How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 99: Hinder Your Hero

Sasuke and Ayanami engage each other in taijutsu, their battle is something akin to a martial hurricane; they back and forth almost like a dance. The stoic Uchiha can read her movements, but it doesn’t help him in the slightest since the heroic Hyuga can read his own movements. Strange, isn’t it?

His Rinnegan and Curse Mark are matching my Tenseigan Chakra Mode… The kunoichi assesses her foe’s power; she has a calm demeanor but is still somewhat annoyed. Jin…! Did you HAVE to give him that gelel stone?!

Sasuke throws a left hook, but Ayanami catches it in her right hand; she quickly counters with a haymaker, using her free hand. However, the rogue ninja catches her fist with his. The two wind up in a grappling match with neither side giving an inch. Neither side will bend the knee.

“Sasuke! I want you to know that your plan won't work because there’s one single flaw, one major flaw that you’re not seeing.” The young Hyuga sneers.

“Flaw…?” The last Uchiha’s eyes narrow. “Alright, I’ll humor you… what is my fatal shortcoming?”

Ayanami thinks back to a conversation she previously had with Jin.


Sometime ago, back when Ayanami and Jin were training to get used to their Six Paths power-up, they took a day to rest. On the day, Rito and Jaeger accompanied them into the mindscape where they would go on to watch various shows and movies from their past lives.

“What’re you talking about? Naruto’s path to peace is by far the better option.” The young Hyuga argues.

After watching Naruto and Sasuke’s final battle, Jin and Ayanami got into a debate over who had the better argument in the end; Jin took Sasuke’s side while Ayanami took Naruto’s. The only thing that they can agree on however is that both choices are, at best, only half right.

“If you honestly believe the world will just come together, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya… you’re even more naive than I thought.” Jin claims.

The young Hyuga is flabbergasted by what she is hearing. “Sasuke actually believes he could do it all on his own.”

“I never said his plan was thought out,” Jin reasons. “It just needs some adjustments for it to work… Even with immortality and reincarnation granted by the Rinnegan, with Sasuke's revolution, he would still need an army. Or a really good team.”


“It’s that you honestly think you can do EVERYTHING on your own…” Ayanami says ominously.

The sly kunoichi uses one of Sasuke’s hands to weave hand signs, the rogue ninja’s eyes focus on their hands; she takes advantage of the opening by immediately kneeing Sasuke hard in his chin; he grits his teeth due to the pain. With a flap of his webbed-claw-shaped wings, the rogue shinobi quickly puts some distance between them.

“You’ve never been alone,” The kunoichi continues. “You’ve had help every step of the way!”

Just as the young Hyuga pulls out the Blade of the Thunder God, Sasuke draws his Sword of Kusanagi and channels a Chidori through it. The two combatants rush each other with a flurry of fast and precise strikes; blue and yellow sparks are created each time their blades clash.


Naruto should still have a few Truth-Seeker Orbs left; I need to get rid of them… The agile Jin jumps into the air and performs the splits, kicking away two enemy shadow clones. “Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets.”


The Onikage spews forth a volley of bullets of compressed air; Naruto activates his Chakra Mode and swiftly runs along the surface of the lake, and narrowly weaves his way through most of the projectiles. The hero counters the last one by throwing one of his orbs at it; the Truth-Seeker Orb manages to block the air bullet but is sent flying away far out of Naruto’s reach.

“Jin! What do you think you’re doing?!” The hyperactive knucklehead shouts.

You can do this, Jin… You got this, man… you got this! Giving himself a pep talk, the Onikage readies himself for his next move. “Helping Ayanami achieve her dream. She wants to be the greatest ninja ever… Greater than you and Sasuke.”

While Jin is being honest about helping Ayanami with her endeavors, there is another reason that he keeps to himself; to the Onikage this battle is a test for himself. If the Rinnegan user can defeat Naruto while he is in his ‘end of series form,’ he will finally, truly have the personal agency to achieve his own goals, on his own terms.

The combative Jin performs a backflip, using the momentum to propel himself high into the air; he builds up chakra and focuses it into a point in his chest, kneading it into fire; he unleashes a Giant Fireball Jutsu with heat so intense, the water boils profusely just from being near it. However, Naruto quickly produces a massive chakra arm and catches the fireball; he braces himself as he tries to stave the attack off.

“There’s no reason for us to fight! The world’s finally at peace!” The hero shouts trying to reason with the Onikage.

