Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-80: 72 Pillar Demon Gods

"It turns out that this is the true face of Solomon's 72 Pillar Demon Gods."

Standing on the top of the hill on the far side of Jerusalem, Roy watched the city gradually being shrouded in specks of light, like a starry night sky. 

Roy's expression flashed through the illusion suchlike Roman was still around. He sighed and lowered his head to sink his thoughts into the newly acquired Divine Authority. 

<Lesser Key of Solomon: Human Prosperity Order>! 

This is Roy's newly acquired Divine Authority!

And this Authority is the Campione-suited version based as per Roy's personality and traits from Solomon's <Ars Almadel Salomonis>, this Authority also made him realize the true face of the 72 Demon Gods of Solomon. 

In "The Lesser Key of Solomon", more specifically in the first of five books– Ars Goetia, because the manuscript was misinterpreted, the 72 Demon Gods were attributed to be Solomon's familiar.

In fact, Solomon was just borrowing the names of the Gods who where conquered by the Religion of Cross and demoted as the Heretic or Demon Gods, which in other religions would have been demoted as subordinate gods but not in Religion of Cross as their can be only one god in Cross Mythos– God, others are heretics and demons deceiving others. 

Coming back to the topic, this Divine Authority is rather devoid of the concentration of any particular rule, it is rather more of a type of active/passive skill, than a power manifested out of a myth. 

The most probable way to describe it would be to associate it with a huge complex magic based on Human Principle Correction and Human Order Foundation, core principle on with Alaya, the collective unconsciousness of mankind of Nasuverse, operates on. 

Human Order also referred to as the Common Sense of Man is essentially the principle that "humanity must exist for as long as possible"; basically, it's the 'correct' History of Man that happen or is to happen, leading to path for the longest possible road of survival. 

Every individual's choice, every historical time node, and every correct historical event is an important factor in the prosperity of the human principle, and the "correction of the human principle" means that when the humanity steers down the 'wrong' path, out of the right track, 72 pillars based on 72 Demon Pillar Gods will appear to correct it, so that the human principle can continue to steer in right direction. 

And, <Ars Almadel Salomonis> is a "more effective system for advancing the right principles of humanity" created by Solomon. It is Magic that can be used to correct when there are diversions in correct course of human history. 

Depending on the intensity of diversion, using the <Lesser Key of Solomon: Human Prosperity Order> Roy can also be blessed by the human principle, as well as extract the reserves from the human principle and turning it into energy for one's own use. 

In a world where the human principle is strong, the blessing emanated by human principles will be strong and vice versa. 

This is the true face of his <Lesser Key of Solomon: Human Prosperity Order> modified from <Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All> based on his personal traits. 

"King Solomon deserves to be renowned as the King of Magecraft. He was able to shape such a complex and perplexing magic, and even involved the destiny and principles of humanity. If I can fully analyze this Authority, it will have a great impact on the my signature magic spell."

What Roy wants to create is an art of "crossing the Evils of Mankind" and the Evils

 of Man can said to be a very fundamental part of the human principle as it is fueled by aspects of Humanity themselves and accumulate more transcendency as mankind advances.

So, as long as humans are alive, the Evils of Humanity will never disappear. Of course slaying all the humans will cause the Evils of Man to perish with it, but his goal is to 'cross' not to 'kill'. 

As Romani said, this authority-cum-magic is really the greatest gift he left to Roy, and it is the mysterious knowledge that can help him to make his own signature magic more advanced. 

Roy doesn't believes that such a perfect and most suited Divine Authority will directly fall into his lap, Romani's intervention was definitely present, one can never underestimate the Wisdom of God. 


Just as Romani said, to utilize this Authority he has to pay the corresponding price. 

This Authority has a 'lock', and Roy needs to complete a certain condition before he could open it with a key, to make it the cornerstone of the signature magic style he was creating. 

And to want to activate this Authority, he needs to do one thing, that is, to save the principles of humanity. 

Even if what he saves is only a tiny branch of the large river of the History of Mankind from being destroyed or diverted, as long as he has completed the salvation of human principle for once, he can be recognized by the Order of Humanity and initiate the correction of the human principles and turn it into his own thing; completely comprehending as well as absorbing the crystallization of Solomon's highest wisdom contained in this magic formula in the process. 

"Now, where do I go to save humanity?"

Roy muttered begrudgingly, a beauty is right in front of his sight, tempting him as well as simulating him but his little brother refuses to even budge a little, mentally he wants it but physically his body seemed to be frustratingly, dominated controlled by a pious iron willed monk, this is his present condition. He finally understood the meaning of Roman's last smile that pitted him hard. 

Such a powerful technique that can borrow the power of human principles, a technique that condenses Solomon's life-long strength and wisdom, but now he can only glaze in pity, with no permission to even touch it, even if he owns it, how can he not be depressed.

"It's amazing. Solomons in different worlds have different powers."

With flickering specks of light, the Holy Guardian Angel manifested, her tone was joyful but he faced expressionless like a statue. 

