers Johan had trained in the fiefdom had not had a chance to step forward. Unlike the others, their status was much lower.

Normally, they would have to step forward and volunteer, but only those close to Johan could do that. The slave soldiers did not have the courage to do so.

β€œ. . .I see. Mackald. Thank you for letting me know.”

β€œNo! I am unworthy of Your Highness’s praise.”

Even though he had become a duke, Johan’s attitude had not changed. Mackald was taken aback by the duke’s readiness to express his gratitude.

β€œSend a signal to the slave soldiers in the rear to advance. I want to see how they handle the remaining rogues.”

β€œUgh. . . ugh.”

β€œDon’t worry, Caenerna. I’ll make sure you don’t get hit by any stray arrows.”

━𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰π₯. . .?

The wolf growled questioningly from the side, but Johan did not understand the signal.


β€œOur chance has finally come!”

Sub-captain Bars shouted, glaring ahead. The slave soldiers behind him had a fierce look in their eyes.

The slave soldiers, who had been captured at an age where it wouldn’t be strange to call them young, or even children, had no particular attachment to their life as pirates.

Compared to being used as laborers or cannon fodder, it was much better to have a proper meal in the duke’s court. Many of them had never even tasted meat before, so there was no need to say more.

And among them, there were some who were particularly ambitious and capable. Those who dreamed of rising in status by catching the master’s eye. Those people were chosen from among the slave soldiers and given the rank of captain or sub-captain.

β€œLet’s show the mercenary b*stards what we’re capable of!”

β€œWhy are vampires serving here??!”

The rogues were bewildered by the strange composition of their enemies. Vampires were a race that was usually only seen in the East. And yet, they were mixed in here and there. . .

Johan, who was holding Caenerna instead of a weapon, exclaimed in admiration.

β€œThey fight better than I thought?”

β€œWe spent that much money on them, so they’d better not suck if they want to keep their heads.”

Suetlg said as if it were a matter of course. Having some involvement in the finances, he knew how much money the slave soldiers had consumed.

The rogues, who were unaware of this, were amazed that the duke had gone so far as to bring in Easterners to serve him. If they were captured and forced to do this, there would be no reason for them to fight so hard.

β€œThat one is Bars. He’s strong, fast, and skilled with the sword. He’s a natural leader.”

β€œI see.”

β€œThat one is Alangka. She’s apparently so talented with the bow that even the Centaurs were impressed. Her ability to remain calm in any situation is a major advantage.”

β€œ. . .Aren’t they a little too good though?”

Johan asked Suetlg, looking slightly bewildered. Suetlg retorted as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

β€œWhat’s wrong with them being good? Do you want them to be bad?”

β€œThat’s not what I meant. . . Isn’t this the East? It’s their hometown too. If they’re too good, it’ll be hard to suppress them if they rebel.”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Suetlg was lost for words.

Is he really worried about such nonsense when there’s nothing else to worry about?

Considering that most of them were pirates who had been captured, if Johan treated them better than just giving them a moldy piece of bread and whipping them, they would develop a loyalty that they never had before.

And yet, this duke seemed to have forgotten how much money he had spent. What rebellion is he talking about?

β€œDo you understand how ridiculous that sounds?”

β€œAh. I understand.”

β€œGood. I’m glad.”

β€œInstead of preparing for a rebellion, shouldn’t we be trying to prevent one from happening in the first place by placating them? With appropriate rewards?”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Suetlg slapped his forehead.

Come to think of it, the slave soldiers were largely to blame for this misunderstanding.

Because they were so stiff in front of Johan, they couldn’t even speak properly, which led the duke to misunderstand them like this.

β€œRewards. . . are not a bad idea.”

However, it was not a bad idea to give them rewards. After all, those who were already loyal would be even more grateful if they were rewarded.

β€œTheir loyalty is several times stronger than Your Excellency thinks, so why don’t you try talking to them?”

β€œThere’s no one who answers me properly when I talk to them. . .”

β€œ. . .That’s something Your Highness will have to figure out with Your Highness’s abilities.”

The slave soldiers were from the East, so their customs were more extreme when dealing with their superiors. Add Johan’s reputation to that, and there were hardly any who spoke to him properly.

In the midst of their conversation, the battle came to an end. It seemed that the slave soldiers had captured the last remaining building.


β€œIt’s the duke’s flag!”