Don’t underestimate him, Jin, this is the main character we’re talking about. Use every trick, every jutsu at your disposal to win… The ever-resourceful Jin uses the Body Flicker to increase his speed and disappears, reappearing right behind the chosen one. “The peace won’t last. Could be years, decades, or even centuries from now, the people WILL start fighting again. It’s only a matter of time.”

The Onikage forms a Rasengan in his right hand and shoves it into Naruto’s back; the hero quickly diverts one of his Truth-Seeker Orbs to block the jutsu, but it is destroyed, and he is sent flying deep into the lake anyway; the water splashes so high, it nearly reaches the heads of the statues.

A pair of colossal chakra arms suddenly erupt from the water, leaving the Onikage in awe; one of the arms throws a mighty punch, knocking him back, but he swiftly recovers and turns tail and runs as the two chakra arms quickly chase after him. Jin rushes up the Hashirama statue and just as the arms are about to catch him, he forms a skeletal Susano’o; he has his avatar cut the arms with a single slash of his sword.

Once the electricity forces him out, then I’ll get him… Jin strategizes as he wipes the blood from his face; he makes two shadow clones.

“Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!” One Jin-clone spews out massive amounts of water that quickly takes the form of a legendary reptile.

“Purple Lighting!” A powerful bolt of violet electricity jets out of the other clone’s left hand, and merges with the Water Dragon.

The Lightning Water Dragon hovers in the air, circling the circumference of the lake before diving into its center; large amounts of steam are created as electricity courses through the body of water. Not even a full second passes before Naruto blasts out of the lake and hovers; jolts of purple electricity occasionally fly off of his body.

Just as planned! The smug Onikage grins with satisfaction.

Jin eagerly makes his Susano’o sword elongate, transforming into a bladed whip; he strikes at the hero, who sees it coming and sends three more orbs to block it. The Truth-Seeker Orbs manage to successfully deflect the whip, but at the cost of them being destroyed.

Is he just holding back or am I THAT strong? Maybe something’s up with his plot armor…? The Onikage finds it odd that he’s performing so well; he doesn’t hate it though, scoffing, “And your dream is to become Hokage? You were a nobody when I met you! You will be dust when I’m through with you!”

“I don’t wanna fight you… We have no reason to fight, the ninja world is actually united right now!” Naruto continues to speak his rhetoric.

“That’s only because they shared common enemies in Madara and the Akatsuki, but they’re gone now. The people will find reasons to start fighting again.” Jin argues back.

The two Uzumakis charge at each other and engage in a mid-air grappling match; neither side will give in, their beliefs are strong and unyielding.

The Onikage grits his teeth as he tries to gain an advantage, straining the muscles in his arms. “For the record, I DO understand you…”

“Then why are we fighting?!” The hero asks, shouting.

“You didn’t let me finish… I understand your perspective, I just don’t agree with it. It’s childish and naive. It completely ignores the darker side of humanity.”

Both Jin and Naruto wind their heads back and headbutt one another, causing a massive shockwave out which cracks the statues; they quickly pull away from each other, but not before the sly Onikage swipes the hero’s leaf shinobi headband right off his head.

“Hey! Give that back!” The enraged Naruto yells.

“Wait… What’d you say? ‘Martha’?” Jin says with a confused tone, tilting his head to one side.

Naruto drops his guard, completely bewildered by what the Onikage just asked; he had used a name that does not exist in this world’s history and culture.

“Eh? Come again?” The hero’s eyes wince, his head tilts to one side.

Jin’s eyes brighten up; they sparkle with joy and excitement. “Did you just say your mother’s name is ‘Martha?’ MY mother’s name is Martha! Oh, my god… This changes everything, y’know? We’re friends now!”

“I think I knocked a screw loose,” Naruto says while scratching the back of his head. “Hey… My mom’s name is Kushina.

“Oh… Well, fuck you, then.” Jin narrows his eyes; a fire burns in them.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a Jin-clone comes rocketing toward an unsuspecting Naruto and bodychecks him with the force of a hurtling meteor, sending him flying to the far side of the lake; the hero crashes into the trees, kicking up a tall, thick dust cloud.

“I can’t believe that worked!” From ear-to-ear, Jin grins with satisfaction. I saw it, I did it, and still can’t believe it…!

Channeling chakra into his arm, enhancing his strength, Jin crushes the headband he is holding into a small metal ball and nonchalantly tosses it aside.



Meanwhile, above the waterfall, Ayanami and Sasuke are in a heated sword fight; their movements are so fast, they are imperceptible to an elite jonin or even a Kage of Hashirama’s caliber. The kunoichi aims a slash at the rogue ninja’s side, but he quickly alters the direction of his blade and parries.

