How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 72

“Wha–?! I-I… I don’t believe it!” A sand ninja blurts out, startled by the intel he just received.

The Ten-Tails’ Tailed Beast Bomb that exploded in the stratosphere thanks to Jin caused powerful shockwaves that disrupted all of the Alliance’s lines of communication, effectively blinding Alliance headquarters to what is currently happening on the front lines. The shinobi assigned there have all worked diligently to re-establish communication with their ninja on the battlefield.

With the sensing water sphere reconstructed and his chakra transmission communication device repaired, this sand ninja has the pleasure of receiving most unfavorable news. His jaw dropped from the shock with sweat running down his face; his breathing becomes more ragged and rapid, hyperventilating.

“You there! Status report!” Shikaku demands to know.

Seeing the sand ninja’s panic attack makes even the Alliance’s chief strategist feel some degree of anxiety; Shikaku’s neck hair begins to rise when he notices that the water sphere in the center of the room has changed shape; it is no longer a sphere, it no longer even has a fixed shape, but is in a state of constant motion.

“What is going on out there?”

“...I-It… It’s pandemonium out there, sir. Chaos!” The sand ninja finally speaks, barely coming out of his panic. “The creatures that attacked our troops on the 1st day have appeared on the battlefield, numbering in the thousands and they’re accompanied by what appear to be 2 large dragons as well. And if that wasn’t bad enough, I’m also receiving a report that the Ten-Tails has created an army of fission beings.”

Shikaku was right to feel concerned as he and everyone else in the room pauses out of pure shock due to the information provided. The sound of the water sphere’s chaotic movement fills the silent room.

“Wait, are you serious?!” The same sand shinobi shouts, breaking the silence.

“What is it now?” Inoichi asks.

“I just received a new report! Sasuke Uchiha has arrived on the battlefield, claiming he’s here to help and… he… and he arrived with the previous 4 Hokages!”


“YOMI! I’M COMING FOR YOU!!” A wrathful Echo howls into the ether. “Nothing will protect you from me! Not men! Not weapons! Not armor!”

The time-traveler’s blood boils as he runs through the enemy forces, mowing down all who get in his way. Echo blitzes right through a mob of enemies, sending them all flying in every direction; he grabs hold of a terracotta warrior by its cold, stone leg and throws it so hard that it goes right through a giant fission clone’s head.

Echo impales a terracotta warrior with black receiver before sprinting toward the two dragons, his eyes fixated on the men standing on heads of the genryu. The both of them are partially responsible for his timeline’s ruination, Echo’s body shakes with rage. He feels an icy vengeance and a fiery hate course through his veins.

Once I have intel on their master’s whereabouts, I’ll skin them alive. I swear to god they’ll die in agony!! Echo internally vows, his mask hides his fury.

AAGGHH!” A Hidden Waterfall shinobi screams in horror as a horde of mugonhei descend upon him.

Echo can hear the poor soul’s body being mauled and torn apart as he sprints past, but Future Jin continues on running as he has other priorities. The time-traveler’s eyes remain focused on those who killed his world; Echo knows they are not his iterations, but they are making the same choices, reaching for the same goals.

As Echo gets closer and closer to the fire genryu, he notices that he’s about to be flanked; a mugonhei and a Ten-Tails clone are charging toward him from both sides, brandishing their blades. Before Echo can do anything, the mugonhei soldier is bisected by a pair of beams, killing it instantly while the fission clone is suddenly wrapped up in black tendrils and pulled away. Echo turns around and sees Mileena, hauling the fission being towards her; she opens her mouth wide and stuffs the clone's head into her maw in its entirety and bites down.

Tossing the corpse aside, Mileena chews her food before speaking. “Tasty. Father told us to assist you in any way we can.”

“I have no interest in your prerogatives, Mileena. I am here on a goal of my own.” Echo interrupts, his tone is cold, ruthless, venomous.

“Like it or not we’re helping you.” The coy symbiote licks her fingers clean, unbothered by the aged Jin’s attitude.

Silently, Echo turns his attention back to the fire genryu in the distance; the red dragon takes in a deep breath and blows out intense flames, incinerating many fission beings and Ninja Alliance forces. The fire burns so hot that the ground the flames touch has liquified. Moryo’s second-in-command, Yomi, stands on its head, wearing a look of satisfaction.

“Fine… Do as you please, just don’t get in my way.” Echo reluctantly concedes.


Bedlam ensues as the fighting renews with the Alliance engaging the two enemy armies. Explosions detonate across the battlefield as various jutsu are fired in every direction, freshly spilt blood stains the ground and smoke fills the air; battle cries are heard everywhere as shinobi fight and die for the sake of the world. The reincarnations are on the front lines fighting side by side with prominent ninja and Sakura, they are pushing their way through the crowd to the Ten-Tails.

