How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 35. A Restless Feeling

When Ren Qingquan entered the sect, my [Scan] could detect several hundred creatures with energies at the level of Martial Lord and above.

There is even one person at the level far above Martial Emperor. The energy that guy released is several levels above Azure Emperor which I previously scanned.

Not only that. From my [Scan], I could sense a slight distortion caused by fluctuation of similar nature to the stone Ren Qingchen picked up in the tunnel on Meteor Island. But the fluctuation this person gives off is slightly lower in level.

Following the six cultivators, Ren Qingquan and his group arrived at a pavilion where that person with high-level energy is currently staying.

Staring at the six cultivators, a disciple guarding the door of that pavilion opened the doors while bowing toward them with a cupped hand.

Upon entering the pavilion. I could see a simple, vast room decorated with some paintings and sculptures. The entire room gives the feeling of being elegant and classy.

Inside of said pavilion, a young man who looks to be in his twenties sat behind a table while writing something on a piece of parchment made of unknown material.

Aside from the parchment, there is also an ink stick, an inkstone, an incense burner, an eight-sided trigram, and an ornately decorated jade seal.

Borrowing Ren Qingquan’s shared sense from [Anchor], I could smell an invigorating aroma similar to rosemary coming from an incense burner on top of that man’s table.

As usual, I scanned everything in the surroundings. This time, scanning actually required some time because of the small interference coming from that man. Especially when scanning the items he wore.

Meanwhile, upon seeing that man, the six cultivators greeted him with a cupped fist. Next to Ren Qingquan, Ren Qingchen also followed the way those people greeted that man and soon the others from Ren Qingquan’s group followed suit.

“Reporting to elder Fengyun, disciple Jin Fushen, has completed the mission.”

The leading cultivator said to the man currently busy writing on top of the parchment, which soon stopped and looked at them.

“Mmhm, Good. Who are the guests behind you?”

Answering elder Fengyun’s question, Jin Fushen replied.

“These are the people we found at the source of that spatial fluctuation. They say they are martial artists from Martial Spirit Sect.”

“Martial Spirit Sect? Never heard of it.”

After saying that much, elder Fengyun chanted something as his eyes glowed. He then starts to stare at Ren Qingchen’s group for a long time while rubbing his chin before speaking.

“They are most likely people from the lower world. Except for one of them with a trace of spirit qi from less than one year ago, all of them have only come in contact with spirit qi today. Those are the most common marks of people from the lower world.”

After a pause, elder Fengyun continued while having an interested expression.

“Now then, could you tell me how all of you arrived at the territory of our Pure Wave Sect from the lower world.”

Hearing that question, I could see Ren Qingquan’s group looked at Ren Qingchen. Realizing their glare, Ren Qingchen went forward and explained their journey from Third Princess finding the path to cultivation world from record, how they ran to Meteor Island with the ruins of some sect while being chased by a wolf, until they finally entered the teleportation formation.

Hearing their story, elder Fengyun nodded and looked at Ren Qingchen.

“Well, that is pretty interesting. The one you guys called Meteor Island might be one of the mountain Pure Wave Sect lost during the war several thousand years ago. It’s probably fate that all of you entered that formation.”

After saying that, elder Fengyun toyed with the trigram on his table before asking whether they wished to join Pure Wave Sect.

“What do you all think about joining Pure Wave Sect? It is such a coincidence that in three days, the sect recruitment will begin. Although some of you seem quite old. Recently, the sect slightly changed its rule and stopped just selecting children.”

Everyone in Ren Qingquan’s group glanced at each before agreeing.

Elder Fengyun then called Jin Fushen and his group.

“Please take these guests to the guest house nearby.”

Before leaving, through Ren Qingquan’s sense, I could hear Elder Fengyun talking directly to Ren Qingquan through means similar to the fluctuation Jin Fushen and his group of cultivators used to converse privately.

“Did you get a technique called Body Tempering Technique?”

I could see Ren Qingquan’s face turn into one of shock, which made me speechless. I should tell him in the future to learn how to always keep a calm expression.

Sensing the change in Ren Qingquan’s face, elder Fengyun continued.

“It seems you have it.”

He then proceeded to tell the source of that technique.

“The Body Tempering Technique is a cultivation method created by a great elder from our Pure Wave Sect a long time ago. It is the acknowledged strongest cultivation method of body tempering stage because of its ability to generate spirit qi from blood energies. But that is all.

There is no continuation for that technique, which makes it much less precious. After that war several thousand years ago, the sect lost that method together with your so-called meteor island.”

After saying all that, elder Fengyun ended his sentence with a warning.

"Whether you choose to keep it or trade it, it is up to you. I have also hid its fluctuation which will last for a month at most, so other people wouldn’t know you have it and tried to steal it from you. I recommend changing your cultivation method ASAP. Count this warning as a way for you to owe me a favor."

Once Ren Qinggquan left the room and the door behind them closed. Through [Scan], I could hear elder Fengyun mutter how fate works in mysterious ways while sighing.

Ren Qingquan’s group then followed Jin Fushen to a building complex with several small buildings located inside.

“All of you may choose a building to stay in. There are daily necessities people need to prepare inside. I will return in three days to take all of you to the examination place later.”

Jin Fushen left together with the five other cultivators upon leaving those sentences.

Ren Qingquan’s group first selected the guest house they will stay in. Before gathering at Ren Qingchen’s building.

Once everyone gathered, they could finally process what happened during the whole day.

Peak Master Fen is the first one to speak humorously and tried to make everyone less tense.

“Well, the amount of surprises I have on this day already equaled the amount of surprises I got in the past 50 years. My old heart could barely take it. I hope I won’t have a heart problem, which requires me to eat a heart calming pill at my old age.”