Ungh…! There are no flaws in his swordplay, I need to make an opening… Ayanami winces in pain as the Uchiha has just nicked her on the cheek.

The kunoichi raises her sword and, with both hands, brings it down hard on Sasuke, who uses his own blade to block it; the rogue ninja balls up his right like a fist and swings at Ayanami, who is subsequently knocked away. The rogue ninja quickly lunges for his foe, running his blade straight through her heart.

“Heh!” Ayanami gives the last Uchiha a smug grin.

Sasuke’s eyes pop open with shock as he watches the crafty kunoichi turn into a wooden statue; she had substituted herself with a wood clone. The rogue ninja whips his head around only for the real Ayanami to land a devastating roundhouse punch to his face, sending him flying; he skids across the water’s surface before recovering.

“Tch! All I need to do is erase the 3 of you, and then no one will be able to stand in the way of my revolution!” Infusing chakra, Sasuke crafts his Perfect Senjutsu Susano’o; the water ripples from its overwhelming power.

Ayanami hurriedly builds up chakra and weaves the snake sign. “Sage Art: Wood Style Wooden Kaiju Jutsu!”

The ground trembles, and water ripples violently as a giant, wooden reptile bursts from under the ground where the undeterred Hyuga stands; its mighty tail whips the ground, causing a localized seismic event.

“RAWWWRR!!” The statue takes a deep breath and releases an Earth-splitting roar.

Both Ayanami and Sasuke throw haymakers at each other; their avatars’ fists clash, sending out powerful shockwaves for miles. The rogue ninja throws a sword strike, but the kunoichi quickly blocks them with her golem’s right forearm and turns to deflect the second one with her tail.

This golem was made to be more intricate than the last one; the tunnel system in its body now not only allows it to roar, but it can also perform one other function.


Ayanami amasses large amounts of chakra in her reptilian statue; the jagged trees that make up its dorsal plates begin to glow from the tip of the tail to the back of its head. The trees glow brighter and brighter as seconds pass.


The kunoichi fires a fierce beam of condensed lightning chakra at the rogue shinobi, forcing him back; numerous hairline cracks form all throughout his Susano’o. Still being forced back, Sasuke holds out his left hand with quiet determination and throws a Kirin at Ayanami; in a flash, she is bombarded by lightning, and the subsequent explosion is massive, damaging the kunoichi’s golem and interrupting her beam.


“I don't know who I’m madder at,” Naruto says as he rises to his feet, rubbing his head. “Jin for pulling that stunt or me for falling for it.”

“I’ll never understand why my jinchuriki has to be such an idiot…” The cringing Kurama sighs with frustration from the seal.

“What're you talking about, Kurama?” The confused hero inquires.

The Nine-Tails facepalms while explaining, “Jin tricked you into sacrificing your Truth-Seeker Orbs, and is using your own naivete against you. Ignore his words and pay attention to his actions!”

“Don’t worry, I hear ya loud and clear, Kurama.”


While Jin waits patiently for Naruto to reveal himself, he notices Ayanami’s battle with Sasuke in the corner of his eye; it’s escalated to the point where they’ve unleashed their avatars.

Oh, wow… Things are really heating up over there… We should do the same, eh, Naruto? Jin’s Rinnegan eyes turn red as he amasses chakra.

First the golden-yellow skeleton forms, then the musculature, followed by the skin. Lastly, the armor forms around the construct with Jin standing in the forehead of his Perfect Susano’o; he holds out his right arm and forms a Gelel Rasengan.

“C’mon, Naruto! Don’t have any more fight left in you? Or are you just chickening out?!” The Onikage yells into the ether, taunting the protagonist.

The leaf hero rises into the air, in the head of his Kurama Mode; a fire burns brightly in his eyes. “Alright, Jin… You want a fight? You’ve just got one!”

Naruto charges at Jin while forming a Tailed Beasts Bomb in his mouth just as the latter comes, rocketing in with his Susano’o Gelel Rasengan. Jin braces himself and shoves his hand forward as the hero mirrors the Onikage’s movements; their jutsu collide. Their clash sends out powerful waves of chakra that scar the immediate vicinity, incinerating everything nearby; Jin struggles to keep his hand steady as he attempts to win the struggle. Sparks violently fly out of the point of impact as Jin and Naruto smash their attacks more and more into each other until they cancel each other out, resulting in a colossal explosion that envelops them.

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