Hope Coffee House

Chapter 58 - Exchange information

Seeing Zheng Danqing’s face in the car, Wu Liang couldn’t help but feel a little surprised that Zheng Danqing even followed Li Ze to come here.

Li Ze’s family can’t find any clue now. The stealth card that he is currently using is about to expire. Wu Liang decided to go and talk with Zheng Danqing, maybe he can know some new information about Li Ze.

Wu Liang came to the corner outside the community. Three minutes later, the role of the stealth card disappeared. Wu Liang came out silently, walked straight to Zheng Danqing’s car, and knocked on the window.

The window opened slowly, Zheng Danqing looked at Wu Liang, frowned and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Police Officer Zheng, I think you are investigating Li Ze. I’m doing the same thing. Are you interested in talking together?” Wu Liang opened the door and saw the truth.

Zheng Danqing froze for a moment, then opened the door and motioned Wu Liang to get on the bus and said.

Wu Liang smiled slightly and got into the car happily.

“Who are you? How do I know my identity? Why should I investigate Li Ze?” As soon as Wu Lianggang got on the train, Zheng Danqing began to ask questions like fireworks.

“Police officer Zheng, I am not your prisoner. If you ask me this way, you will not answer anything. It is better for us to exchange answers. You and I will ask each other in turn. Each time a question must be answered truthfully, how?” Wu Liang Proposed with a smile.

“Okay, let me come first. Why do you want to investigate Li Ze?” Zheng Danqing asked first.

“Because I suspect he secretly abetted my friend’s wife. Why did Officer Zheng investigate Li Ze?”

“He has no relationship with the suspect in the case at hand. You just said that he suspected that he had instigated your friend’s wife, what happened between your friend and his wife?”

“My friend and wife are obviously very affectionate, but now they find out that his wife is secretly implementing a plan to murder him. What is the case mentioned by Officer Zheng?”

“A murder case.”

Wu Liang and Zheng Danqing looked at each other.

“It seems that we don’t have to guard against each other anymore, because our purpose is the same. Presumably Officer Zheng has not found any evidence of Li Ze’s crime now.” Wu Liang smiled slightly and took the lead in telling Gu Donglin’s story and his nearness A few days of investigation.

Of course, in Wu Liang’s narrative, he is a detective, Gu Donglin is his friend, and the information he has now is obtained through hard investigation in recent days, hoping that the coffee house does not exist.

After listening to Wu Liang’s story, Zheng Danqing also recognized the ability of this “temporary teammate”, no longer concealed, and told Wu Liang in detail about his doubts about Li Ze’s experience.

This matter should start with a murder case.

A month ago, a patient in a hospital in Ningcheng admitted a patient with severe liver and kidney injury combined with pulmonary fibrosis, and it looked like the symptoms of suicide by taking paraquat.

The doctor asked if the patient drank paraquat, but the patient denied it. The patient said that he had never worked in the financial industry in Ningcheng, and it was impossible to encounter paraquat.

The patient’s wife also said that it could not be paraquat, because the patient’s physical problems have been for several months. I didn’t care when the symptoms were light before, and this gradually became serious. If I took paraquat, people would disappear for a few days. , Can’t be so slow.

The words of the patient ’s wife have aroused the suspicion of the doctor. If he really cares about his husband, but whenever the doctor puts forward his own conjecture, the patient ’s wife should actively recommend a test to hope that her husband can get better treatment Why did you come up and deny the matter first, and say so justified?

So, the doctor pretended to no longer suspect that the patient was taking paraquat, and secretly asked the nurse to take the patient’s blood and urine samples for examination.

The test quickly yielded results. The patient’s blood and urine did not contain paraquat.

The accuracy of the testing equipment in the hospital is not enough, and the patient’s wife’s appearance is abnormal. The doctor hesitated for a long time and chose to call the police.

After listening to the doctor, the police immediately sent a poison detection expert to successfully detect the remaining paraquat in the patient’s body, and at the same time locked the suspect, the patient’s wife.

After some investigation and evidence collection, the police quickly found a record of the patient ’s wife purchasing paraquat online. The evidence was complete and the suspect quickly confessed.

It turned out that the wife of the victim started to inject 0.1ml of paraquat into the patient’s drink every day as early as a few months ago.

