House of the wolf

chapter 24

“What of you, what will you do? Now that your father is captured your brother Robb Stark heir of House Stark has called for the Bannermen of the North to march to rescue your Father and avenge his Brother. And Stannis and Renly both declared for the throne war is inevitable “


Avenge Me? I am still alive! What is the meaning of this?


Aye, but the last you were seen was when your loyal guard was fleeing Kings Landing carrying your limp body bloodied all over, no wonder word of your death was spread.


Disturbed I start to sit up carefully feeling pain all over my body Barristan supports me to sit up “How long have I been asleep?” 


“For two fortnights” 


“And have we been sailing towards Pentos all this time?”


“Yes the captain you hired says she has strong connections to the merchants in Pentos it will be safe there”


Two fortnights I think to myself and look at Barristan who is growing one heck of a beard although it is white still looks pretty majestic a couple more fortnights without shaving and he will look like a buff Santa, I shake my head my mind is too scattered right now.


I look at the old man who has served multiple kings and seen dynasties crumble “You have any advice for me?”


He looks at me in surprise then smiles “You´re level-headed that´s a good trait to have… I don´t think you should return to the North in a hurry your injuries will take time to heal and when you return the war will already be in full swing you will hardly be able to affect anything.”


I ask for advice and he just tells me what not to do! I almost roll my eyes at him but take his advice to heart, I already felt how useless I am at Kings Landing. If I returned now I´m sure it would be a welcome relief but I would not be able to martial any real support as all those loyal to the Starks have already answered Robb´s call. 


To them, I am just an injured pup who can martial no real forces. I must put my trust in Robb and now that some of the things have come true about my visions Robb will heed very carefully. 


I then think about what he said about Viserys Targaryen another player and possibly the future King of the Iron Throne if Ser Barristan has anything to say about it. The North is too blind I must see this man for myself and learn more about the world around us, our possible allies and enemies.


“I will follow you for the time being to see this, rightful king. If you´ll have me Ser Barristan” He smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder I will let you rest.


As he leaves I stew in my thoughts for now I will go on a journey to learn about the world and better myself but what about after? No doubt the North is in for a time of strife we took the most damage in the Rebbelion to topple the Targaryen dynasty and now there is another war on its way and on top of that the Targaryens have  returned...Winter is coming.


I need a catalyst no one knows that I am alive for now that can be an advantage or a disadvantage. 


I need martial might but I am not naive enough to believe I can find an army in Essos that will be truly loyal to myself or the Starks.


I need to do something no one on the board expects! Something most people even in the North and their houses have almost forgotten but I have not. 


I have read everything about the histories in the library at Winterfell thousand years ago they terrorized the north with raids so savage and ruthless that even the Greyjoy fleets were not able to replicate them since. 


The destruction they brought to our lands was terrible until King Brandon Stark 9th of his name broke down their ship and brought them to heel they have been considered part of the North ever since but they have minimal contact basically ruled themselves ever since.


But due to their isolation, their culture is most pure and ingrained in the old way even still carrying on the tradition of the first night and speaking only the old tongue. And as savage as they might be, if I find a way to show them my strength they will follow me.


While I am in Essos I must think of a way to make that become a reality.


Hearing the door open again I see the “Captain” come in with fresh bandages “You look so cute when your face is all serious like that. That scar on you face only made you more handsome”


Irked I almost snap at her for calling me cute but hearing her mentione a scar makes me rub my hand over my right eye wincing as I touch the wound


“Careful I worked hard stitching up that wound you´re lucky you did not loose it”


Thinking about the Hound´s powerful swing from horseback I can only agree with her “Aye, lucky as well to know a woman of so many talents Merchant, Captain and healer what can´t you do?”


“Healer? I am no healer. I am a seamstress and a tailor so when I saw that scar marring your pretty face I had to do something to minimize the damage  as for the rest I just rubbed some healing paste on the wounds and called it a day”


Speechless I just look at her as she approaches and starts redressing the wounds on my body. Regathering myself I ask “What about this business of you being a captain”


“I was in the merchant stalls where your man who was looking for captains willing to navigate his ship out of Kings Landing I only recocnized him because I saw him with you when I came to the Tower of the Hand to deliver your clothes. I offered to be the guide before someone else recocnised him.”


“And I thought I was being sneaky” I mock myself shaking my head at my naivety thinking that I should have been more cautious.


“Clumsy as it was I doubt anyone found out about it even the spies in Kings Landing would have trouble monitoring over a hundred guards” 


“So I am presumed dead and no one is the wiser that I escaped Kings Landing alive?”


“That is the case,” She says as she removes a bandage on my side making me wince, revealing a deep cut that I don´t even remember receiving must have been while I was just tunnel-focused on cutting and charging through the blockade. But this is the wound that aches the most even more than the one on my chest revealing the dangers of fighting with reckless abandon when a wound by some nameless footsoldier was closer to killing me than the Hound on horseback.


I hope it was a Lannister blade that pierced my side their armor and swords are so clean and shiny so I would at least not have to worry about infection when fighting them.


“Have my men that can walk brought to this room after you finish dressing my wounds”


She removes my sheet to reveal my legs also with some wounds but it also reveals that I am naked on the bed.


Oh god and I even tried to stand up when Barristan was in the room how awkward would that have been! Now Ser Barristan tell me about our current situation while I show you my cock. impressive for a lad my age is it not? You followed Robert but as you can see I am the real stag! Now show fealty to me your true king! Bow you shit!

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