House of the wolf

chapter 46

Riding side by side with Greatjon while looks at me with envy as my steed makes me look taller than him even though that is far from the case he is even as tall as the hound and much wider as well almost none of it is fat no wonder he has such a fearsome repitation.






“I would like you to tell me how Robb died, not his death but what led up to it, from your point of view what killed him” I ask as he looks at me for a moment then down in contemplation as he starts telling the tale of my brother's short reign as king and commander.


The more I listen the more impressed I am by my brother's strategic mind for battle I never knew he had that side to him his plans were bold sure of itself and ingenious.


I don´t think my mind works like his did my strategies in warfare so far have been centered around ambushes both a receiver of one at King´s Landing and using an ambush to conquer the Dreadfort.


Then again the principle of war is to catch your opponent off guard it´s a collection of ambushes like Robb leaving his main army to catch Jamie Lannister off guard that can be considered an ambush.


Brushing off these thoughts, his mind for military strategy might have aided in the battles but what lost him the war was his bad diplomacy he treated every House like they were House Stark honorable and just. They are not.


It was not his fault though yes he was arrogant at times yes he slighted his subordinates at times but nothing that warranted how it ended. He was thrust into an impossible situation and almost made it out on top.


I sigh “Greatjon do you really desire to repay the favor to me for freeing you even if it means nothing but strife for you until your death?”


“Pah what do you know of strife boy enough of your mysteries, what would you ask of me” He bellows out rudely to his benevolent and kind king who spares him for his transgressions.


“I would create an army of nothing but greybeards, old veterans who are preparing to leave their homes so their families will have more food for the winter, and assemble them all into a fighting force of about 3000-4000 men all of them mounted.


My ancestor Cregan Stark once put together a force like this they called themselves the Winter Wolves fitting for their white hair they fought as they were old men with nothing to lose and the destruction they wrought in the South was disastrous and brought ruin to their enemies. I want to call upon such a force again and I want you to lead them.


“Lead them where?” He asks masking the tone of his voice but I could swear felt a slight tremble of dare I say excitement, Greatjon is a scary man.


“The first assignment will be to take the Twins you will have three years after the army is formed to accomplish this. How you take the fort will be up to you but I recommend working with House Reed they should know best how to attack their neighbor”


“Will you agree to this task”


“Bahaha if you let anyone else take this task I will defect to the Boltons!”


A merciful king, I am a merciful king beauty grace I have it all never would words offend me. I say in my mind instead of responding to that outrageous statement.


I ride away from Greatjon and go to Wylla. 


You said your grandfather is taking men to aid Bolton why are you taking men to aid me I ask as I look into her eyes.


She rolls her eyes “Yes and while he “rides to aid Bolton” he will also make me and my newlywed sister widows to our Frey husbands on his travels” I open my eyes a bit shocked at how deep the Freys are inserting their fingers into every pie.


“My Grandfather and sister did not even tell me their scheme until he had already left for Winterfell I assume he does not expect to return he is already so old and fat surrounded by enemies while pretending to be the meek old man bowing his head to the Frey´s and Bolton”


“Hey don´t call your grandpa fat be a good girl and call him big-boned like a proper grandchild! At least that's how I would like my grandchildren to talk about me when I´m old and plump.” I say with a dreamy smile 


“Who would want to be old and fat don´t say something like that with such a goofy smile” 


“Wylla you are not seeing the bigger picture! If a man like me in my position gets fat and old it means I have capable sons to share my burdens for me and wives and daughters to spoil me in my old age”


“Wives? don´t you mean wife” 


“That´s what I said” 


“No you sai-”


“Now if what you said about you´re grandfather is true. Then Wynam Manderly is quite the man”


She looks at me for a moment about to speak then just nods her head

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