House of Amarin

Extra Chapter – Weird Dream (April 1st)

It was dark. Unnaturally so. Lia felt like her body was floating in nothingness before she woke up, unable to see where she was, even after letting her eyes get used to the lightless abyss.

"What the hell happened?" She asked, flicking her wrist, summoning her flames, illuminating her surroundings. She was in an empty, little room that was wholly unfamiliar to her eyes. "Weird…" she murmured, standing up and walking towards the only door before her.

Grabbing its handle, a jolt went through her body, but she opened it, bracing herself for whatever awaited her on the other side. From the other side, blinding light stabbed at her mismatched eyes, forcing her to squint before readjusting to the sudden brightness. Blinking out the tears and regaining her focus, she saw that she was standing in a corridor with a wooden floor and off-white colored walls. Turning back, now the dark room was lit by sunlight; she could see a small bed, a wardrobe, and a wide desk with books scattered over it. A big bag was tucked under it, filled with notebooks and scribbles in her handwriting. 

"Eh?" She flinched, hearing the birds chirping from the other side of her window. "Eh?!" She repeated as when she looked down, she realized… she was taller. Her body was way curvier, and she couldn't help but grab at the ample breasts she was blessed with. "How soft!" Lia exclaimed, squeezing them, standing in a pink t-shirt and loose jogging pants. 

"Mmhm… why the noise?" The opposite door to her opened, and a small girl stuck her head out. She had sleepy, annoyed, violet eyes, accompanied by her messy, white hair. "Why are you molesting yourself first in the morning, Lia?" She groaned, looking at her.

"I was surprised at how big they are!" Lia answered by reflex.

"Tsk! No need to gloat about it! Again!" The other girl scoffed, "I have a boyfriend; you don't! Heh!" She said, sounding proud, opening the door wide enough so she could see her puffed out, flat, naked chest. As she was wearing nothing.

"Ah. You are just a kid." Lia said, but then she heard electricity cracking, and her hair started to stand towards the ceiling.

"I am your senpai, or did you forget it?" She asked, smirking, "Or should I spank you again? Maybe I hit your head too hard last time, so you forgot it?"

"Okay, okay, that is enough, Ren!" came a new voice as Leinor appeared, throwing one of her shirts around her and nodding toward Lia. "Good morning. Don't mind her; she didn't have her morning coffee yet!" 

"Ah. Y-yeah." Lia nodded reflexively, watching the charming boy, wearing only a towel around his waist.

"No peeking!" Ren added, sending a violet spark from her index finger, zapping Lia's side.

"Owie! Hey!"

"Hah- YEOW! Why?!" Ren cried, watching Leinor, who was pinching her waist. "She was looking seductively at my hubby!"

"Stop teasing her! Ariana and Aurora are constantly going at each other anyway… I don't need you to give them another reason for them to start a battle again!"

"They are a good match~," Ren said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, come back; time to wash up before we go out!"

"Coooming! You can wash me inside out!" Ren giggled, shutting the door, leaving Lia standing there, blinking her eyes, and not understanding what was going on.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around, confused.

"Looking lost. What, you forgot to wake up yet?" Asked a sarcastic voice, and when turning towards the voice, Lia noticed Palvina walking out of the room next to hers, wearing shorts and a sports bra, clearly going for a jog, judging by her running shoes. She could even see a naked Olivia sleeping on the bed inside, with an innocent smile.

"What are you doing here?" Lia asked, surprised to meet her.

"Hmph!" Palvina scoffed angrily, walking past her, aggressively brushing shoulders with Lia.

"I thought you left with Olivia." She added, watching her walk down the corridor, her words making her legs flinch.

"Believe me! I wish I could! But I also don't want to give you satisfaction to have the last laugh!" Palvina answered, hurrying away, not wanting to stay with Lia for another long-winded argument to break out between them. That usually did whenever they talked.


"Yo!" Another foreign voice shook her suddenly as a hand grabbed her shoulders, "My little protege, whatcha doin' here, looking lost like Kyu does every time she has to wake up early?"

"Huh?" Lia flinched, shuddering and looking at the tall, grinning face she had never seen before, yet his name popped into her head. "Toobu?"

"Bad dreams? Or what?" He asked, now a bit more concerned, flicking her forehead, "Your cultivation misfired last night? Don't stress over it! It will come naturally; just keep at your own pace!" He said, his voice filled with concern as one of his hands flashed with fire, the other with ice. "You are still new at this! Listen to your seniors, and don't rush things!" He grinned, patting her shoulder once again before leaving her there, flabbergasted.

“What… the…” She flinched, rushing forward, starting to explore where she was, partly afraid of what was happening yet greatly excited. 

