Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 2

   There is no bones, no flesh and blood, only wisps of black mist drifting in the hollow.

   She has no arms!

   [Your eyes looked directly at the armless ghost, and you felt the strong radiation of resentment. Your eyes mutated, and you gained the ability to trace back death. 】

   As the prompt appeared, Lin Soul suddenly appeared in his eyes like a revolving lantern.

   A tall, beautiful woman with thick black waist-length hair and perfectly-lined arms is preparing to participate in a dance party.

   The picture turns, this woman meets a handsome photographer at the prom. The two chatted happily and exchanged contact information.

   The picture turns again, and the woman is shooting in a studio. She is wearing a white dress, showing slender arms with perfect lines, and her long dark hair is as smooth as a mirror.

   The picture becomes gloomy. The room is still the studio, but the woman is gone. Only the photographer is admiring a statue of Venus without arms.

The picture began to ooze blood. In the studio, the photographer laughed wildly. In front of him, the statue of Venus was connected to his arms, but these arms were not sculptural arms, but pale without blood, but with perfect lines. arm.

   The picture began to shatter. Through the fragmented picture, it can be seen that a woman without arms was completely wrapped in tape and then inserted into the wall.

   In the end, what greeted the eyes was a pile of cement. Accompanied by the sound of plastering, the angle of view fell into darkness.


   His eyes were tingling, and Lin Hun felt something flowing out of his eyes. He raised his hand and wiped it, and his hand was sticky.

   There were blood and tears in his eyes.

  【Liu Yanran believed in the wrong person during his lifetime, and was sealed in the wall after death. She only hopes that someone can help her wash her hair. 】

   didn’t know if it was because he watched Liu Yanran’s death retrospect, now Lin Soul could no longer feel the fear when he looked at her.

   He only felt that this woman was a little bit pitiful, and he met a scumbag who had no humanity.

   “Wash your hair?”

   Looking at the prompt given by the eyes, Lin Soul gritted his teeth and opened the shower curtain.

   As if opening the barrier, an extremely cold aura spread over the surface.

   Lin Hun’s body was numb on the spot.

   He felt like a frozen live fish at this time. Although he was still conscious, his body was out of control.

   To make matters worse, the armless female ghost Liu Yanran in front of the hand basin is turning her head.

   showed her pale, numb cheeks with corpse spots.

   At this time, she was staring at Lin Soul with a pair of dead fish eyes without the slightest luster.

   From her eyes, Lin Hun saw the resentment that was gradually igniting.

   “Liu Yanran!”

   Enduring the terrifying chill, Lin Hun struggled to squeeze the opponent’s name from his throat.

   Hearing her name, the resentment rising in Liu Yanran’s eyes suddenly stopped, and then dropped a lot.

   “There is a door!”

   Feeling such Lin Soul’s eyes lit up, then he said.

   “I know everything about you. I know that a scumbag hurt you. If you believe me, I am willing to find that guy for you, let him taste the greatest pain in the world, and take revenge for you!”


   Hearing Lin Hun’s words, the resentment in Liu Yanran’s eyes became weaker and weaker, and in the end only a trace remained.

   As her resentment disappeared, the coldness in the air quietly subsided for most.

   “You can’t do it.”

   An echoing female voice sounded, and Lin Hun looked at the armless female ghost in surprise.

   He originally thought that the ghost in front of him should have only resentment.

   It seems that things are not that simple now.

   “I can do it! Just give me time.”

   These words are not bragging. Lin Hun believes that with his eyes that can see the future, sooner or later the murderer will be found to kill Liu Yanran.

   “You don’t know how scary he is.”

   shook her head, Liu Yanran returned to the basin.

   “If you can, can you help me wash my hair?”

   Bend down gently, Liu Yanran asked in her echoing scary voice.

   “Of course, it is my pleasure to serve you, madam.”

   walked to Liu Yanran’s side, Lin Hun rolled up his sleeves and prepared to wash his hair. .

Chapter 3

   The strong smell of blood is mixed with the smell of cement, in addition to the strong smell of rancidity.

   Liu Yanran’s body smells hard to describe, making her stomach upset and want to vomit on the spot.

   But Lin Hun did not vomit.

  Because he knew that if he vomited, he was afraid that the female ghost who had a slight relationship with him would run away in the next second, tearing him to pieces on the spot.

   “Bend a little more at the waist.”

   Forcibly resisting the odor of Liu Yanran’s body, Lin Soul gently put his hand on her shoulder.

   cold and stiff.

