How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 96

It's you and me against the world... We attack at dawn.

“…And as soon as I’ve taken over your ‘real world,’ I’ll have access to the other worlds you humans have created.” Moryo continues his villain monologue, flapping his wings to maintain. “ALL OF CREATION WILL B–”


“Hmph--Is it possible for you to shut the fuck up for 10 seconds? There’s no point in telling us your plans, it would only add to the list of reasons to end you anyway…” A callous Jin interrupts and dismisses his enemy; his eyes remain glaring with an unyielding animosity. “I will rain down every agony, every atrocity imaginable, upon you. I will parade your rotting corpse from all corners of the world and feed your soul to the vilest filth in hell!”

“As they say on ‘Earth:’ talk is cheap!” Moryo sneers before firing a fireball from his mouth.

Jin’s Rinnegan turns red and a Susano’o ribcage forms around him and Ayanami followed by a right arm and sword to go with it; the Onikage swiftly swings his ethereal yellow blade with great precision, dissipating the demon’s jutsu on contact.

Tensions quickly escalate just from the hovering reincarnations having a standoff with Moryo; it’s become so thick, one could easily choke on it. The two sides remain deadly silent as they are each poised to strike from even the slightest of provocations.

Suddenly, Moryo produces hordes and hordes of chakra arms from his sides, which dart toward Jin and Ayanami as they themselves charge at the demon; they nimbly weave their way through the arms, moving left, right, left, and even ascending some. However, a pair of arms managed to grab the two shinobi with very firm grips.

“Let us go, you freak! Let us go!” Ayanami shouts, struggling to break free.

Moryo swings his arms together, slamming Jin and Ayanami hard against each other; they both reel from the pain as they feel their skulls rattle from the collision.

Hnngh…! I-It’s acting up a-again… A grimacing Jin feels his third eye pulsate again, further resonating with his emotions. …Y-You want me to use you? Fine… Not like I h-have much of a choice anyways…

Jin proceeds to infuse his chakra, amassing it in his Rinne Sharingan; he feels his third eye’s pupil dilate from chakra being focused into it. Curious as to what will happen next, the Onikage activates his eye and is astonished by what it does; his Rinne Sharingan unleashes the black flames of the Amaterasu in the form of a singular, focused and condensed beam of intense heat. Marveling at his new power, Jin looks down at the chakra arm which binds him and the beam cuts through it like a hot knife on butter, freeing himself.

This is totally fucking awesome; the eyebeam stays within my Rinne Sharingan’s line of sight! Oh, I definitely know what I’m calling this…! Jin thinks excitedly as he gathers more chakra; his rage and pain is temporarily overshadowed by his sheer joy and delight. “Inferno Style: Heat Vision!

The Onikage fires another laser from his eye; this time, he aims it at arms binding Ayanami, setting her free as well; he is careful to not hurt his friend in the process.

“Thanks, Man of Steel.” The kunoichi gives Jin a thumbs up.

“What are friends for?!” Jin’s bright smile turns into a sinister grin; he suddenly turns head on Moryo with the beam subsequently following his sight. “DEADPOOL YOUR WAY OUTTA THIS!!”

The demon attempts to maneuver out of the ray’s path but isn’t quite fast enough to dodge it completely; another of Moryo’s heads is lobbed off, leaving a trail of black flames that continue to burn and further injure Moryo; he spams and recoils profusely from the searing pain; sizzling sounds can be heard, coming from his scorched hide.

“AAAAAAUUUGH!!!” The wounded demon lets out a blood-curdling scream. “DAMN HUUMAAAAAANNS!!”

Feeling a mixture of rage and joy, Jin throws his fist into the air and shouts, “I hope it hurts 1,000 times worse than what you did to Rito, you asshole!”

“Hey, Jin? Do you see that?” An inquisitive Ayanami cautiously peers at their enemy.

“See what?”

“Take a closer look…” Ayanami points at Moryo. “Right there…”

The Onikage follows where the kunoichi’s finger leads and he sees it too. Cancerous growths form all across the demon’s pitch-black skin, some of these growths vaguely resemble hands and mouths trying to push their way out; this grotesque sight makes Jin’s skin crawl and his neck hairs rise.

