House of the wolf

chapter 8

12 and a bit years since I came here.

I think to myself as I do my morning stretches to keep my growing bones from aching if the pain were any worse, I might start regretting drinking all those potions but at least I don´t feel as lethargic as I did the first time I went through puberty it seems I will grow taller than Robb and Father when it is over. 


Drinking 1 every month has proven to be a catastrophic mistake as soon as puberty began a couple of months ago I pitched an obscene tent in my pants but after my first feelings of pride and triumph it was washed away by my aching need almost every waking hour it got so bad I had to book Ros up for the entire week and Theon has had it for me ever since.

It´s not how I wanted to lay my first woman in this world but I had no choice unless I wanted to weld my hands stuck to my cock from all the friction.


But it was not all bad that week I asked her to teach me all she could about the tricks of the trade and how to make a woman mine through pleasure pain and all that jazz.

I found out the most important thing you need to pleasure a woman is stamina and efficiency.

As long as you have that, you can leave her a slobbering mess from pleasure overdrive according to what she taught me. But that was not what I did that week it was just pure relentless frustration that did that.


In the end, I guess I did well considering when I told her I could not afford more visits after the week without damaging my wallet she offered visits for free.


After she recovered, but alas even though it was a very enjoyable experience for me, I refused. I just did not have any feelings or desires for her beyond the mundane ones. 


Another thing I´m grateful for is that the virility potions did not create swimming super soldiers otherwise Ros would be pregnant without a doubt. It just increased my vitality.


I´m now catching up with Robb in height. The strength potions have also helped him. It slowly got rid of most of the lanky kinks in his teenage body and filled it out more. Now he gets increasingly proficient at wielding Ice every day but he´s still a little awkward. 


Jon on the other hand has not had much success vertically as he´s a little shorter than average but he always had a very athletic frame like a cross-fit athlete. That was before the potions. It always felt like his body naturally made the most of itself being very condensed and compact. He has been leaving us in the dust after each dual thanks to that but to be fair. I´m still growing and Robb is wielding a sword taller than me so Jon has an advantage and has been abusing it mercilessly.


While Bran has not had much success with wielding weapons he has been showing promise with the hammer and chisel and running and climbing of course. 


While Arya grows more feisty every day she has often been sneaking out to train with her little wierwood bow sometimes I join her with my big wierwood bow that I just barely grew into. And Sansa grows more beautiful and snarky every day leaving me to play peacekeeper for them.


Like I said I just recently grew enough to start practicing with the wierwood bow and long sword Ned when he handed them over told me all the weapons we found in that chest were worthy of names and if I had any for the three I own.


I decided not to name them as I felt like that would keep me from being able to treat them as mere tools whose only purpose is my benefit and safety.


 As I´m on my way to the training yard with the bow and quiver and shield on my back the axe on the right side of my belt the longsword on my left. I see Jon practicing dual-wielding a longsword and his new shortsword Spike he calls it.


I decided to match up with him by using the long sword and axe as a combo now one of the best things about my axe is the handle made of wierwood and the deep integrated grooves and textures that prevents sword users from easily being able to slide the blade along it and cut off my fingers. 


The match is pretty intense but Jon has the slight edge as wielding two swords is more seamless than a sword and an axe I make a few attempts at hooking his blades with my axe to throw him off balance but he sees it coming so he backs off slightly. 


As our duel gets more heated we hear Ned call to us “Boys a deserter of the night´s watch was just caught get ready your horses… Bran you too” Ned says as Catelyn glares at him and then looks at Bran with worry.


Jon and I look at each other and I shrug while he frowns thinking of a member of his precious night´s watch deserting.


As Jon gets ready our horses I go get Bran and help him on his horse much to his outrage yelling that he can do it himself as I laugh and walk to my horse. 


On the way, Ned informs us that he just got news of an incoming royal visit King Robert Baratheon his wife and children are all on their way to Winterfell. The royal family is coming here?


Everybody is shocked by the news while I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach after learning history and everything that happened over the last 30 years I know this realm has been like a powder keg ready to be expelled over these last few years of “peace” and I´ve made my worries clear to Father over the years and thanks to that he has paid more attention to the movements of his vassals.


But this news feels like it blew any preparation one might have had out of the water and left me feeling a bit helpless and strangely a feeling of excitement was creeping in I quickly quenched it and listened to what Ned was saying.


“We all must start preparing to receive them. I already sent a raven to castle black to let your uncle Benjen know that the king is on his way to Winterfell so he can have an audience with him to ask for reinforcements for the Night´s watch”


Soon we arrived and saw the deserter a young man who while he seemed rattled did not strike me as a coward he reminded me a little of the man who taught me how to hunt it I was expecting to see a soft coward but that´s not the case. 


As Ned comes down from his horse to talk to him and listen to his last words we hear him talk about how he saw the others “I saw it I saw” he says “Wait I yell out before Ned carries out the sentence. “Will was it? Would you be willing to go back to the Watch if we spare your life?” 


Will thinks about it carefully with despair in his eyes but ends up slowly nodding his head Ned frowns at me about asks what on earth I´m doing 


“I know he´s a deserter father but did you not say Benjen is on his way here why not let him decide if he wants to bring Will back with him if not I will carry out the sentence myself! Until then we can keep him prisoner”


Theon scoffed and mocked “You carry out the sentence? You would need to swing a hundred times to sever the head from his body” 


While Robb frowned “It is our duty to cull deserters” 


Jon and Bran stayed silent until Ned spoke up “I´ll hold you to that if Benjen decides no you will swing the blade yourself” 


“I will” 

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