How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 15

Chapter 14: Cute Male

Yu Mengruo didn’t quite understand Sharka’s thinking when he made this plan. He tried to guess:

Dr. Myron once explained to Sharka that he chose him because he wanted to help him.

Sharka believed this statement and apologized especially sincerely.

After he apologized, Yu Mengruo immediately told the female insect that he wanted to sign up to develop the barren star, and asked him if he would like to follow.

As a Zerg who can fight from an orphan in an orphanage to a major general, Sharka should have a general understanding of how much money it takes to build a barren star. Therefore, he immediately proposed to auction off the mecha, change from a one-bed single room to a three-bed ward, and repeatedly reminded him to sell the shop, hoping to save the handling fee.

Yu Mengruo refused to listen to Sharka’s suggestion to save money, and the female worm was not angry. Instead, she tried her best to make a plan to make full use of all her assets, but she seemed to have forgotten to consider the cost of her follow-up treatment. .

– What if there is less equipment at the base?

Anyway, the government will be responsible for equipping the males to support the frontier with the infrastructure. As a precious and rare male worm, Yu Mengruo will not starve to death on the barren star…

So what is going on in the female worm’s mind when making this plan? Is he not afraid that his physical condition will deteriorate and his life span will be shortened? It never occurred to me that the male who chose him was a pauper who couldn’t get a penny.

Or see that the construction base has used up all the “dowry” of the females, and as Dr. Myron assumed at the time that most low-level males would do, give up the treatment of him?

Does Sharka really believe what Dr. Myron said? Those words that would help him were not even promised by the hero himself…

As a persecuted delusional person who almost never believes what others say, Yu Mengruo was shocked by Sharka’s gullibility.

At the same time, he began to worry again.

If he hadn’t arbitrarily chosen to go to Desolate Star, they wouldn’t be short of money to this extent, and Sharka would not need to soberly spend all his savings as he is now. He can have more hope that he is conditioned to continue treatment.

So, are the females now starting to despair again? Will his spiritual world change from the rainy day to the dark night…

Wouldn’t he be less confident that he would be treated, maybe… no?

– After all, when he went to see the female insects a few times before, he didn’t change back to the way he hated himself!

Yu Mengruo thought optimistically: After all, Eros will definitely not give Sharka a list of his master’s property. It is impossible for the female to know how poor he, the male, was when he was kicked out of the house. Sharka must think that after spending all his money with all his heart, the hero will reciprocate and spend money to treat his illness, right? !

It must be so!

Yu Mengruo decided to find a way to get some more money and sent it to the hospital to renew the fee for Sharka to maintain the female worm’s mental health.

Before the time-travel, Yu Mengruo had never tasted the feeling of being short of money and living a careful life; after the time-travel, he seemed to be worrying about money every day… Yu Mengruo felt that this time-travel was a huge loss!

He called the system again: “Xiao Shi, I have no money again, how can I make tens of millions in a short period of time?”

The system immediately responded: “You are a precious male, it is very easy to get tens of millions, just apply to Eros, and choose a female with tens of millions of births to be your female servant. , and then get his property.”

Yu Mengruo wasn’t very satisfied with this option, “No, then wouldn’t I be selling myself for money?”

Sharka was chosen to help him, and that sounds noble.

Yu Mengruo complained angrily: “And he sold his body to treat Sharka! What kind of **** is this? Xiao Shi, didn’t you say that you are a business system? If you accept the task of 10 million, can you give me another one?”

The system corrected it in a straight-forward manner: “Host, [Pioneering the Desolate Star] is not the kind of task that you can do again casually. Please take it seriously, it is the starting point of your life’s career!”

Although Yu Mengruo always misinterpreted the work of the system, J10 seemed to have infinite patience with him. The suggestion just now was rejected, and it was replaced with another one: “Your unwise choice when choosing a mate increases the difficulty of completing the task. Since you are still in the novice protection period, the system can issue you a large loan , the maximum amount is 10 million, and the loan term is 1 year. Do you have a loan?”

Hearing this option, Yu Mengruo immediately flashed a red warning light on his head. There was a sense of nervousness that the system was finally trying to see it, and he hurriedly asked: “How much is the interest? What is the collateral? Tell me, Xiao Shi! Are you? Aren’t you coveting my soul?”

The system paused suspiciously for a second before saying, “The system doesn’t want your soul. Allow me to remind you that I’m a serious AI, a product of technology, not mystical. The devil who collects souls. As a novice benefit, the system will not charge any interest, but if you are unable to repay the principal when it expires, the tasks issued by the system in the future will be free to choose whether to accept or not to become mandatory.”

Yu Mengruo snorted, feeling as if she was disliked by J10 because of her shortcomings, and was a little angry: “Okay, I know that you are really not interested in my soul, you are coveting my body!”

Although Yu Mengruo has accepted the objective fact that his body sells better than his soul, if he has a choice, whether it is his body or his soul, he doesn’t want to sell it very much. He decided to think about whether there were other ways to get money quickly.