Peering closer, the two ninjas see what appears to be white chakra leaking out from each of the struggling demon’s head stumps. This mysterious chakra emanates from Moryo’s wounds like light. Jin’s eyes widen as this white chakra feels very familiar to him, it feels draconic even.

“Everyone and everything Moryo’s absorbed…” Ayanami thinks out loud, coming to a sudden realization. “They’re all starting to fight back--th-they’re trying to break free!”

“…The more heads we cut off, the more of Moryo’s concentration is diverted towards keeping all the shit he put in his body under control!” Jin adds onto Ayanami’s line of thought.

“Ridiculous imbeciles, I won’t let you interfere with my plans!” An enraged Moryo roars.

The demon tenaciously flaps his wings, flying higher into the air; he amasses chakra in one of his remaining heads and unleashes another Gale Style: Laser Circus.

Without uttering a single word, Jin pushes Ayanami out of the way of the oncoming volley of laser beams; he follows up by quickly activating his Susano’o, but is only able to reach the Full Body stage before being bombarded by the demon’s attack. Mere seconds into being assaulted, sweat runs down the Onikage’s face as he sees cracks form all across his ethereal avatar; horror and desperation creep onto his face while he watches the hairline cracks gradually increase in both size and number until the Susano’o finally gives and shatters, leaving the young Uzumaki at the mercy of Moryo’s jutsu.

“Ngh… Aaaaaugh!” Jin gasps in agony, coughing up blood in the process.

The smoldering Onikage’s mind goes blank, and his entire body goes limp as he plummets from a great height, the only sensation he remains aware of is excruciating pain; he feels an intense searing-hot pain coming from his chest, this pain is the only thing that’s keeping him from blacking out.


Jin crashes into the ground with a loud thud, the sudden impact being the catalyst that snaps him out of his daze; his sluggish eyes scan his surroundings and finds Ayanami hovering over him; his friend’s gaze brims with concern. The Onikage tries to get up, but the kunoichi stops him with one hand.

“Stay down. Your chest cavity is still regrowing itself.” Ayanami says with a worried tone.

“…I-I… I can still… f-fight…!” Jin weakly argues, trying and failing to get back up; smoke emanates from his wounds.

The young Hyuga holds him down with one hand. “Not in your current condition, you can’t.”

“Gale Style: Laser Circus!” From his vantage point, Moryo wastes no time and launches another volley of beams. “Die, you MAGGOTS!!”

Just as Ayanami is about to have her orbs turn into a shield, the two shinobi bear witness to something very peculiar. Crystalline dust mysteriously appears around them, surrounding them; to them, it is reminiscent of something out of a story book. To everyone’s puzzlement, the dust quickly swirls around them and coalesces, taking the form of a barrier.

This crystalline barrier absorbs the demon’s attack, glowing brighter and brighter with each and every beam it takes in; the barrier has become so bright that Jin and Ayanami have to cover their eyes. The crystal barrier releases all the energy it has soaked up, firing it back at Moryo in the form of a single, condensed beam of chakra.

YEEEAAAAAGGH!!” Moryo screams in agony while all the skin is being burned off one of his heads.

Wh-What the hell…? Perplexed, Jin’s jaw drops in awe.

Wow… you cunts can’t go 5 minutes without me saving your asses…” A familiar voice speaks, lighting their darkest hour.

Eyes as wide as saucers, Jin and Ayanami hold their breath as they look up and see Rito standing heroically--with fists on his waist--on top of the plateau right behind them; he wears a bright yet smug grin while boldly puffing out his chest.

“You should step aside and let me take the hero role!” The young genius says with a mocking tone.

Ayanami’s eyes grow watery with joy. “Rito… You’re here…!”

“You two can tell me how much you miss me after we save the bloody world. Afterall, we didn’t come here for a playdate… Today’s the day!”

The silent Jin continues to stare at his resurrected friend. As he stares, he feels something bubbling up deep from within, a very warm feeling; his eyes begin to shine brightly, and the biggest smile slowly forms across his face. The Onikage’s chakra acts on his emotions and begins to surge, flowing all throughout his body; he feels his wounds healing much faster than before, he feels himself getting stronger; he eagerly jumps to his feet, standing tall as if his body was on fire.