Ayanami’s movements with the Thunder God sword are swift and precise, with one vertical swing she cleaves a mungonhei soldier in two. A terracotta warrior charges at the kunoichi with the intention of running her through with its sword, she shifts her stance and quickly parries with her own blade, the staggering stone soldier is then kicked away; the terracotta warrior is sent flying into a group of fission clones in the distance. More and more enemies dart toward Ayanami, but the kunoichi cuts them all down one after another.

You got the touch, you got the power! yeah! Jin sings mentally as he impales a terracotta warrior with a black rod. When all hell’s breaking loose, you’ll be riding…

One of the larger fission clones lumbers toward Jin while it brandishes one of its giant hammer-fists, holding it aloft over its head. It brings the hammer down with great force, but Jin catches it with his Susano’o; a crater forms under Jin’s feet the instant the fission clone’s hammer makes contact with the palm of the ethereal avatar.

HEADS UP! Big time super hero comin’ through!” Rito shouts.

The boy genius bravely leaps over Jin and lands on the fission clone’s wrist. He then dashes up the creature’s arm at high speeds and jumps again the moment he reaches the shoulder, his right hand gently pats the fission being’s head as he passes over it. Rito performs three consecutives flips before finally landing, performing a Ginyu Force pose.

Crystal begins to grow where Rito touched the fission being, it quickly spreads over the creature's head entirely. However, it doesn’t just cover its head, but consumes the matter and converts it into even more crystal; this phenomenon continues to spread all throughout the rest of the body like a plague until it is nothing, but a statue of pure crystal. Moments later, the sculpture shatters into crystalline dust, scattering to the night breeze.

“One less to worry about~!” Rito looks back and confidently gives Jin a thumbs up.

Jin is unable to congratulate his friend with a thumbs up as he is forced to immediately duck, he senses something flying towards him incredibly fast from behind. Rito hurriedly jumps out of the way as a fission clone is sent flying past them and into a mob, consisting of more clones.

“Chaaa!!” Sakura roars as she jumps into the air.

Tsunade’s disciple dives where the clone is going to be and punches it hard into the ground. The force behind the medical kunoichi’s fist is so great that it causes a seismic event, the ground shakes and crumbles with the enemy forces from both armies being tossed into the air along with large boulders and debris.

Naruto and Sasuke witness this from further back, they are both bracing themselves from the shockwaves. Sasuke maintains a stoic yet determined expression while Naruto has a look of shock mixed with fear, the hero’s eyes are round and saucer-like.

The pink-haired ninja looks back revealing a rhombus-like marking in the center of her large forehead. “And I don’t have to waste any on a youthful appearance.”

Sakura is so busy trying to impress Naruto and Sasuke that she fails to notice a horde of enemies coming right for her. Ayanami and Jin rush forward to protect the medic ninja.

“The war’s not over, pay attention, idiot!” Jin chastises the kunoichi as he passes her by. Caught up with them, my ass!

Ayanami weaves the snake hand sign. “Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!”

The earth splits as a dense growth of trees rapidly sprout from the ground; the growth rushes forward, capturing many fission beings, terracotta soldiers, and mugonhei.

“Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!”

Jin kneads and converts his chakra into intense fire and quickly expels it from his mouth in the form of a literal, wide-ranging sea of flames. The raging inferno starts burning down Ayanami’s forest with haste as well as all the opposition trapped inside; the fire is so bright that it illuminates the entire battlefield.

“Is that it, Jin? I know you can do better than that!” The Hyuga kunoichi taunts, giving Jin a side glance.

She pumps more chakra into her jutsu, causing a more dense forest to grow and douse Jin’s flames.

“Alright already, I’ll bring the heat…” Jin proceeds to exhale even more intense fire.

The two shinobi’s combined jutsu results in a massive explosion that lights the sky for all present to see.


“Woah… T-They’re amazing…!” Tenten is taken back.

Team Guy stands further back, they had just witnessed the massive explosion caused by Ayanami and Jin’s collaboration and the power of Team 7. Tenten’s jaw drops in disbelief while Lee is left speechless, but Neji, Neji’s fists shake in frustration. The usually calm and stoic genius feels an unnatural sense of competitiveness washes over him.

“Lee! Tenten! We’re going with that combination!” Neji speaks, breaking the silence. “We will aim higher than Team 7!”


Neji and Lee jump into the air with Lee wrapping Neji in his bandages, the Hyuga genius proceeds to release chakra from his entire body while spinning at high speeds.

“Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation!”

“Primary Lotus!” Lee shouts.

The taijutsu expert adds to the spinning motion, turning the Gentle Fist defensive technique into a powerful drill attack.

“Keep going!” Tenten cheers, throwing a kunai-filled wire around her teammates, adding to the collaboration's power.

With their combination jutsu, Lee and Neji drill right through one of the larger fissions with no desire to stop there. They continue rocketing forward, carving off the head of one of the larger mugonhei and pierce through several more fission clones at ludicrous speeds.

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