However, just in case, Yu Mengruo did not refuse the loan proposal from the system. He first contacted Sharka’s attending doctor and asked about Sharka’s treatment. The attending doctor told Yu Mengruo that Sharka’s current situation is gradually improving and stable, and the medical expenses are not as exaggerated as before. Since the first two days, the daily medical expenses have dropped to an average of about 150,000 per day.

If his health continues to improve, he should be able to be discharged within half a month. After being discharged from the hospital, although the drug will continue to be used to maintain the physical condition, the cost of the drug will be greatly reduced compared with the cost of hospitalization.

Hearing that the pressure of supporting the family has been reduced so much, Yu Mengruo suddenly felt at ease, and there is a great hope that he can get through this difficult time of lack of money without having to sell [loans].

After hanging up the call with the doctor in charge, he hummed a song in a good mood and chose a bright green hoodie for himself, dressed neatly and walked out the door with ease, intending to advance the task assigned by Mr. Sharka. Check out Sharka’s store with your own eyes, and then go outside to broaden your mind and look for business opportunities. If you can trigger a mission worth tens of millions by the way, it will be even more perfect!

Yu Mengruo came to the location of the Sharka store. This store is next to the largest education area in Central Star. Yu Mengruo mixed in with the Zerg students, and walked around the store to see what it looked like inside.

When Eros, the mastermind, took stock of Sharka’s property list, he listed the situation of the shop in detail: after the poor and unskilled major general bought the shop, he leased it to his retired subordinates, subordinates and Sharka. Erka has no business acumen. In this era of developed online shopping, he opened a very nostalgic old-fashioned grocery store next to the school. After a few years of hard operation, he finally decided to close the store and return the lease to his hometown to farm when he last went on an expedition. .

Yu Mengruo didn’t really want to sell the only property in their family at a low price. As he learned more about the various technologies in the daily life of the Zerg, he even didn’t want to sell it after the field trip. After his exploration in the past few days, Yu Mengruo found that he could sell it. The things that were put into the backpack in the B612 asteroid can be taken out from the apartment, and the things in the apartment can also be put into the backpack and transferred to B612.

When he goes to the B612 asteroid on the border, after mining a lot of materials there, he can make good use of the system’s backpack plug-in, and the expensive cost of transporting the goods to the central star will be sold directly in this store, refusing middlemen to earn money. difference.

And this store has convenient transportation and excellent location. Although Sharka’s subordinates have no business savvy, they maintain the chief’s property very neat and clean. The interior decoration was minimal at the time (of course, it may have been because the renovation budget was not given at the beginning), so as long as it was slightly renovated and a new exterior design was made, the store could be reopened.

He can buy a commercial intelligent AI and use it to maintain the normal operation of the store after leaving Central Star.

If the money earned by then is still not enough to maintain Sharka’s medicine expenses, you can also use the store as a mortgage to go to the Zerg bank for a normal loan – although it may cost more interest than the loan from Xiaoshi, it is safer. .

And a small ten loan? – What if the purpose of the system is to get him into the trap, do the task obediently after the loan repayment fails, so he secretly stumbles during the loan period so that he can’t make any money, isn’t he a loser? Persecuted delusional disorder thinks so.

However, this perfect plan has only one problem that is difficult to solve. If Yu Mengruo wants to make full use of the system’s golden fingers to make money, it may be difficult to hide from Sharka, who is planning to build B612 with him. If there is something that is not covered up, I don’t know if it is an abnormal behavior, will it arouse Sharka’s suspicion!

After making up his mind to completely do away with Teacher Sha’s homework, Yu Mengruo planned to simply clean up the hygiene here.

Although he has almost never done housework by himself, it is precisely because he has not done it that he is full of self-confidence, thinking that he can not only clean well, but also save a small sum of money by cleaning the walls by himself.

The young male asked for some tools from the neighbors of the next-door shop, covered himself with a dust-proof hat with paper, built up tables and chairs and began to clean the dust from the walls and ceiling.

After a few minutes, he coughed wildly, and the high stack of desks and chairs began to shake. Fortunately, Yu Mengruo’s balance ability is very good, and he began to sway left and right like an acrobat stepping on a ball, trying hard to find a stable center of gravity. Only then did the table and chair persevere and not fall apart.

Yu Mengruo didn’t close the door when he was cleaning. When he felt that it was almost safe to jump down, several young female insects suddenly rushed in outside the door, scrambling to help him stabilize the table and chairs.

These young females were all attracted by Yu Mengruo’s good looks when he was shopping. They were all just hiding in the dark to observe. They didn’t expect to get this chance to perform “heroes save the beauty” by accident. Everyone was very happy. You say, “What are you doing?” “Why do you want to do this kind of rough work yourself, please let me help you!” “I’ll do it, I’m very good at cleaning!” Nonsense, your housekeeping grades are at the bottom of the class!”

Yu Mengruo could feel the thoughts in their hearts, almost all of them were ‘so cute”, “he is so cute”, “he is really cute”, and unconscious screams.

The male wrinkled his nose in disgust, thinking they were a little noisy.

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