House of the wolf

chapter 12

“Tell me what you saw” Benjen's face is serious and cold nothing like usual when he visits Winterfell but he spends most of his time at the wall so I guess this is his usual face, his real face.


As Will tells him everything he saw that happened and what made him run I get chills when I hear him speak of the others in more detail. Are there really such beings north of the wall and will Benjen and Jon have to face such creatures?


While Ned believes Will is being honest he is certain it's just his mind playing tricks on him a wildling attack that left his mind broken. Father must have seen many such cases when he was at war. Soldiers swearing that demons ambushed them and the like. 


But Benjen's face seemed solemn seeming to believe it what he said actually happened. 


“You ran before if I take you back to the wall how do I know you won´t run again”


“I was surrounded first ranger! Fighting then was certain death without accomplishing anything after surviving I just wandered numbingly and did not even realize where I was or what I was doing until I was caught and set to be executed”


“Hmm desertion is punishable by death I was lucky to have found you just outside of the wall when I left for Winterfell and asked you to escort me all the way to carry my things” 


“Thank you first Ranger” 


Walking back Ned asks confused “You believe him?” 


“You have not seen the things I´ve seen the world north of the wall, it´s a different one. There´s no shortage of strange and unnatural things and it is changing even Direwolves were found past the wall we´ll need all the help we can get Ned you must convince the king to send help”


“I will”


Going back to the banquet I see the king drinking making a ruckus groping maids without a care in the world as I´m walking he sees me and tells me to sit and drink. I think to myself that he can´t be the only one who gets to have fun tonight and start slamming down my drinks with him until I black out.

Waking up with a throbbing headache I sigh in regret that the tomes had no cures for hangovers licking my lips I wince a little since its busted but I don´t even remember how.

Gingerly walking to get breakfast the family including Jon are already up eating together when they see me, my brothers all laugh even Bran which is good to see since he has seemed troubled lately. Even Ned has mirth in his eyes while Catelyn scowls at me. 

“What happened?” I ask sitting down to eat and drink some water

“You!” Catelyn snaps too loudly for my innocent ears

“You were acting like a brute drinking until you could hardly stand and flirting with women right in front of your betrothed!”  

Robb adds smiling “You could have been flogged for disrespecting the princess if it was not for the king himself encouraging it, as he was entertained by your actions so queen Cercei who was furious could do nothing but seethe”


“Ugh, and this?” I ask pointing to my busted lip.


Arya energetically adds “You kissed a woman who was a lover of a Lannister guard and when you heard about him you challenged him to a fight and the winner would have her for the night, why would you want a woman only for night?”


“...did I win?” I ask ignoring her question


“…” The whole table stares at me with various expressions.


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