House of the wolf

Light at the end.

Huh, what´s this? What´s... where am I? My memory feels hazy and darkness surrounds me. I can´t feel my body but somehow it feels like I´m floating.

Hmm, this feels suspicious and oddly familiar but no, No! This can´t be right! I don´t remember being hit by a truck… but then again that´s the only explanation for what I´m experiencing I´ve never taken drugs that could cause this kind of illusion. 

So I guess I died huh or maybe I´m experiencing some sort of weird coma dream? ugh, that would suck. And wake up years later as some fat Rick Grimes with no bitches in a zombie apocalypse.


No, thank you very much. I would rather be dead but if I´m dead how can I be having an inner monologue and I´m starting to feel pressure all around me oh god oh god here comes the light at the end of the tunnel! I can see it here I come to God to be judged.


I hope you didn´t have strict policies on masturbation I´m sure he will see that I was a good man… was I? Strange it's all so fuzzy. 


As I arrive at the light it blinds me and I scream as the sensations hit me Aaahhhhhhh or rather Waaaaaah as in either these are giants in front of me or holy fucking fuck I´m a fucking baby Wahhhhh get your monster paws off me you wrinkled old fuck waaaaaahh.


I see an old bald guy smiling an ugly smirk at me as I kick and scream to escape his "kindly" gaze he looks away from me and then turns his head to speak to other people in the room but it's all too blurry for me to see who he´s talking to.


I can barely understand what´s being said but sigh in relief mentally that they seem to be speaking some form of english. I would have been screwed if he started speaking Chinese or any language written in a hieroglyphic script or would I be?


They say babies can learn faster right? do I count? Am I a baby what the fuck is going on! Did I reincarnate? reincarnation is real! What the fuck fuckity fuck fuuuuuck is going on? 


waaaaaaaaaaaah this noice is getting really loud now! Someone needs to shut that baby up… oh right… I´m the baby. As I feel myself being held in an embrace I look up to see who is holding me and see a beautiful woman with red hair looking at me love in her eyes.


I think this must be my mom is she really this beautiful? or am I seeing her with some newborn baby halo in my eyes as I look at what must be my mother in this new world. Maybe a bit of both.


And then I look at the giant sitting by her looking at me and almost recoil at the serious stern face looking at me. Long face long brown hair this face seems familiar… oh oh god oh… no oh god. I know this face, these people.


My parents I know them! Did I just reincarnate in Westeros as a son in the House of Stark?... my memory is too hazy to explain but I got a bad feeling about this.

Alas, my important contemplation is cut short by a nipple attacking my mouth and it seems my existential crisis can wait another day as my eyelids get heavy and sleep comes with cooing sounds.

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