“Heh heh heh…” The snickering Jin wipes the tears from his eyes and faces Moryo once more. “Stay whelmed, Rito. The battle ain’t over ‘til it’s over!”

All of Uzumaki’s Truth-Seeker Orbs go to his right hand and merge together, taking the form of a longsword composed of silver chakra; it emits brilliant light as its wielder readies himself, preparing to swing it.

“You little whelp… Don’t underestimate me!!” An infuriated Moryo roars.

The tyrannical demon produces scores and scores of chakra arms, ruthlessly sending them out with the intent to capture and crush Jin with savage might, but the Onikage is undeterred; he jumps up and takes flight, charging toward Moryo at absurd speeds. Jin furiously swings his sword, cutting down every single arm that gets in his way like a mad lad; his sword strikes are so fast and precise that he vaguely resembles a massive silver Rasengan. Moryo sends out even more arms, but Jin remains undeterred and continues to mow them down as he steadily closes the gap until he finally reaches his hated foe.

“MORYO, EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!” Jin roars, driving his blade through one of the enemy’s heads.

The Onikage’s muscles strain and teeth grit as he slashes through Moryo’s neck cutting another one of the demon’s heads clean off of his body; more and more of the white chakra leaks out of his body.


“NNAAARRGGHH…!!” The reeling Moryo screams in excruciating pain.

The demon’s four remaining heads thrash around wildly as he recoils in agony; he knocks on the door to godhood, yet these mere mortals have repeatedly managed to challenge and defy him no matter what jutsu he throws at them. No matter what horrors he throws at them, they continue to fight him.

I-I… am the great Lord Moryo… I’ve acquired the… p-power to rival even members of the Otsutsuki clan… How are these filthy humans…? Moryo laments while still writhing in anguish. “Wha-?!”

While languishing in his misery and torment, the demon takes notice of the loathsome humans and quickly realizes that they are up to something. The one known as Ayanami hovers in the air, standing strong with her arms folded; she has a scorching fire in her eyes. The kunoichi is surrounded by dozens of Jin’s shadow clones; they’re all holding firmly onto the threads of white chakra leaking from Moryo’s injuries with the same fire in their eyes as Ayanami.

“Pull!!” Ayanami shouts into the ether.

On the kunoichi’s command, the numerous Jins, in unison, put all their effort into hauling the chakra out of the demon; he fights to maintain his hold on the legendary Light Genryū with a death grip, but the loss of four of his heads has taken its toll and is now steadily finding it harder and harder to keep everyone he’s absorbed in check.

“Curse yooou!! PUTRID HUMA--AAAAAARGH” The snarling Moryo is interrupted by a sudden explosion occurring atop one of his eyes, blood drips from the sizzling eye socket.

“These things make bloody awesome makeshift grenades…” Rito pulls out batteries, overloading them with his chakra and then throwing them. “Have some o’this, mate!”

Jin and Rito made the batteries all the way back in Chapter 11.

The young genius’ supercharged batteries hit their mark, several more of Moryo’s eyes; they detonate on contact, causing even further damage to the writhing demon’s sight.

Outraged, the thrashing Moryo wails, “DAMN HUMANS!!”

“I have a name. It’s Ayanami Hyuga…” The kunoichi focuses her chakra into one of her Truth-Seeker Orbs and grasps it. “Remember it! Sage Art: Silver Wheel Rebirth Explosion!”

As the determined Ayanami rockets toward the weakened demon, a powerful typhoon takes form in the young Hyuga’s hand; it emits a bright silver light. The Leaf kunoichi thrusts her hand forward, slamming her jutsu into Moryo’s chest; the demon reels from the intense pain of the impact as the attack gradually expands in size, rotating faster and faster.


“Fly… Fly to the ends of the Earth!!” Ayanami screams angrily; she grits her teeth and gives one final push.

“No… Th-This can’t be… Nraaaaaaaahh…!!”

Her jutsu parts from her and propels Moryo higher into the air whilst separating him from the light dragon’s chakra, leaving it to hover aimlessly over the mountainous terrain. The kunoichi watches as her jutsu flies high into the sky and parts the clouds; it explodes safely at the very edge of the aerosphere.

Ayanami smiles with satisfaction; she relaxes, breathing a sigh of relief. “Whew… Dirty Fireworks.”

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