The paladins were the first to recognize Johan’s flag. It was a crest that anyone with a strong faith would recognize.

The rogues, who had been trying to surround them from both sides, were thrown into a panic when the fortress behind them was captured. They collapsed one by one and tried to flee.

β€œPraise be to Your Highness the duke! May the glory of God be with you!”

β€œMay the glory of God be with you!”

β€œHalzedel-nim! Let’s go together!”

β€œW-Where are we going?”

Halzedel, still bewildered, asked in a panic. The paladin replied with an expression that said he couldn’t believe he was hearing such a stupid question.

β€œTo see His Highness the duke! Shouldn’t we thank him for this?”

β€œOh. . .”

Halzedel came to his senses in the midst of the confusion.

The paladins, priests, and pilgrims of the Three Orders of Knights here would have no qualms about meeting the duke. Of course. They had done nothing wrong, and they had nothing to lose.

The duke, too, was a man of deep faith and would surely welcome them warmly.

But what about Halzedel himself?

β€˜π˜žπ˜ͺ𝘭𝘭 π˜ͺ𝘡 𝘳𝘦𝘒𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘬𝘒𝘺?’

Of course, he was a proper feudal lord of the Empire, but he was a former rebel leader who had stolen his position. While he was holed up in his fiefdom, everyone left him alone because it would be a big loss to lay siege to him, but he didn’t know if they would leave him alone if he went outside.

He didn’t mind being ridiculed or insulted for his origins. Halzedel could tolerate that much. What he was more afraid of was being taken prisoner.

This was a distant land in the East, and the duke had both the power and the justification to capture Halzedel.

If he were to be captured, his fiefdom would be taken away as ransom. . .

β€œHalzedel-nim. It will cause problems if you insist on seeing His Highness the duke.”

β€œCan’t I just say I was injured?”

β€œHow can you say that when there are so many priests? If they find out you’re lying, it will be even worse!”

Bolts was right. That’s why it was even more frustrating.

β€œIf I go. . . and get caught. . .”

β€œD-Don’t say that.”

β€œThen can you swear on your life that that won’t happen?”

β€œY-You’re going too far.”


β€œHalzedel-nim. You should show as much piety as possible. That’s the only way you have a chance.”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Halzedel scratched his neck with his gauntleted hand and nodded reluctantly. It felt like he was walking into a monster’s lair naked.


β€œW-What about the weapon?”

β€œWere you planning to go see His Highness the duke with a weapon in your hand?!”

The paladin looked at Halzedel with the eyes of a madman. Halzedel hated these paladins even more than the duke.

Even though they had fought and traveled together, shoulder to shoulder, they didn’t take his side at all.

β€œBut. . . something might happen. . .”

β€œDon’t talk nonsense. His Highness the duke may be a generous man, but he is not one to let his honor be insulted.”

β€œ. . . . . .”

There were few people who could win an argument with priests. Halzedel gave up and left his weapon.

The inside of the fortress was in disarray, but it was already being cleaned up. The Black Mountains rogues who had been captured as new prisoners were tied up tightly, and Johan’s men were searching the fortress to check for any treasures that had been missed.

β€œAs much as possible, don’t kill the newly captured ones so that we can exchange them for hostages.”


β€œRelease the prisoners from the West who were being held captive, and leave the rest alone for now. We will verify their identities and release them.”

The young duke, who had been giving orders, turned his head at the approach of the guests. Johan got off his horse and spread his arms to welcome the paladins.

β€œI am so happy to see my brothers in faith in this distant land!”

Johan embraced and greeted the paladins without caring about their dirt and dust. The paladins were moved to tears.

β€œI have heard much about Your Highness the duke, but now I realize that the rumors were too humble!”

β€œDo not make me arrogant. Look here. Make a place for these brave knights to rest.”

Johan stopped speaking and looked at Halzedel. It was natural to be curious about him since his attire was different from the paladins’.

The paladins, who noticed Johan’s gaze, spoke first.

β€œThis is Lord Halzedel.”

β€œHalzedel. . . Halzedel??”

Johan looked at Halzedel as if he had just remembered something.

β€œAh. Duke Halzedel?”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Halzedel’s brow beaded with sweat as he thought about how the duke knew about the title he had given himself during the rebellion.

Bolts, who was standing next to him, was deep in thought about whether or not to abandon his current lord.

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