Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-90: Life Is But A Stage To Play

Roy finally reached an agreement with the elfin Goddess, well, though with the addition of the third clause—'regular supply of cappuccino made by the silver-headed girl presented to this Goddess as an offering'. 

Seriously, the third clause made Roy feel like as if the supply of Liliana-brand cappacino proved a greater inclination towards sealing the deal by this prideful goddess than the Gorgon Stone itself. 

Anyways, the atmosphere in the room also eased considerably, but he did not directly hand over the Gorgon Stone to Athena. It's not that he wanted to break his promise but Athena's 'Goddess of Wisdom' epithet kept his vigilance secure. 

Although Roy is willing to believe in Athena's character, she is ultimately the Goddess of Wisdom which not only encompasses ability to contemplate and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight but also cunningness. 

If Athena regains her strength by merging with the Gorgon Stone and really abruptly attacks out of the blue, Roy is sure to guarantee his own safety, but Erica's and Liliana's safety will fall into peril. 

Perhaps it was that Roy's thoughts were sensed by her, Athena's legs that were swinging two and fro came to a halt and shr said with her small hands supporting her chins:

"It is the brightest choice on your part, human, to keep your guard up against this goddess. Otherwise this goddess would have been really tempted to pull off a second enactment of the Trojan War of Troy, after all this goddess is Athena, the Mistress of War and Wisdom. Huhuhu. Isn't it said everything is fair in love and war?"

Athena's word emanated a chuckle from Roy, "I would have wished this to be rather a case of love then a war, unfortunately~. Don't worry Goddess Athena, before our battle I would surely give back your possession in your able hands."

"Humph! That's for sure, human."

Athena turned to look at Erica and Liliana who where preoccupied in their own work but where still keeping a watch on her.


Compared to these two mortals, she held more curiousity towards this human that dared to invite a Goddess into his house despite being a Godslayer himself.

"Now that this goddess recalls, you seem to seriously loathe fate, can this one know why? Moreover, this goddess is your guest, so it's your duty to keep me entertained."

"Entertainment? How about a live experiment on the primal ancient procreation between humans, aha, don't get angry Athena, I was just joking~ So, how was the entertainment—I mean the joke?"

"Hmph! This goddess—"

"No-no, it's my turn Athena. So...."

"Fate, huh? No—I don't have any particular hate towards fate or destiny. To be exact, I loathe the rigidity of fate, the shackles of destiny. I don't hate the fate in it's whole, in fact, what I dote on is the choice of fate moulded out of my own will."

"There are soldiers who choose to fight for their homeland despite knowing that the odds are stacked against them. There are doctors who persist in saving patients during a plague despite knowing the dangers."

"These are people who have chosen to fulfill their fate, but they still glow as brightly as anyone else, if not more. People are just going by the choice they are making at each moment—that's the beauty of fate."

"Choice, and the ones who choose to make noble choices; they are the most beautiful things of fate. Whether they choose to submit or struggle, they don't content themselves to being the slaves of fate. They are the ones who decide their own fate."

"What would I do if my fate was already sealed? I... wouldn't stress about it if it wasn't a big deal, but if I didn't like it—I will change it."

Roy's voice was firm and powerful, and his words echoed within the hall.

'Life is but a stage on which we play our role', this metaphor is quoted by believers in destiny, but even this gives some choice if we delve deeper in to its meaning. 

Different actors may act differently not only because of their different abilities to enact the role, but because they interpret the role of the script differently. 

This is in addition to their ability to enact the role. They interpret the role they are playing differently depending upon their experiences and education.

Strictly speaking, the words 'choice', chance and 'destiny' are antipodes of each other. 

To Roy it is not destiny but choice and chance that determine the course and achievements of life, just as securing of our freedom was not our destiny but an outcome of chances, our choice and trials and tribulations. 

He is willing to admit the existence of 'destiny' in a scientific sense; after all we can say with confidence that 'eclipses' are destined. 

Similarly, the universe of planets, suns, stars and galaxies is destined to ultimately vanish into space, and humanity perishing together with it. 

This is ordained by the laws of physics known today. The universe is not only expanding but expanding inexorably with acceleration! 


What if human civilisation advanced to become four-dimensional beings? 

What if human beings discover a way to inhabit into another universe? 

What if human beings could time travel to avoid this circumstance by going back in time? 

What if human civilisation becomes advance enough to even alter with the laws of physics—making sun, moon, planet, stars, galaxies, heck, even the universe move at our own bidding? 

