How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 80

Erupting like a geyser, an ethereal, light-green chakra is ejected turbulently out from Menma’s body. The gushing chakra separates into nine downward, flowing streams, each stream has the face of a respective tailed beast at the end.

“You know what comes next, right, Ayanami?” Jin asks, relishing in their victory.

“Yeah… Chakra tug-of-war!” Ayanami replies.

The two reincarnations’ Majestic Attire Susano’o is already in the process of descending. The very moment the ethereal kaiju’s feet make contact with the ground, chakra arms blast out of Ayanami and Jin’s backs and head straight for the tailed beasts’ chakra. The arms grab on to each of the nine heads and start pulling with all their remaining might, but several of the beasts are resisting with a modicum of success; the One, Eight, and Nine-Tails chakras are seen actively fighting back.

Damn! Even though my powers technically come from the same tree, they won’t listen to me… An annoyed Jin surmises.

“Originally, Shukaku was linked to me! I can get him!”

The Fifth Kazekage, Gaara of The Sand, appears, flying on a small mound of sand just a few meters away from Jin and Ayanami. From the Kazekage’s gourd, more sand emerges and rushes toward the sand spirit’s chakra and begins pulling.

“♪ We finally found a weakness! This is key! Leave Eight-O’s chakra to me! ♫”

Appearing from out of nowhere, the Eight-Tails jinchuriki, Killer Bee lands beside the Majestic Attire. Octopus tentacles grow out of Bee’s back, and he has them latch onto the Gyuki chakra and proceeds to pull.

“Keep going! We’re almost there!”

The hero of the Hidden Leaf, Naruto Uzumaki appears with his sage mode stacked on top of his KCM2 form, he lands on top of the ethereal kaiju’s head. After sprouting his own pair of chakra arms, a determined Naruto quickly grabs on to Kurama’s chakra and starts tugging hard.

“Pull!!” Naruto commands, shouting.

Frustrated, Ayanami snaps back with, “What does it look like we’re doing?!”

Heaving with all their might, the five shinobi struggle to wrench the tailed beasts free of Menma’s control. Due to the immense pressure, the ground begins to crumble under foot of the Majestic Attire. Jin is pulling so hard that it feels like all the veins in his head themselves will burst, even his muscles feel like they will tear as well.

“N-No… No! NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOO!!” Menma defiantly screeches.

Not wanting to give even an inch, Menma starts pulling back, wanting to keep the tailed beasts firmly under his thumb.

“H-HAVE WE… …GAINED A-ANY… GROUND YET!?” Ayanami queries with a straining voice.

“I-I… …DON'T… …KNOOOOW!” Jin replies, also straining.

Due to their chakras connecting, Menma’s memories and feelings flow into Jin and Ayanami; he grew up with loving parents, was popular--especially with the ladies, and was regarded as a genius by all his peers and teachers. However, Menma cared for none of that; power truly is the only thing he wants, power is the only thing he cares about.

“Don’t underestimate me. My power is equal to THE SAGE OF SIX PATHS!”

“NOT IF WE HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT, YOU ASSHOLE!!” Jin interjects, undeterred.

Sasuke suddenly arrives in his Susano’o. The ethereal warrior grabs a chakra arm and begins hauling in the Ninja Alliance’s favor.

“Jin! Naruto! Just keep pulling.” Sasuke commands.

“GET OVER HERE!!” Mecha-Kurama roars.

The robotic double speedily latches on to a chakra arm with one of his tails and helps the ninjas pull.

The surviving members of the Konoha Twelve arrive and jump onto the chakra arms, they each crouch down, grabbing a handful of chakra and start pulling.

“Alright, everyone! Grab on to my chakra!” Minato shouts upon arriving at the scene.

The Fourth Hokage grabs a chakra arm and with his KCM cloak, creates multiple threads of chakra that spread out across the battlefield. One-by-one, the remaining members of the Alliance grab hold of the chakra.

Invigorated by everyone’s aid, Naruto says, “Alright! On my mark, everyone–”

PULL!!” Jin yells, interrupting the hero, smiling proudly. Heh heh heh heh… Man, is it fun to steal other people’s thunder.

Annoyed, Naruto grimaces at Jin while everyone gives one massive pull with all their combined might. With a sudden jolt, they feel the tailed beasts’ chakra come loose, the tailed beasts have been fully extracted from Menma Uzumaki.

As the defeated doppelganger falls to the ground, his skin, hair, whiskers, his entire appearance returns to normal. While seven of the beasts fully manifest on the field with a loud thud, the Kurama and Gyuki chakras return to Naruto and Bee.

Jin, Ayanami, Sasuke, and Naruto all stand on the head of Ayanami’s wooden kaiju, they all breathe heavily with exhaustion. As the battle has ended Jin saw no reason to continue using the Majestic Attire and dissipated his Susano’o.

“W-We… did it… w-we… won.” Ayanami sighs with relief, the kunoichi falls on one knee with her Tenseigan Chakra Mode vanishing.

