Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 5.4 – Hot Springs Brigade and the Adventurer’s Guild!

While wind and rain battered the sails, enormous waves pummeled the hull. Each watery assault threatened to topple the caravel and send its crew to an early grave. Fortunately for Captain Skipper Brinemast, he hired the best crew gold could buy. Or so he hoped.

The seas were a lot more dangerous this time of the year. The cold front blowing in from the Gilded Peaks can sometimes create waves as tall as the spires of Raisvayel. One wrong move, one miscalculation in reading the winds, waves, or even how salty the air tastes and the Lady Vigil will be remembered for its namesake.

Treacherous it may be, business was booming. There were no shortages of sorry sops fleeing across the sea to escape Felucia and Grennadier. Skipper's pockets were lined with gold and then some. Whether or not they will make it in Cassun isn't his problem once they're off the ship.

The dwarf hobbled below deck to check on his living cargo. Many of them were seasick, but for better or for worse, they weren't dead. They only needed to hang on for another hour or so before Port Aberran's lighthouse comes into view.

"Captain!" One of the younger sailors whose name he couldn't remember called down from the crow's nest.

"What is it?" 

"I think we're near land!"

"The fack are ye on about?" He pulled out his spyglass and scanned the horizon. 

Then he saw it. Some ways off their port side just barely visible through the fog was water crashing against the side of a cliff. Did he screw up? How did they get blown so off course?

"No… that means the Shimmering Reefs is on our starboard." His eyes widened with terror. "We need to turn the ship around."

"The reefs will tear the keel of the ship!" His helmsman called out against the storm.

"I'll take my chances. Lower the sails and drop the anchor! We'll go hard-a-port to to turn us around."

His crew went right to work collapsing the sails. They will have to drift against the wind. The helmsman obliged and turned the wheel. As he did, the ship groaned as the  sharp maneuver caused the stern of the ship to sink a little into the ocean. Water splashed onto the deck, knocking some of the barrels overboard.

The caravel successfully turned around, but the momentum continued to carry them astern towards the rocks. They were on a collision course with the side of the cliff.

"It's not enough."

When did he make the error? There were a hundred people below deck. Should he abandon ship now? 

His sailors started tossing excess weight off the boat. The ship lurched, that was when he felt the anchor hit ground. The waters were shallower than he thought.

"We have to jump ship before we become a bloody splatter on the cliffside!"

The side of the cliff came closer. It was taller than the Grimlock. Some of his sailors abandoned ship and dove off the side, handing their fate over to the sea. Even the man on the crow's nest was nowhere to be seen. 

Skipper took a deep breath. Then… came the impact.


⚔ ⚔ ⚔


The cauldrons started bubbling and the smell of ginger filled the room. Vic knew the soup was almost done. She pulled out five large platters and set eight bowls atop each of them. During the winter, a hearty ginger chicken soup filled to the brim with vegetables instantly restored the soul. While not exactly a complex recipe, simplicity has its own merits when finding its way down a cold gullet.

Aura peeked down from the stairs. "It smells heavenly! Are we eating now?"

"Not before we serve our patrons."

"But I am so famished! A little taste could not hurt, yes?"

"Bear with it a little longer. Can you call Taisha and Deena down, too?"

She hesitated going up. "Has Piper yet to come out of her room?"

"No," Vic glanced at Piper's room."I've got just the thing to cheer her up though."

It didn't take long for the four of them to deliver the meals to the dining area. Some of the more solitary guests had their meals delivered straight to their rooms. Among them was Adelas Esir. Piper's former master. Vic volunteered to deliver the old grouch's dinner. 

"Eat ahead of me. I'll deliver this first."

"If you ain't gonna poison it, at least dump a bunch of chili peppers into it."

"I'm not going to do that. As far as we know, he's just another guest passing through"

"What exactly do we know about this Adelas Esir?" Aura asked, flipping through this morning's ledger of names.

"He is a Darcien native of humble upbringing. He came to acquire her parents some twenty years ago from trading livestock. Her mother was pregnant at the time"

"Piper was born into slavery?"

"As far as Piper remembers, yes."

"Whattabout her parents?"

"Died during the rebellion." Taisha answered as she came downstairs.

"There's no official records of that."

"No, but she cries out for them in her dreams."

"I bet that old man knows. Let's beat it out of him."

"Okay, we don't want to be seen hurting our guests in front of others."

"I'll drag him downstairs for ya."

