How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 20

Chapter 19: I Have A Dream

After leaving Sharka’s ward unhappy again, Yu Mengruo sent a message to Dr. Myron, explaining that he wanted to ask some questions about Sharka, and asked him to find a place to talk in detail.

After Dr. Myron came to the appointment, Yu Mengruo exchanged a few words and said unexpectedly, “Doctor, I want to mark Sharka.”

Using this trick to inquire about the true thoughts of other humans has always been very useful, especially when it is used on female insects – Yu Mengruo felt that Dr. Myron was extremely surprised.

It’s a little weird. According to Yu Mengruo’s analogy to the various rules of the Zerg, he and Sharka already have a legally recognized marriage relationship – the Zerg is led by a male insect, which is equivalent to the lions on the earth. As a young lion king of a new lion group, Yu Mengruo wants to mark his territory and lioness, what’s surprising?

Unless there are some unspoken rules Yu Mengruo doesn’t understand.

Yu Mengruo asked tentatively, “Doctor, you look surprised. Why do you think I shouldn’t talk to you about this?”

Dr. Myron didn’t answer, but Yu Mengruo felt that he must have guessed correctly.

So he continued: “… Or, you didn’t think I would want to tag Sharka?”

Dr. Myron was still speechless, but Yu Mengruo could feel what he really felt: he really thought so.

After digesting the bombshell that Yu Mengruo wanted to mark Sharka, Dr. Myron no longer needed Yu Mengruo’s little cross-examination, and he took the initiative to say, “I…Although I admire Lord Sharka, I also… I regard you as my friend. As your friend, I think it is inappropriate that you want to mark Lord Sharka.”

Yu Mengruo felt Dr. Myron’s shallow regret and sadness.

The male’s attentive listening appearance encouraged Dr. Myron.

He said: “You are a D-class male, and you can only tag one female without leveling up. A tagged female can establish the deepest spiritual connection with the male, and can get many benefits. The level is not much different, and it is very likely that you will be promoted directly. If you mark Lord Sharka, although it will be very good for his injury, it will not help him to a higher level.

But at the same time, you’re taking too much risk. The level difference between you and Lord Sharka is quite large, and the damage to his mental power may be transmitted to you in the reverse direction, which will have a bad impact on you…”

After a brief hesitation, Dr. Myron added, “And, and… Lord Sharka’s injury will likely shorten his lifespan. If anything happens to him, you… your mental power will be affected by it. Huge damage.”

After listening to Dr. Myron’s advice, Yu Mengruo asked him not to disclose their conversation with any Zerg. After saying goodbye to him, he returned to the apartment to ponder the matter quietly.

If Sharka was not in distress, would it be possible for a male like “Yu Mengruo” to get him? The answer should be no – during the live broadcast yesterday, didn’t the audience say that the former Sharka was so proud that even the male lieutenant general who was the strongest and most likely to be promoted to the royal family looked down on him.

Are there any low-risk, high-yield investments in this world?

– Too few, and it is very likely that it is just a scam of illegal fundraising.

Since they have already chosen Sharka, if you don’t continue to invest in him, if you mark him, then the different choices in front of you will be completely meaningless.

—Like when playing mobile games, the rarest cards are the most valuable. Sharka’s experience and work ability as a major general and the highest commander of a fleet is by no means comparable to a female who needs to be marked by a male to advance from B to A.

What’s more, as long as he is completely marked, when it comes to B612, he doesn’t have to cover up the existence of the system at all.

He can make the female worm and himself a complete community of interests, and all questions about the zerg, spiritual power, and system can be brought out to discuss with Sharka without concealment, and make full use of his vision, knowledge and decision-making power. , this prospect is too tempting!

But after getting along in the past few days, Yu Mengruo can also figure out Sharka’s character – Sharka is a very strong female, and does not like to lose the initiative, and does not like to be in a weak state. Even if he is in a bad state now, he still maintains the attitude of a strong man and an elder when facing himself. The reason why he is willing to be loyal to himself should only be because of guilt.