“W-Was there… ever… a-any doubt?” A tired Jin wipes the sweat from his brow.

“It looks like you kept your promise...” The Four-Tails, Son Goku, turns back to thank Naruto. “...Thank you, Naruto Uzumaki. I’m impressed you rescued us.”

“No problem! What are friends for?!” Naruto energetically gives Son a salute.

“We were lucky.” The Seven-Tails, Chomei, breathes a sigh of relief.

The Six-Tails, Saiken, cheers. “He done it! Huh?”

Jin notices that all the tailed beasts have stopped celebrating, they all stare astonished at Jin as if he were a ghost from their past, their eyes have widened to the point that they’re saucer-liker; they continue to stare, making the Onikage feel very uncomfortable. Even Naruto curiously gives several side glances, noticing Jin’s considerable change in appearance.

“What’re you staring at?” Finally catching his breath, Jin stands tall and looks the beasts right in the eyes. Oh, right… I must resemble the Sage of Six Paths to them… Whatever, there are things that need to be done.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Jin jumps off the Godzilla statue and takes flight, he heads right for where Menma landed. Jin builds up speed and forms a Rasengan; Jin is going to end Menma once and for all.

“DIIIII--What the?!” Surprised, Jin stops in his tracks.

Jin sees it, but he can’t believe it; Menma is not only standing on his feet, but he is also relatively okay. There also seems to be a faint, white glow surrounding him with light particles revolving around him. The evil double scowls at Jin with gritted teeth, he balls his fists while shaking with rage.

Not possible… How’s he--Oh, shit! He has his own Nine-Tails, we weren’t able to pull it out… Jin's eyes grow wide with realization.

“This isn’t over! I’m going back to my world and once my body fully heals, I WILL return…” An enraged Menma growls. “...You will rue the day we ever crossed paths, you and this entire planet will all SUFFER!!!”

The particles of light begin to revolve faster and faster while the glow around Menma grows brighter. The white glow gradually turns into a brilliant shine, he shines brighter and brighter until there’s an absurdly bright flash of light. The flash ends almost as soon as it appeared with Menma missing without a trace.

Jin however is left dumbfounded for a brief moment due to what has just transpired. The confusion quickly dies down, and Jin’s face contorts as the bewilderment has been replaced by an even more intense feeling of outrage.

GODDAMMIT! GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT!! Jin quietly seethes in his anguish. This is exactly why I always kill the villains--so I don’t have to deal with their shit anymore or worse, create a nemesis of my own and now I have one! OH, FUCK ME!!!

Unable to contain his rage, the Onikage starts to boot the ground, stirring up a small dust storm. The ground quakes with each kick Jin makes the terra firma proceeds to crumble further due to Jin’s rage.

“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!” Jin continues to kick the ground in his fury. Okay, okay… you need to calm do--wait! No. Don’t calm down… save it for Madara, Kaguya, and Moryo. You can just take ALL your rage and frustration out on them.

Jin stops kicking when he notices a bright light shining on the bud of the divine tree, it is as if a star has descended onto the Earth. That light is Naruto holding a Sage Art: Massive Rasenshuriken.

Almost time now… Jin scowls internally, clinging on to his rage as he watches Naruto throw his jutsu.


Jin looks to his left and sees a black puddle slithering right toward him, he can tell by the chakra that it is none other than Mileena. Once she reaches Jin’s side, Mileena excitedly slithers up her creator’s leg and enters his clothes; Jin shivers some as the sensation of her touching his skin feels cold.

Mileena eagerly informs her father. “You don’t need to worry about Obito, I took care of it.”


Meanwhile, on another section of the battlefield, Obito lies on the rocky ground, staring blankly at the sky. Jugo has already left to return to the rest of Team Taka, but Obito is not alone, Kakashi and Minato are with him. Kakashi was going to end the Akatsuki leader with a Kunai, yet the Fourth Hokage was able to talk the Copy Ninja down.

“...d-did as a way to betray m-me…” Obito wheezes, thinking of Nagato. “...Although I n-never imagined myself doing the same thing…”

Infusing his chakra, Obito weakly performs the hand signs necessary for the Rinne Rebirth Jutsu. Unbeknownst to Kakashi and Minato, Obito was put under genjutsu by Mileena, the symbiote used Kotoamatsukami to give him the character development he would have acquired in the main timeline.

Obito’s blank stare transforms into a look of determination. “I-I’ll use… the Rinne Rebirth!”

“B-But that jutsu… will result in your…” A solemn Kakashi tries to argue.

With a single look at Kakashi and then Obito, Minato quickly deduces the price paid to use this jutsu.

“I feel as though now… I-I can finally understand w-why Nagato betrayed me back then…”

Obito’s former teammates are startled as a black hand suddenly bursts out of the ground and latches on to Obito, its ominous fingers digging into the Akatsuki member’s abdomen. Obito struggles to break free as he can feel the hand take over his body.

“This time… I’LL be helping you out.” Black Zetsu says, sinisterly poking his head out of the ground.

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