"We don't want that either, Deena." Vic grabbed a bowl of ginger chicken soup.

Deena stopped her and swiped a piece of chicken before giving a thumbs up. "Just quality checking the food. Good to go, Cap!"

 "I'll ask, but I don't expect to learn much from him."

Vic carried the bowl of soup upstairs all the while thinking about Piper. She had gone completely silent when Deena found her. The girl always had a big smile on her face, but after seeing a dreaded figure from the past she just went quiet. 

What was her life like under Adelas? Piper never spoke about that period of her life. It was understandable, seeing as no former slave wants to remember that dark past. Not all masters were evil though. Her father was one. Theradis seemed more than happy to continue serving. She had heard tales from other dark elves about sadistic masters that would go as far as carving off a piece of their ears. 

Vic suddenly felt the urge to pour a bottle of ground chili into the soup. She shook the thought from her head. It wouldn't earn her any favors. If she worked the angle of a good proprietress Adelas should open up to her.

She was in front of Adelas' room, but as her hand moved to knock the door swung open.

"Oh. It's you." Adelas noticed the bowl of soup and scowled.

"I've brought your meal, Mr. Esir." Wherever he was planning to go he quickly lost interest as soon as he took ahold of the platter. "Is there anything else?"

"I thought I asked for the dark elf girl."

"She is indisposed. My apologies. In her place, Aura and Deena will see to any requests you may have."

"Then why did the proprietress herself come?"

"The girl in question has become rather perturbed by your arrival. It is as much my duty to see to the guests as it is to look after my staff."

"Is that so?" He turned his nose up at Vic, but since she was much taller he just looked silly craning his neck.

"From what I understand, you two are acquainted."

Adelas chuckled. "Is that what she told you? Did she also tell you she is my property?"

"I believe Emperor Victor abolished slavery in both the Republic and Orcus."

"You think a usurper's word is our law?" He backed into his room and reached for something out of Vic's sight. "This game Piper is playing is but a small vacation from her servitude."

"She is an employee of the Royal Cassun."

"A runaway slave under my employ."

"Am I to assume you intend to abduct her?"

"And if I do, girl? What would you do about it?" Adelas tried to close the door, but she wedged a foot in. "What do you think you're doing? I paid my way to be here!"

If Vic was looking in a mirror, she might have seen fire in the reflection of her eyes. "You think that makes you untouchable? You forget I am the proprietress of this establishment." She pulled her foot away from the door.

"Puh! I don't have to do anything. I came to check on my property and found it in good condition. But mark my words, the usurper won't rule forever. I'll come back to collect what belongs to me!" He slammed the door closed believing he had the last word.

A smile flashed across Vic's face. "Please, enjoy the rest of your stay at the Royal Cassun."

Vic returned to the servant's quarters with her nails digging into her palms. The other girls hadn't touched their food yet and sprung to life as soon as she came down.

"I thought I told you to eat first."

"It didn't feel right with only three people."

"Did you ask him about Piper's parents?" Aura asked, pouring a bowl of soup for each of them.

"Oh," Vic winced, realizing her mistake. "It completely slipped my mind."

Deena slammed both her fists together. "Beating the snot out of him is still on the table."

"Give it a rest."

When Aura started pouring soup for a fifth bowl, Vic went into the freezers to pull out a gelatinous yellow substance in a cup.

"What do you have there?"

"Spiced mango pudding."

"My! It sounds exquisite! Have you made any for us?"

"Dinner first." Vic put all the food into a platter and carried it to Piper's door. "Piper, it's time for dinner. I made your favorite dessert."

The four of them watched with bated breath, but catharsis never came.

"I'll set it down for now. Please eat. There's more in the freezer."

Vic took a seat at the dinner table and slumped down.

"Piper always jumped at the chance to eat Vic's pudding."

"We're sure she's in there, right?"

"I can guarantee you she is. My senses are never wrong." Aura puffed up her chest.

By the time they finished dinner, Piper's platter remained untouched. There wasn't so much of a peep from her room even though Aura assured them Piper was in there. Vic couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Hey," Taisha tugged on her arm. "Can we talk?"

"Sure. Your room or mine?"

"The baths. Your personal one."

Vic double-checked the floor. Aura and Deena had gone upstairs to see to the guests. The VIPs shouldn't need anything else after dinner, which meant she and Taisha would be free for the rest of the evening.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic led the way as they went down the springs hallway. At the very end was an uninspired door lacking in any distinct features. In comparison to the open archways that led into the public baths, an outsider could easily mistake it for a janitor's closet. Vic had the only key to this room, and would only make use of it on occasion.