Doesn't this shows that our choice makes destiny flexible and dynamic?! 

We can control our choice but we can't control your destiny, but we can modify our destiny according to our choices! 

Athena stared quietly at the boy who was not more than eighteen, peering into his silver sky blue eyes eyes that glistened like a star of wisdom in the night sky. She silently murmured his words.

"...It's neither struggle nor submission, but the power to choose between the gaps of them that is the most beautiful thing of fate? ...hmh."

"The Spindles of Fate of Clotho ("spinner"), Lachesis ("allotter") and Atropos ("the unturnable") are also the things that this goddess does not like. From this point, this goddess's and your thoughts are very similar, human."

Athena looked at Roy with escalating interest. The long eyelashes quivered, and the eyes filled with wisdom were full of curiosity and desire to explore, 'peeling the layers' of this human that garnered her interest. 

"King, this my newly learnt dish—Arancini, please taste."

The chat between Roy and Athena haulted for a wonderous tempting smell haunted the air. 

Liliana briskly walked in with a smile and placed the plate in her hand on the center table. 

Many big, golden rice balls filled with a savory combination of filled ingredients presented itself.

The succulent balls were rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in hot oil, developing the characteristical golden color coupled with a crispy exterior.

Roy skillfully picked up one the golden crispy balls and popped one into his mouth.


Without a word more, his hands skillfully headed for more, as adults say—it's bad habit to talk while eating, it can also be used as an excuse, especially when the food is the euphoria of foodgasm. 

Roy had already mastered the art of elegant chowing. Even as he wolfed down the food before him, he was still able to remain graceful by some mysterious force of nature.

"Hmmm~ meat sauce with peas, dried prosciutto, cheeses such as mozzarella and pecorino, tomatoes, or dried capers; all in right proportion. Lily, your cooking skills are getting better and better. Ahh, would have been of me without your delicious dishes~"

"You overpraising me king, this is what Liliana must do."

Liliana said modestly but her face was full of joy and faint pride from the praises of the man she loved dearly and the king she pledged her loyalty to.

Athena, who was sitting across Roy, said nothing. Just sitting quietly like a doll but her eyes sneakingly every now then still landed on the crispy balls that seem to be inviting her noble tongue.

'Tch. Doesn't food and accommodation comes in pair? Why was this goddess asked only for accommodation and not for food? Stingy human, humph! Don't you dare talk this goddess again.'

"....mhmm~ delicious!"


'Wuuu... This goddess should included it in the third clause. ...deceptive human, humph! Don't you—'

Roy was also secretly peeking at the Loli Goddess whose cheeks where ballooned like an angry rabbit with a amused smile, he shifted his plate towards Athena, quite amused at the goddess's antics. 

"Athena would you like to have some snacks with me~?"


"C-Considering that you are so sincerely inviting this goddess, this goddess will reluctantly accep—"

"Ah~ you don't really have to force yourself, you know?", with that said, Roy once again pulled back the plate with a 'I understand your feelings, it was a mistake on my part to present a noble goddess with mere mortal food' type of face. 

"N-No, no, it's an ancient etiquette of Greek Gods to... to—not refuse the offerings!"

Roy tilted his head in 'puzzlement', "But I have never heard of anything similar..? And Greek Gods having etiquettes..?"

Athena faced flushed red, maybe in embarrassment or in anger, or maybe in both. 

"Was this goddess the resident of Mt. Olympus or you where?! This was a secret common only between gods! Just give back this goddess's offering now!"

"Khahahaha! Please pardon this mistake of a mere mortal, your majesty."

Roy gave back the 'offering'.


"Really—a tsundere~"


* * *

At night, the wind and snow on the snowy mountains had turned tamer, but it was still pitch dark, only a brightly lit mansion was an oddity in this wonder of nature. 

In Roy's bedroom, on the sofa on the side, a small figure was holding the book the 'interesting human' had given her and reading it with gusto, her slender legs were swinging to and fro, showcasing her carefree mood. 

The silver moonlight flowed through the window glass on her liquefied moonlight-like hair. Her decanter shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable, ochrous hue.

Her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle's-leg eyelashes as her onyx purple eyes seemed to represent authority in it's all. 

A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixie's nose any better.

"What's up?"

Perceiving Roy's presence, Athena put down the book in her hand and looked at the angel like boy standing in front of her who held a dashing face and looking at her with a thinking smile.


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreon with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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