He will go to great lengths to reciprocate kindness is a virtue, but not docile enough. If he and Sharka clearly stated that he wanted to mark him to establish a closer relationship, but Sharka was unwilling, or, like Dr. Myron, thought that marking him would be very disadvantageous to Yu Mengruo and refused to cooperate, it would make things very complicated.

The previous failures made Yu Mengruo lack enough confidence in persuading Sharka. And since the chance of success in the road of “letting him willingly cooperate fully” is not high, he can only take the other road of forced crushing.

First of all, it is to seize the time and try to improve your mental power before the mark.

Yu Mengruo gave herself a detailed timetable, allocating every day to live broadcasts and completing system tasks.

After identifying enough minerals, Yu Mengruo triggered [Exploration Plants] [Exploration Organisms] and other branch tasks that also belonged to [Exploration Materials].

In order to collect information on flora and fauna, he no longer maintains a high-altitude drawing, but lowers the altitude. This time, the task of searching for maps is no longer risk-free.

There are some aggressive creatures on the asteroid. When Yu Mengruo was attacked for the first time, he didn’t even realize what happened.

After being forced to interrupt the spiritual link and being ejected from the mission, the virtual projection in the room completely disappeared.

Yu Mengruo blinked, dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Xiao Shi appeared in time: “Host, are you alright? Don’t worry, the unknown creatures attacking you have no mental attack power, and only the nano-robots you project mental power will destroy. For your physical and mental health, the system will forcibly lock your task. , you can log in again in the safe area to complete the task after half an hour.”

It was only then that Yu Mengruo realized that he had been attacked just now. It turned out that he had been projecting his mental power on the robot to explore the map.

When he was able to log in again, he raised his perspective and returned to the place where he was just attacked, and wanted to observe in a safe place what caused him to crash.

Unfortunately, due to the dense jungle, you can’t see anything from the top, so you have to lower the height again, and then carefully observe and slowly move forward.

Gradually, Yu Mengruo discovered the clue. The surroundings are very quiet, and huge spider webs can often be seen on the trees and on the ground. These spider webs are really too big, and although there is no suitable reference around, Yu Mengruo can still feel that they are very abnormally large.

-Although she has become a Zerg after crossing over, the “Zerg” Yu Mengruo is now doing is called “Zerg”, at least in appearance, it is no different from humans.

Suddenly it turns out that it might be a giant spider attacking him…

Yu Mengruo didn’t feel anything at all, he wasn’t afraid of bugs.

When he was a child, in order to scare his family, he used to indulge in raising reptile pets, and raised all kinds of beautiful and colorful spiders – his adoptive father was obviously super afraid of insects, but he pretended to understand and appreciate his hobbies, and he was disgusted and scared. , but on the surface, I still have to touch these little cuties and praise them.

It was fun at first, but one day, Yu Mengruo suddenly discovered that the way his adoptive father treated him was exactly the same as these pet spiders.

Because he was not afraid, Yu Mengruo continued to investigate, and then was forced to return to the respawn point by KO again.

This time, he was prepared, and although he was still killed in an instant, he also saw what attacked him before the perspective was cut off.

Sure enough, it was a huge monster like a bug, hiding behind a tree with a protective color, and spraying some liquid at him, and then he crashed and died again.

After the exploration mission started to get stuck, Yu Mengruo was instead motivated to fight, and after “rebirth”, he immediately wanted to rush there again.

The system couldn’t bear it any longer, “Host, please don’t go deeper into this jungle. The system has successfully collected the information on the attacking creatures in the location just now, but now the nano-robots on the asteroid that can give you mental power have no weapons loaded. When we are attacked, there is no better way to defend against the enemy than to escape. If the nano-robots are exhausted, you will not be able to continue the exploration mission.”

Yu Mengruo just heard helplessness from the system’s always gentle voice: “Haha, I’m sorry, Xiao Shi, you mean I only have three lives. If I continue to die, it will be GAMEOVER? Okay, then I won’t go to die.”

System: “…So you were deliberately killing yourself just now?”

Yu Mengruo first denied Sanlian, and then skillfully turned back to attack: “It’s not that I don’t talk nonsense, I’m just curious, how can you say that I’m dying, Xiao Shi, you’ve changed, you’re not as gentle as you used to be. !”

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