The two of them went inside and passed through a short dark hallway. Vic pulled the sliding door open to a magnificent view of the canyons. Large stalagmite-like stones jut out from the ground to form the walls around the spring, and at the center was a rather modest pool. A small bubbling geyser periodically showered the area.

The night sky was clear tonight. Not a single cloud in sight to blemish the blanket of stars. Vic thought— and perhaps she was imagining things— that Taisha's eyes were glistening just as bright.

Taisha immediately went to undress. Vic felt her face getting hot and looked away to do the same. Recently, being around the succubus made her anxious. Taisha always had a way of making her feel embarrassed, but the last few days she had gotten more bold in her approach.

"As Captain, I understand you're worried about Piper." Taisha took ahold of Vic's hand and pulled her into the water. "She'll come around."

"I know." Vic found it difficult to meet Taisha's eyes. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Through my old master I came to be acquainted with a great many people. Many of them from the Alchemist's Guild. Among them is a promising young man who I believe could help restore you."

"Restore my… Legion?"


"Did we really need to come here for you to tell me that—!"

Something crawled up Vic's leg that made her jump. She saw that Taisha had dipped a little deeper into the pool to stretch her foot out.

"The man in question isn't an individual of well-repute. He is, however, capable enough to become a member of the Adventurer's Guild."

"He's a criminal, isn't he— eek?!" Vic felt Taisha's foot move up to her thighs. "Is now really the time??"

Taisha stood up from the waters and shook her tail. Vic had seen her without clothes plenty of times when they bathed. In fact, it was normal for their squad given their double occupation. Tonight under the glistening stars, however, she thought her companion was exceptionally beautiful. It made her heart race. It made her face hotter than the scalding water ever could.

"Vic, am I making you nervous?" She asked with genuine surprise.

"You're kind of putting me on the spot…" Vic ducked under the water to blow bubbles.

Taisha pulled Vic onto her lap and embraced her from behind. "I want you to compliment me."

"Right now??" She was glad Taisha couldn't see her face right now. Otherwise, she might have fainted.

Taisha squeezed her tight. "Yes! Say something nice about me."

Her head was spinning. She couldn't think of any words. A compliment? What could she possibly say in a time like this? "You're… I think you're very— pretty horns."

Vic waited for what felt like an eternity in silence.

"Pft… puhahahaha!"

Vic wanted to lock herself in her room like Piper. She felt Taisha's whole body shake from uncontrollable laughter

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to laugh." She brushed a tear from her eye. "I happen to think your horns are pretty, too."

"Now you're just making fun of me." Vic tried to pull away but Taisha had a surprisingly strong hold on her.

"I would never make fun of you. I rather like the way they curve towards your skull."

"Taisha, about your contact…"

"He's a quirky fellow, but I think he has a genuine interest in your condition. That much I can assure you."

"Fine." Vic sighed. "Did we have to keep the others in the dark?"

"No, I just wanted you to myself!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Taisha and Vic emerged from the baths to a crowd gathering in the east wing. Deena and Aura were trying to keep people from getting any closer when they saw the two of them arrive.

"Where were you two??"

"What happened here?"

Aura pleaded. "For now, disperse this crowd so that we may speak?"

Taisha led the group of people away with the promise of entertainment. Vic turned back to see the door Deena had been in front of was none other than E12. Adelas Esir's room.


Aura gulped hard. "We were in the west wing when it happened. Two guests came running down and said they heard a strange sound coming from E12."

"The two of us went to check and… well. Shit. Maybe it's better if you saw it yourself."

Deena slowly opened the door. The lights were off, but Vic's eyes quickly adjusted to the dark and saw clearly the gruesome fate that had befallen Adelas. Or what was left of him. Four limbs and a torso hung by string dangled from the ceiling. Further into the room, Adelas' head lies on the bed eyes closed. To make matters stranger, not a single drop of blood stained the room. 

She breathed deeply and smelled the ginger from the untouched soup by the bedside. She caught another strange scent, but couldn't quite determine what it was. 

"I probably don't have to ask but...Captain?"

"He was in one piece when I left him. Where's Piper?"

"I'm right here."

The three of them spun around to see Piper standing by the doorway. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"That's not Adelas Esir." She said, her voice was somewhat distant and eyes even less so. "I know, because I killed the real one."

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