Paraquat is colorless and odorless, and it is metabolized quickly in the body. She thought that this slow and small dose of poisoning method will not be detected by the relevant departments.

Unexpectedly, now that the detection technology is superb and the detection equipment is extremely sensitive, the poison detection expert soon determined that her husband had paraquat in her body.

The patient ’s wife ’s motive for killing was very simple—she hated her husband and wanted him to die immediately.

Of course, she finally achieved her goal. On the thirteenth day after she was arrested by the police, her husband died.

When taken away by the police, the victim ’s wife was full of regret, not regretting that she poisoned her husband, but regretting that she used paraquat and missed her feet.

When the victim learned that his serious illness was because his wife had poisoned herself, she was incredulous and asked Zheng Danqing constantly, wondering why.

Zheng Danqing also wants to know why this is.

In the process of solving the case, Zheng Danqing had investigated the victims in detail. He treated his wife very well, had no domestic violence, had not been derailed, and had no bad habits such as smoking or gambling.

Victim and wife and a three-year-old daughter, Bingxue smart, very cute.

According to the accounts of the relatives and friends of the two and the victims themselves, they have a good relationship. Although there are occasional minor contradictions, it is absolutely impossible to see the point of life and death.

When the victim’s wife confessed, the undisguised killing and hatred of the victim were absolutely not fraud.

In order to clarify the matter and give the victim an explanation, Zheng Danqing began to investigate the victim’s wife.

The wife of the victim was Maurina, and she became pregnant soon after marrying the victim, so she became a housewife and brought a baby at home.

Maorina rarely hangs out with her friends until she is two years old. She started to work out in the gym. Her fitness coach is Li Ze.

After a tortuous investigation, Zheng Danqing got a membership document in the gym, and after analyzing the members brought by Li Ze one by one, he discovered an amazing secret.

Li Ze’s members have four people with very similar situations.

They are all married, no longer work after marriage, become a housewife, special baby at home, their children are very small, the oldest is only 3 years old.

The most important thing is that their husbands have all died within the last year. The causes of death are varied, and they are now widows.

And Li Ze came to the gym only one and a half years.

The husbands of these four people also have interesting reasons for their death.

Suddenly it was found that the advanced liver cancer.

Someone was climbing a dangerous mountain that was not open and accidentally fell off the cliff.

Someone was bitten by his own dog, did not get rabies vaccine, and died of illness.

Another person died of drowning when he was electrocuted by a water heater in his home ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The death of four people seems to be an accident, but the wives of all four of them are working out in the same gym, and They are all members of Li Zedai, so if you look at it again, this matter is a bit too strange.

Zheng Danqing immediately reported his findings to the team, which caused great concern in the team. Several colleagues of Zheng Danqing had secretly investigated four suspects who had died of their husbands, and Zheng Danqing was responsible for disguising as one. The housewife, whose child is only one and a half years old, tried to approach Li Ze to find evidence of his crime.

It’s a pity that few people have found nothing, and no evidence can be found.

Now listening to Wu Liang’s story, Li Ze sent someone to check her identity immediately after sending away Zheng Danqing.

Zheng Danqing knew that his identity had been exposed, and his heart was very bitter.

Fortunately, Wu Liang told Zheng Danqing that Li Ze will have lunch with Shan Ziling at noon tomorrow, and the two will meet separately to meet, plus the previous performances of Shan Ziling, this is likely to be a very important breakthrough.

After exchanging the information they knew, Zheng Danqing politely proposed to Wu Liang that the operation at noon tomorrow would be completely deployed by the police, hoping that Wu Liang would better wait for the news at home.

Afraid of Wu Liang ’s reluctance, Zheng Danqing vowed to promise that he would tell Wu Liang without reservation, no matter what new discoveries were made at noon tomorrow.

Wu Liangben also wants to use an incognito card, so he naturally agreed with Zheng Danqing’s arrangement, saying that he will be at home tomorrow.

After reaching an agreement, Wu Liang opened the car door and planned to find a hidden place to return to the Hope Cafe.

Just a few steps away, Wu Liang saw a familiar figure from afar, and quickly hid in the shadow under a tree.

Lu Yun, who was earlier than Li Ze’s work, finally returned home.

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