House of the wolf

chapter 17

Eating dinner with Ned after his council meeting I asked what it was about “The king commands that a tournament be held to celebrate the naming of a new hand” he scoffs displeased at the extravagance.


“40 thousand gold dragons for the winner of the joust, 20 thousand dragons for the runner-up of the joust, 20 thousand dragons for the winner of the melee, and 10 thousand dragons for the winner of the archery contest.” he shakes his head in disbelief. 


Shocked at the amounts in the rewards being offered I start contemplating seriously about competing in the tourney Ned sees my look. 


“I will not allow you to partake in this farce and don´t tell me you think I´ll let you compete at a joust or malee” he laughs at my unspoken plans


“Not the joust or malee Father but what about the archery contest?” I plead my case.


I am very confident in my archery, skills since I started hunting in the wolfswood when I was 8 years old with the little wierwood bow. My teacher Greg always accompanied me to the woods guiding me on how to shoot live targets which I am still getting a hang of.


I even beat Theon in the courtyard, and most of the time, we compare! Even though the bow is his main weapon the time he spends training in the yard is much less than me. The wierwoood bow also seems to help me aim true so I think I have a good chance.


“The archery contest holds no danger to the contestant. Is the tourney not going to be held in your name? The crowd would jeer at me in disdain when they see me your healthy son just watching from the stands. You can´t deny me my chance to win honor and glory to our house!” I decide to appeal to him as my lord, not Father as he seems to always bow to the honorable thing to do in situations.


He still looks uncomfortable with the situation but “...Very well only in the archery competition will I allow to compete! And no antics!”


I nod and smile as I leave the room.


Waking up early the next day before sunrise I go to an empty barracks in the city with 5 guards following me York included with his axe on his back. He truly was a diamond in the rough ever since he learned forms he has become one of the most dangerous people to fight in the household as every swing is deadly and forces you to evade or risk having an axe cut through your armor his axe has ruined many shields and even cut into armor plates. But he is still raw as a fighter but as long as he works hard his potential is unlimited.


I ask the guards to set many targets up to a hundred paces and start practicing the bow. I have been used to the big wierwood bow for some time now what I am now adjusting to is the wind and weather in Kings Landing it is a lot more humid and not as windy as the North so I will use the coming week to totally adjust my aim.


And With steady hands, I aim and shoot at a target 60 paces away, thunk! I smile as I switch to a target 70 paces away I aim and shoot, thunk! 80 paces I take a deep breath aim and shoot, swoosh… got a lot of work to do.


Over the course of the week, Ser Barristan finds time for me and Arya got a “Dance teacher” A lot of visitors come over to Kings Landing Father is busy managing the mess even going as far as offering up some of his guards to aid the city watch 


Even though I don´t like it as we are already spread thin I also see that the move has brought us the goodwill of the smallfolk and if I win the Archery contest that will go hand in hand with something I have planned.


I also go to a clothing store for nobles and rich merchants to ask for custom-made clothes I will wear in the competition and everyday clothing as all of my clothes have gotten too small for me.


Going into the building and looking around, you know when they have the receptionists dressed as harlots it either means the store is making so much bank and they are flexing on us or they are the draw and their products are trash but either way, it´s good customer service so I´m willing to find out which it is. 


After talking to a pretty receptionist, I take note that she can write, noting down my preferences. This store might have some class after all. I was pretty clear on what my everyday clothes should be like but decided to let them have the freedom to decide what I´ll wear during the tournament as long as the Stark sigil is stylishly prominent and it does not hinder my movements I don´t mind. If I don´t like what they come up with I´ll try another establishment.


Trying on the everyday clothes and undergarments I am satisfied and ask for 4 pairs of each and the same order two sizes larger as well for the future. 


Then another woman who I´m told is the tailor comes to me and tells me to follow her to another room I notice the woman has dark skin that she takes good care considering I can tell she is not a young lady but a woman with a very mature figure that she does not shy from showing off. Wearing loose clothing showing off her cleavage and a flowing skirt that is almost see-through but not quite. I think to myself that she is most likely from Essos.


“Are you not afraid of inviting trouble with so many beautiful ladies all dressed in such enticing clothing? In the north, if such an establishment existed the men would have the place surrounded demanding to be let in! Is this place not too… serene?” 


I hear a burst of clear joyous laughter that does wonderful things to her bosom “Yes that was the case when my parents started this business in Flea Bottom but here people care a lot about their reputation so that keeps things from getting too… rowdy” as she stops to let me into the room


“Your parents are they from Essos?” Yes merchants of no import to a man of your stature my lord.” She replies smiling then “Please strip” almost making me stumble.

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