With Peak Master Fen’s word, Third Princess soon followed.

“Even though I am the one who suggested the idea. I still couldn’t believe we actually successfully arrived at the cultivation world. Especially with that wolf chasing after us.”

Hearing her words, Ren Qingchen smiled at Third Princess and then looked at Peak Master Fen.

“Indeed, the journey here is quite arduous. Also, old man, please return me my azure flute I lent previously.”

Hearing Ren Qingchen’s request, Peak master Fen remembered something and looked at Third Princess and Ren Qingchen with a sharp eye.

“Here is your flute. Now that you are talking about that wolf, I remembered something. After I finished resting, I will beat the shiet out of you both due to making me fight against that wolf on Meteor Island.”

Meanwhile, fatty Zhang is currently standing nearby the lovey-dovey third uncle and elder Zhang while eating some snacks placed on a table.

From his blissful face, that food probably tasted really good.

I could see Ren Qingquan walk toward fatty Zhang and started their snacking session while chatting.

Soon, Ren Qingchen started to gather everyone’s attention and talked about their future plans.

“Most of you entered this place because of me. So, I feel a bit obliged to share some information. As all of us went to the cultivation world using teleportation formation instead of the normal path which is to pass through the world bridge. We wouldn’t be able to visit the martial arts world in a short time. So, I hope everyone to have a good luck and enters the Pure Wave Sect. The test three days later will most likely involve ... “

Then, he continued about how the Pure Wave Sect might do their tests and what to do if some of them failed the test.

“So, if any of you were to fail the test, you could stay in the city under the Pure Wave Sect. Once I reach a sufficient level, I will bring you back to our previous world.”

Hearing Ren Qingchen talking about his understanding of the world, Peak Master Fen is a bit suspicious.

“How do you know this much about the cultivation world?”

Ren Qingchen brushed it off by saying he found it all on records.

While those groups were chatting, Ren Qingquan went into a daze while snacking as he talked with me.

‘System, since entering the cultivation world, I have had these restless and uncomfortable feelings. Could you find out where it came from?’

Hearing his question, I fell into thought.

Since Ren Qingquan got teleported to this world, I indeed also get some uncomfortable feelings. It is similar to the feeling of forgetting something quite important, but you couldn’t quite put your hand in it.

That feeling is also what makes me couldn’t think rationally, especially when I turn a bit dumb when trying to overhear Jin Fushen’s group conversations.

Even after activating [Calculate], I couldn’t pinpoint the source. And so, I just throw my guess at Ren Qingquan.

[Host, it might be caused by the change in environment that makes you uncomfortable.]

Personally, even I don’t quite believe that explanation. I have scanned the others in Ren Qingquan’s group and they don’t exhibit any trace of being uncomfortable.

Hearing my opinion, Ren Qingquan went into thinking. Through [Anchor], I could overhear some of his thought. At this time, Ren Qingquan actually used his brain and found out several possible causes.

After eliminating Ren Qingquan’s nonsensical guess, I agreed with 2 of the most plausible reasons.

First, the feeling might be because of Ren Qingquan’s body being a bit special.

That sounds extremely narcissistic, but actually highly probable. After all, Ren Qingquan has spirit qi while in the martial art world. That spirit qi might achieve some transformation I couldn’t sense upon arriving at the cultivation world.

Second, the source might be related to me. After all, the feelings affected both of us. If it merely came from Ren Qingquan, I shouldn’t have felt anything just like when Ren Qingquan got that instinctive guilty feeling hearing about possible beast tide which is actually caused by him.

Wait a moment! Upon arriving at the second possibility, I realized something. When I first arrived in this world, I have scanned the surrounding materials and concluded that the amount of energy contained within them has increased by ten times compared to the Martial Arts World. Then, here comes the problem.

Why haven’t I tried to [Devour] it? When I found out about such glaring differences, I should’ve tried to [Devour] it just to make sure the result from [Scan] is actually right.

When I thought until that point, I could feel some sort of subconsciousness warn me. And so, I conclude I might have stopped using [Devour] subconsciously because something related to it went wrong.

Quickly rechecking the stones I anchored in Martial Arts World that has continuously absorbed the sea water in that world. I could still feel the increase in energy that hasn’t changed at all, which makes me relieved. At least the problem doesn’t come directly from the skill.

As the feeling began once I arrived in this world. Then, the problem should come by activating [Devour] in this world.

When I am going to try and activate [Devour], [Calculate] starts to warn me like crazy, which makes me immediately stop.

So, that subconscious warning like feelings come from [Calculate] huh? It actually has this kind of function?

Having found out the source of my uneasiness, I could focus on my [Calculate] to review the cause. Separating my thought to start multi-tasking which is a skill I gained upon upgrading [Calculate] to a certain level, I left a small part of my focus to watch over Ren Qingquan while most of my focus is spent on looking at the pass event recorded in [Storage].

Discarding unimportant events, I slowly narrow things down to the time I arrived at the cultivation world.

Reviewing the thing that happened at that time, I activated [Calculate] at full force. From the things Ren Qingquan sensed to everything [Scan] scanned, every source of information has been reviewed multiple times. That is when I found it, the source of this weirdness I feel.

It is a feeling of being observed by an extremely high leveled and huge existence. An existence akin to the world itself.

That feeling comes the instant that white light finishes transporting Ren Qingquan to this world and leaves as quickly. Umm, leaving is not quite the right word. It is more like the observer merged with nature and became unobservable?

Anyway, once I activate [Devour] in this world, it will answer all problems.

To make sure whatever the problem is wouldn’t affect Ren Qingquan, which is my only host with all skills attached. I decided to [Anchor] another thing with [Devour] skill.

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