It didn't take long for her to realize she was in a dorm with multiple floors filled with students who were just waking up and doing their morning exercises. Many of them were weird mages, yet not as they exuded power from their bodies in a way that was foreign to Lia's senses. 

"Why the hurry?" A mature voice stopped Lia in her steps, and looking up, she saw a blonde, blue-eyed man walking down the stairs, holding a clipboard in his hands. 

"You are…" Lia said, her voice trembling, pupils enlarging twice their size.

"Yeah. And?" He asked, rolling his eyes, "Don't think I will not punish you just because we are related? Girl! Don't even think that! Anyway, no rushing in the corridors! Come, if you have this much energy, help me a little! I was heading to the fields, setting up the energy barriers for today's matches!"

"Matches…?" Lia asked, following the man who she immediately recognized… he was Erias Amarin, her own ancestor.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked, hitting the top of her head with his clipboard. "Wakey-wakey girl! It may be Sunday, but you are the Academy of the Multiverse! Only the best of the best can get in here, don't act like a side character; you are my granddaughter!"

"A side what? Eh? Huh?" She faltered, almost falling off the stairs while they walked out of the 10-story building. 

"No more late-night anime marathons for you!" He scolded her, "You and Koa are prime troublemakers for me! Stop it! Well… at least you are not as bad as Kyu and Ren."

"My daughter is not as bad as your girl. And I mean the one named Koa!" Came another voice, and a second, blonde and blue-eyed man appeared. At first, Lia thought he was another weird relative of hers, but then the name Xendar popped into her mind.

"Koa is playful. A bit too horny. I give you that!" Erias countered, "Kyu, on the other hand, is chaos incarnate! Isn't she under house arrest again?"

"Ugh…" Xendar coughed, unable to answer.

"Few can rein her in." Erias moaned, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know why we are bothering with it in the first place. We should use her as a weapon! Let the Realms that are bitching with us deal with her! If they can! Throw her in and let her go wild!"

"She is not a weapon." Xendar countered, looking angry with Erias's idea.

"Oh, she is! I would use her as a strategic bio-weapon! Unleash her on my enemies! Let her eat them all alongside their souls!"

"You can be too extreme with your ideas, Erias!" Xendar warned him.

"Results, Xendar. Results are the only thing that matters in war! None of our enemies would wait and be honorable in a war for survival!"

"Haaah… whatever. We are neither at war nor at the edge of dying out!" 

"Um…" Lia spoke up, making the two stop and look at her, but she gulped back her question in the end. "Nothing…" She just couldn't bring herself to ask where the hell they even were. 

Following the two, listening to their ongoing argument, she watched with surprise as they summoned a weird arena, out of nowhere, bearing the words' Immortal Grounds.'With hands moving fast as lightning, the two magically reinforced it, still arguing about the morality of war. Listening to it, Lia couldn't help but shudder as Erias was getting colder and colder as it went on, quoting historical events that Lia clearly remembered reading about. Sacrificing a city to save his retreating forces, sending thousands of soldiers into certain death, not telling them that their mission was simply to buy enough time so the Tier 9 mages could launch a surprise attack and exterminate multiple intelligent Undeads... Everything just so that in the end, they could win. 

"You are worrying too much!" Xendar said, raising a hand to stop Erias's monologue. "The Undead horde is gone! Remember?"

"Are they?" Erias asked, his eyes cold as a block of ice, watching Xendar without blinking them.

"Are they?" Lia repeated, also surprised.

"Have you been telling scary stories to her again?" Xendar asked with slanted eyes, accusingly watching Eria's expression, "They have been eradicated by your own hand, Erias. Or have you forgotten that too?"

"I followed them back to their root." He nodded, looking back at Lia, staring into her eyes, "But killing the problem…." He fell silent, and before Lia could ask anything, she suddenly shook as a loud thundering noise traveled from thair, and Ren landed in the arena.

"Awesome! Who wants to go first?" She laughed, jumping up and down, her whole body flickering with violet lightning. "Lia?" 

“Ah… no thanks… I don't think I would have a chance!" She replied by reflex, surprising herself. 

"Hahaha, learning, are you? But don't sell yourself short!" Ren laughed, slapping her back, walking beside her, "You will be as strong as me! I just know it!" 

"Really?" She asked, unsure, but then Ren just flashed a grin, and a bolt of violet lightning struck both of them before Lia found herself sitting up in her room, back in the Tower of Misfits. Still hearing a faint voice in the back of her mind. "I am sure of it."

Look at the date... Yep. It's that day of the year~! Take nothing in this chapter as canon! :)

And to not curse me that much... um... some pictures? Yeeees, some pictures; That should help!


And some extra from our Wizard of Memes, so you leave this chapter in a good mood! More like this can be found on our discord~!


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