House of the wolf

chapter 54

Before I see the prisoners I go to what you could call the office. A large room with a comfy chair and table with stacks of letters on it, the letters are of all kinds they range from general news to invitations from other houses. I see some have not yet been opened.


I sit down to take stock of the broad strokes of our situation right now. Even though I didn´t have time to know all the details, I decided to take as much time as possible and not make any decisions in haste. 


An important piece of information is revealed straight away as I start reading. It seems a lot more soldiers of Robb´s army survived than I thought.


In the first place even though there was a very bloody battle for both sides at the Twins, most of his army was not there. 


Roose Bolton after allying with the Frey´s and Lannisters to betray Robb, used tactics like announcing Robb's death to shatter their morale and scatter the forces in many different directions to ensure they could not easily reunite and strike back after gathering themselves.


Although it was a good plan and worked out. It also meant besides the 500 warriors that were captured at the Twins and then sent to the Dreadfort, most of Robb´s army is still out there.


The army split into three main parts. 


One is a group of loyalists on the other side of the Twins still fighting sieges in the Riverlands. For now, I can do nothing for them, but their situation is not as dire as it seems from what I can see.


The second part is about a large number of men led by Smalljon Umber who decided to ambush the Ironborn at Flint´s Finger, the letter says they captured longships at the Saltspear and Blazewater Bay.


The third part of the army turned into scattered thieves and raiders attacking people on the Kingsroad. 


Well, it can´t all be good news, even though I will eventually need to put the thieves and raiders in check, for now, they are not my problem.


I read more and more letters until I reached an unopened letter from Kings Landing, the letter bears the mark of the spider which means Varys sent it. I had very few interactions with the man personally when I was in Kings Landing but my father did and was not light on his words towards the eunuch.


“My friends from Winterfell?” Friends? The fuck, since when were we, friends!” From the way this letter starts, I can understand my Fathers's dislike for the man but I ignore my feelings and continue reading the letter my eyes widen in surprise at the contents of the letters.


He sent a few letters containing various pieces of knowledge. Updates on the politics in Kings Landing to personal updates on certain people. I frown as I read more because it is clear to me that he knows of my survival and has likely known for some time. 


Otherwise, a busy man like Varys would never waste putting ink to paper detailing Myrcellas daily ongoings. Then sending such letters to Winterfell. He knows.


When I open the last letter and read it through, there is complete silence as I read it three times over to make sure what I´m reading is true, then I let out a burst of booming laughter so loud I surprise myself but I don´t stop laughing until I hear a knock on the door.


“Come on in,” I say as the door opens up to reveal Bran and two other people a boy and a girl or woman should I say, both of them are short and slim. Behind them lastly, Summer calmly walts into the having grown almost as big as a horse.


Summer comes over to me to greet me licking my face as he did when he was a pup making me smile as I rub his head.


“You got some good news? You were making quite the commotion” Bran asks 


I nod my head “Aye, some big news I will tell everyone at the feast tonight but forget about that, introduce your friends here” 


Bran nods “Edwyn meet Jojen and Meera Reed the son and daughter of Howland Reed” 


Bran continues “Jojen has been helping me to become a greenseer” 


Shocked I look at Jojen “You´re a greenseer?” 


The boy looks at me with an enigmatic look on his face “No, I am only a boy who dreams” 


Even though I find a boy trying to seem like an old Jedi amusing. I don´t let it show on my face. 


“Dreams? We all dream, what makes you think you´re qualified to teach anyone how to be a greenseer” 


“I won´t teach him, I dream of things that have yet to happen visions given to me, I dream of things that should be impossible for me to know. Such as I know that you are a skinchanger Edwyn Stark, just like Bran. But Bran has the potential to become so much more, I´ve seen it in my dreams. But not if he stays here! If he stays here he won´t be able to harness his powers as a greenseer”


His words about me make me feel deeply uncomfortable, the fuck can you just get my deepest darkest secrets sent to you in a dream! What the fuck is this, deep breaths, Ed, even you have forgotten your internet history, he can´t get it! No need to kill him. But these fishy prophecies are never good things.


Bran jumps in “It´s true Ed! I´ve also received visions before Jojen even came to Winterfell I saw him I must go to become a greenseer!”


I close my eyes rub my temples with both my hands and look at them again, I see Meera Reed the oldest of the group looking away awkwardly seeming to be the only one among them who knows what they are saying.


“Bran, calm down. You are the only male heir after me you can not just shirk your duties because you feel like it” I see Bran and Jojen are about to refute so I continue.



“First of all where would you need to go so urgently, and who would be so kind as to teach you the ways of a greenseer?” This makes them look at each other no doubt internally debating what to tell me.


“...We need to go to the Wall, we will know more once we get there” Jojen eventually answers making me frown.


I can just tell they mean North of the wall even though they tried to hide it but I don´t shut it down instantly. Even though I´m getting major red flags from this situation. 


Bran has powers but must go meet someone to access them? And Jojen the seemingly sickly boy has visions telling him those things.


Even though this situation is very fishy. Magic according to those in Essos has been rising ever since the return of the dragons and we are too much in the dark about the powers around us.


So we can´t ignore a chance to learn more about what is happening even if it´s dangerous.


“Bran, I can let you go but there will be some conditions!” All three of them looked at me surprised that I agreed so easily. 


“Sure Ed whatever it is, I agree” Bran jumps at the chance clearly hungry for adventure. 


“Don´t be so hasty, I will tell you your conditions later but first I will just address your companions” I say as I look at the Reed siblings.


“You are Howland Reed's only heirs correct?” They look at each other and nod hesitantly.


“How is the situation at the neck? How is your father? It´s very rare to get any news from the crannogmen who live in the swamps” 


Meera Reed steps forward and goes into business mode 


“Thank you for your worry King Stark, Father is well, as well are the crannogmen, because Robb tasked us with defending the Neck instead of marching with him, we have close to our full numbers”


I contemplate what their full number is but don´t ask since the crannogmen seem to treasure their mystery 


“Good, I will allow you to tag along with a group that I plan to send to the Wall. these are the first two conditions the first is that only one of you Reed siblings can follow Bran to the Wall. The second is that once you get to the Wall. You will not venture further until you tell Jon what you told me and after that, you will listen to his advice and orders”


“I will tell you the third condition later” I add as I stand up with the cane to find the little woman already in my face or she would be if she stood on a chair.


Instead, the cheerful girl turned feisty as she poked up at my chest “You want me to leave my brother you think they can make it on their own!” She is agitated as she points at her sickly brother and young Brandon. 


“They will have trusted guards much more capable than what you alone can accomplish. And to send two of the only remaining heirs of House Reed to the Wall is out of the question girl! Now you can discuss among yourselves if you can accept these conditions, you can take your time the group headed for the Wall will arrive in a few days” 


I finish as I start to walk out of the room.


When I reach outside, I see Rodrick and call him over “Rodrick, put some men to shadow Bran and the Reed siblings, make sure they don´t do anything foolish” He nods worriedly as he pulls on his whiskers.


“Yes my lord” 


“Now point me to where the hostages are being kept”

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