House of the wolf

chapter 63

“It´s good that there are good marriage candidates for Bran but Ed you must promise me one thing,” She says as she puts her hand on my chest. 


“What?” I ask curious because I can tell she is serious.


“Let Sansa choose a marriage partner on her own,” She says while looking down.


“But you just said-”


“I know what I said but I want you to promise me this Ed, promise me that you will let her choose” She implores me.


“You know I can´t just do that, you know how she is… the most I can do is, as long as you look into and agree with her choice, then you have my word that I will honor her decision”     


She smiles at my words.


“Sansa asked you to do this didn´t she” 


Her smile turning more victorious is the only response.


“Sigh… well you will have to do something in exchange for this” 


“What do you want?” She asks as she puts her hands defensively in front of her cleavage making me scoff.


“First I want you and Sansa to help me while you´re here, since you´re one of the few people I completely trust who know how to write, you both will help me with writing down a list of important matters and you will review anything that might be of import in Winterfell right now. As you two are doing that I want you to start personally guiding Sansa” 


She is a bit shell-shocked by what I just said, her face frozen so I continue.


“I´ve heard some concerning things about Sansa´s mentality recently, mainly her naivety, I want you to personally talk to her about the darker side of nobility and the world in general, the dangers of our position in this world, how a woman can navigate those dangers.”


She blinks at me in surprise “You´re overreacting, she shed that side of her months ago. And she won´t listen to me, she is coming into her own now as a woman. So she won´t take lessons from me, nor will she stay with me for a long enough period for us to talk about those things” She says sadly.   


“Aye, she might have realized that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows but that only means she is ready to listen, she needs guidance right now, not lessons. Tell her the real things you´ve learned and experienced as a young noblewoman of house Tully, tell her about the things beyond lessons in poise and manners, and she will absorb it like a sponge”


She looks at me for a couple of moments then slowly nods “I will try” 


“You will do it! It will take a long time to write down all of the things that I am asking you of, plenty of time to have those conversations” 

She nods absent-minded, maybe a bit shocked that this is coming from me.

“The second thing I need from you is the Riveralnds, now that Tywin is dead along with the Mountain, the siege on the Riverlands will inevitably let up.

Dacey Mormont told me that she and her mother Maege Mormont were responsible for carrying spoils from the war back to the North but the betrayal by the Frey´s at the twins meant that they were only able to bring back the material goods.

They had to leave the livestock behind on the other side of the Twin castle walls, they left a couple hundred soldiers to roam around the heard they left between large valleys in the Riverlands to keep enemies from getting their hands on our bounty” 


She looks at me bewildered “What do you expect me to do about that?” 


“Now that the Riverlands are not at war on two sides. I need you to send a message to your brother and uncle to work with the remnants of Robb´s army in the Riverlands and blockade all shipments of food headed for the Twins.

Tell them to give most of the food from those shipments to the smallfolk in the Riverlands it must not seem like a deliberate attack on the Twins but an act of desperation to feed the smallfolk because Gregor´s Clegane destroyed their crop.

To ease suspicion they can even let a few shipments come through. But in those shipments have some men sneak along in subterfuge and see if there is anything that can be done for the hostages inside the castle” 


She straightens up and gets a glint in her eyes “You want to attack the Twins?”


“Not now, the old coot Walder Frey will continue to gloat about his victory in killing Robb and no doubt will celebrate with feasts and banquets until he dies, he will take little notice of a few shipments not arriving. After a year of this, their stores should not be able to handle a long siege” 


“In a year will be high winter, and your army will be waist-deep in snow how will you maintain a siege on the impregnable Twins” 


“Aye, it will be winter and I suspect it will be so cold that the lake between the Twins might even freeze over, but for us that will only make it easier to isolate them and give us more ways to infiltrate their walls. The Frey´s will not expect us to attack them with force since they think we are under siege by Bolton” 


She grabs my arm with both her hands “Are you sure about this Ed, after the rebellion, the Greyjoy rebellion and the war of the five kings the North has lost so much and winter has arrived. The Frey´s a right to think we won´t attack them for quite a while, with Bolton and Stannis still out there are you sure attacking is the right choice?” 


I look into her eyes solemnly “Yes, we will need the Riverlands and their resources as we establish the North as an independent Kingdom and as Robb so bitterly learned we can´t hold the Riverlands if we don´t control the Twins!” 


“Find a way to convey the message to your brother and uncle without letting anybody outside of the family know that the Twins will be a target for siege don´t even talk about it within these walls until the day comes” 


She bites her lip and then nods “It will be done” And stands up to leave the room.


My eyes inadvertently travel to her swaying hips as she leaves her shapely behind leaving my loins stirring again.


After she closes the door I stand up from the bed revealing my naked body and look down. 


It´s still getting bigger, even after I stopped growing taller other things are still growing and every day my balls feel fuller and heavier.


I try to reason with them “I won´t complain about you growing bigger since that would just be ungrateful, but can you please calm down! This is even worse than my first time going through puberty”


My cock now laying limp after being properly scolded, making it easier for me to put my clothes on and get ready for the day.

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