"In the world I was born, both Key of Solomon and the Lesser Key of Solomon are present, according to the information obtained from Aleister, in that world $#!¢?! —"

"– is a magic book of original grimoire that purely focuses on the deep study of demon summoning, but the wisdom of this King Solomon involves human principles. This is a mystery far surpassing the study of demon summoning."

"...The same characters in different worlds have vastly different directions. This is a very important information. This hypnosis can give two very important theories in the sea of ​​the universe #!?$€|=?!!#$—"

This Holy Guardian Angel's voice like regularly, fluctuated slightly high and down like a screeching mirror, for a moment, Roy even felt he saw a beautiful smile originate on her face, possessing a ethereal quality beyond human logic. 

"Yeah... It's just that in the end I was fooled by that idiot. Thinking about it, I still feel a little unhappy. However, Romani deserves to be King Solomon. Despite being new to this world, he already masters the essence of Heretic God and Authorities, to the extent of tweaking with it. ...if, if I knew I would have squeezed a bit more, after all a certain someone doesn't teach me the 'unnecessary' knowledge."

Roy grinned bitterly, indirectly handing his complain to Aiwass, but Aiwass didn't mean to respond to his hint. 

"Primate &#$!?! Human named Romani Archaman did not abandoned Solomon's power and wisdom. He may have 'seen' something before he designed the key to the 'magic of power' left to you. There must another meaning behind his move."

"Moreover, Roy, in these day when he was finding his own humanity, he seems to have rewoken your's. You are showing your emotions more openly that before."

Aiwass eyes curiously focused on his face as she said something out topic. Roy's expression startled for a moment before changing to his usually calm demeanour. 

His silver-sky blue pupil that reflected with brightness similar to a gem, by rote gazed at the place where Romani was laughing heartly moments ago. 

"Maybe... who knows...."


"Hupf-, hahaha, it's so much like Roman. If it was King Solomon, he would either say nothing, or tell me everything in detail instead of what Romani did, leaving me behind with a lock and with no idea where to find the key."

"In these short seven days, Romani, this guy has truly become a human being and even learned the evil taste. Or was getting back for a little long working hours? How petty of you, Roman..."

Roy said in irritation but a small curve was still hanging at the ends of his lips. 

"But, forget it. Obtaining the <Lesser Key of Solomon: Human Prosperity Order> is already a huge profit. Since Roman has left me with a path, I will follow this path, and will definitely able to unlock this technique."

Roy took a deep breath, putting his thoughts on hold and let himself not be over obsessed with this regard.

That guy may be a little timid and, a through and through salted fish, but he definitely not an idiot.

"Let's go back to the hotel, I'm going to see what other gift he left me. Just hope for this one to not pit me left and right. Haaaa~"

Hesitating for a moment, Roy still didn't use his <Prince of Blazing Light>, taking a last look at the high side view of the bustling city, he turned around to return back. 

"By the way, I have collected the spiritual foundation that maintained his form when Solomon collapsed... Roy, your power overlaps with King Solomon. When you go back, we are going to perform the ritual, let's see how it turns out."

At this time, as if to cheer him up, Aiwass divulged to Roy the good news regarding the point that he had momentarily overlooked, this good news significantly improved his mood, with a small smile he hastened towards his destination. 

* * *

The silvery white moon hugh high above the backdrop 'black velvety curtain', guzzling the world under it's glory. 

Returning to the room in Jerusalem where Romani and he once lived, Roy opened the drawer of the desk where Romani had been playing with the computer, and saw a old style notebook quietly lying under the upper side.

"When did he write this thing?

Roy pondered for a while, for previous six days, he has always been a 'supervisor'. Since Roman was working hard for his technique base, it is absolutely impossible for Roman to finish the content on the parchment during the day.

"Then it can only be during the night... after I fell asleep."

Thinking of this, Roy sighed lightly, he thought, Roman with limited time left, to spend his time to the fullest, watching live videos... eating cakes and drinking coke, living a life of a full fledged otaku life. 

But he didn't expect that even at night, Romani would be working overtime so that Roy, the "boss" couldn't see. He muttered with a smile as he fluttered and scroll to look at his 'gift'. 

"This guy is really a rare good employee. I will give him an award for the most dedicated employee of the year with a voucher of a year worth of strawber—."

Roy stilled words stilled for a moment as his attention directed on the scroll. 


The Campione's eyebrows moved as he read, his face darkening with each passing second, at last he couldn't help as eyebrows start twitching at higher frequency. 

Twitch! Twitch! Twitch! 

As he glazed over the content, Roy, for the first time, really lose his damn temper since he became a Campione. 

"Damn you! Romani!"

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For those who didn't understand this divine authority (atleast some didn't and expressed it too), you see this line that was written in the above writings— "Depending on the intensity of diversion, using the <Lesser Key of Solomon: Human Prosperity Order> Roy can also be blessed by the human principle, as well as extract the reserves from the human principle and turning it into energy for one's own use."

Still don't understand? Well, you will understand when the magic is activated. Till then, see ya!


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreꝍn with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* and *GooseElite*


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