How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 76: Sacrifice For Victory

The Aquinas ships were in a frenzy as they fought against the Demon army! They knew that they wouldn't be wont be able to fight them if they were on the ocean! The demon ships had better cannons and they can easily destroy the Aquinas ships on the ocean! But if they are in the air then the Aquinas ships will be able to evade the blasts easily and they can finally have a better chance of fighting back!

Or at least that is what they thought! They had no idea who built those demon army ships, but those bastards are fucking good!

​ The demon ships had better propellers, they had better maneuvering and they even had stronger defenses! What the hell is this!? The Aquinas ships were made by the most brilliant engineer in Aquinas and they are losing to mere demons!?

The commander of the marines grit his teeth as he pushed his ship forward and dodged around a blast! He commanded the crew to throw in a new Mana crystal and they immediately opened a hatch under the ship and put a new Mana crystal to power the cannons! Once the mana crystal was in place, the cannon released a deep hum as it came to life! The commander was the best flyer in the entire freaking marine force and it won't be some damn demons that make him lose his title!

He flew between two ships that were trying to attack him and did a sharp 180° turn! He was now behind the two ships as he pressed the button to fire the cannon!


The cannon fired at full power and the commander grinned when he saw that the two cannons struck the two ships perfectly! But the grin died on his face when the smoke cleared and there wasn't even a single scratch on the ships! The ships had defended with their barriers! Those barriers were too strong! They have been shooting those barriers non-stop but only five demon ships have failed ever since! The commander knew that Aquinas has lost over twenty ships and they have been fighting for a long time, so how is the demons ships barrier still this strong!?

The commander growled at the back of his throat! He was about to move into the attack again but his eyes widened when he saw the two ships turn around as well! They fired up their cannons and the commander cursed as he immediately turned off the propeller system! His ship dropped like a rock and he was barely able to avoid the blast that would have destroyed him completely! Once he was sure that he was safe, he turned the propellers on again and he swerved to the right as he saw the two ships coming after him! They were right on his tail and they were not letting him go! This is not how he assumed this fight to go! He thought this would be a simple fight, he didn't know the demons were such good flyers!

The commander decided that he couldn't stay in the air anymore! Those two ships were not going to stay away from his tail and they would just keep coming for him! He announced to the crew that he was turning off aviation mode and he was turning into submarine mode! Immediately after the announcement, he switched off the propeller and the ship dived head first into the water! The barrier over the ship protected them from the pressure and water and they were able to quickly dive deep into the water!

The commander looked around with his magic radar to see if he could find the rest of his ships that were down here. He remembers that he sent two squads of ships underwater and they were also fighting against the demon army down here. He saw a large cluster of magic signatures on the eastern side of his radar and he quickly blasted forward to meet up with his other ships. He was able to get there in record time, but what he saw there shocked him to the bone! His mouth fell open as his heart rate increased dangerously!

There was a large pile of sunken Aquinas ships here! Blood filled the water and human bodies were floating everywhere! He looked at the radar again and he saw that the sunken ships here were all Aquinas ships. What the hell happened here? They were all dead? How did they die so quickly!? Are the demon ships also better than our own in the water!? I thought that even if we couldn't win in the air, then we would at least win inside the water!



The sound of two ships diving into the water made the commander suddenly realize that those two ships were still after him! They were going this far just for him!? Those fucking bastards!

The dwarves that were driving the demon shops were pissed at the commander because of that cannon blast he sent at them earlier! They would not let him go until they kill him! It was petty, but that is exactly how demons were! They will repay violence with violence!!

The commander knew there was nowhere to run anymore. There was nothing that his shop could do to win against the demon ships. But he wasn't going to go down! Fuck you! I'm not dying like a pathetic animal! I'll fucking kill you no matter what!

The commander immediately turned his ship around and the crew all looked up in shock as they heard their commander's voice echo on the loudspeakers! He was giving them his last speech as he focused sharply!

"This is it, boys! It's been a pleasure fighting with you! Load it all in!! Every single bit of mana crystal!! Let's give them hell!!"

The crew knew exactly what would happen if they loaded all the mana crystals, but they didn't even hesitate! This was the only way that they can at least go down with a fight!! The entire ship roared in support as they loaded every single bit of mana crystal into the ship! The commander shouted as he charged straight for the demon ships!

I won't go down alone you fucking demons!!! Humans aren't weak! We'll kill all of you right here! The demon ships immediately opened fire on the commander, but the commander maneuvered around the blasts from the two demon ships and he timed his ship to sail right in between the two ships! Once he was right in between them, he immediately clicked the fire button and the surplus amount of Mana in the ship overloaded the cannon and created a feedback explosion that blew up the entire ship!!!


A great explosion echoed across the entire ocean as the ship blew up

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