  The touch from the hand is like a corpse that has been left for an unknown period of time, making the scalp numb.

   But Lin Soul did not change any expression on his face, still smiling.


   Perhaps feeling Lin Soul’s kindness, Liu Yanran bends her waist obediently, letting half of her hair fall into the basin.

   “Okay, I’m going to start washing.”

   Seeing a lot of **** black hair that fell into the basin, Lin Hun’s eyes twitched.

   He moved his fingers and put his hand on Liu Yanran’s head.

   is colder and weirder.

   Lin Hun, who inserted his fingers into Liu Yanran’s hair, felt that his fingers had been placed in a cage full of sharp steel wires.

   was cut a lot of small wounds in an instant.

   The blood flowed from the wound and it touched Liu Yanran’s hair.

These hairs are like greedy leeches. After smelling the smell of blood, they rushed up like living creatures, entangled Lin Soul’s hands, and twisted, wanting to get into his body from the wound, sipping flesh and blood. .

   [Your hands were invaded by ghost hair, and you were very upset, and you awakened the Indestructible Grip. 】


   There was a burst of sound, and the black hair entangled in Lin Soul’s hands was collapsed into two pieces by his suddenly enlarged hands.

  The broken black hair resembled an unbeheaded snake, twisting wildly in Lin Soul’s hand.

The scene of    strange hunting made Lin Hun resounded an anime called “Parasite Beast” that he had seen before.

   These broken black hair kept shrinking and winding, trying to pull themselves into Lin Soul’s skin.

   But the hands that have awakened the Indestructible Grip are incredibly tough. Not only are they not strangled by the black hair, but instead let the black hair wrap around the hands, forming a black-haired braided fingerless glove.

  【With your excellent quality, your hands have subdued the ghost hair, and you get the ghost puzzle: ghost hair. 】

   The chill was still there, but Lin Hun felt the submissive emotion from the black hair.

   These hairs from Liu Yanran are like another life form, full of the strong temperament that respects the weak and feeds on the weak.

   is precisely because of this.

   Liu Yanran, who was washing her hair, didn’t know what Lin Soul had encountered.


   As the ghost hair fell off, Liu Yanran’s resentment further dissipated.

   There was also a little more humanity in her dead eyes.

   Feeling the hands washing her hair, she couldn’t help but think back to her childhood.

   She is a single-parent family. When she was a child, her father helped to wash her hair in the same way.

   Their hands are so warm and thick.


   Feeling the gradually illusory touch, Soul Lin blinked.

   He found that Liu Yanran, who was washing her hair, gradually became transparent.

The blood on    also slowly disappeared as his body became transparent.

“Thank you.”

   Liu Yanran, whose face turned ruddy like a living person, straightened up and nodded slightly to Lin Soul, starting from under her feet, her body gradually disappeared.


   Lin Soul just wanted to say something, but Liu Yanran stopped it.

   “My resentment has disappeared, and my soul has been redeemed. Thank you for saving strangers to me. Please remember my words before disappearing.”

   “You should give up the matter of revenge for me. The person who killed me is a real devil, and my arm has been transformed into a very terrible thing by him through the ritual.”

   “And like this kind of thing, he has more than one thing. If you face him, I am afraid that you will not survive a breath.”

   “You are a good person, you can’t die like this, there are still many people in this world waiting for you to save.”

“I believe you can.”

   Saying here, Liu Yanran’s body has completely dissipated.

   Looking at where she disappeared, Soul Lin was silent.

   He could feel Liu Yanran’s last kindness.

   But she reminded it a little late.

   He has been locked by the photographer.

  【Your eyes feel the malicious gaze from the Darkside World Black Disaster Grade Ghost, and the future will be overloaded. After a month, the photographer will come to chase you down. 】

   Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and the overworked Future Vision caused the capillaries in Lin Hun’s eyes to rupture.

   There was blood red in his perspective at this time.

   But this redness is continuing to fade.

   [Your blood feels that all of your other organs are incapable of fighting, awakening the power of the source of life, and vowing to be the strongest backing. 】

   “My organs are fine.”

   Feeling the warm and comfortable body as the blood flows, Lin Hun’s originally panicked mood quickly calmed down.

   He doesn’t know how strong this so-called black disaster-level ghost is.

   But he knows that he, whose organ has his own thoughts, will not be weaker than the other one after a month.

   Even if he does come then, it is not certain who wins and who loses. .

Chapter 4

   let go of the **** sewage in the basin.

   Lin Hun left the bathroom and returned to the bedroom.

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