Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-46: The Tree of Life’s Grace

(Skip the myth if you want, it's only for those who want to read it...) 

In the land of Phrygia, not far from the city of Hierapolis, there was a church in honor of Archangel Michael, and near that temple there was a healing spring. 

At that time there was a man, who lived in Laodikeia. That man had an only daughter, who was cursed by 'death' to die before the age of twenty. 

Her father was in mourning because of that, and he did his best to find a cure for her. 

Unfortunately, he did not manage to heal her curse and became quite discouraged. Once at night, when the man was sleeping in his bed, he saw the Angel of God, shining like the sun, with twelve holy wings. 

The man was shocked when he heard the following words: 

"If you want your daughter to break free from her curse, then bring her to my spring near the city of Hierapolis. Pray to God and let her drink the water from this spring, and then you will see God's glory."

He was allowed to see the miracle so he could find God and help others to find Him too. 

When the man woke up, he believed in what he saw and heard, and went to Hierapolis together with his daughter. 

He found many people near the spring; some of them were baptized in it, the others would simply draw out water and were instantly healed. He asked them:

"Whom are you glorifying when drawing out the water from the spring?"

The people there explained as then he got the answer:

"We are glorifying the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are also asking Archangel Michael for help."

The man drew water from the spring and make her daughter drink the water from the spring. However, to his dismay, his daughter didn't get any better. He began to doubt the content of his dreams.

But then, the man suddenly remembered the words of Angel in his dream, he proceeded to look at the sky and raise his hands, and began to pray:

"The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! God of the Christians, have mercy upon us! Saint Archangel Michael, help me and cure my daughter!"

As soon as he finished, a rupture appeared in the sky, and a root grand beyond his thinking came out and dropped a brightly shining, crystalline green drop from the ends of it's roots into the spring. Even sun seemed to dim in front of this drop. 

The flowers and trees instantly grew out from behind the spring, the water turned into crystalline green. 

Then the man took some water and made his daughter drink it. At that very moment she was healed from her curse. 

"God bless us! Archangel Michael, shower your blessing on us!"

All the people there were amazed by God's power, and began to glorify the Holy Trinity.

There are some lines in the Book of Enoch— "And amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt, neither was any amongst them nor were others like it: it had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, and its leaves and blooms and wood wither not for ever: and its fruit is beautiful, and its fruit resembles the dates of a palm. Then I said: 'How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are fair, and its blooms very delightful in appearance.' Then answered Michael, one of the holy and honoured angels who was with me, and was their leader."

Essentially, St. Michael appears to be a guardian of these mountains and the Tree of Life that is located here. 

The vision of Enoch further explains how the Tree of Life was taken from Eden and placed on one of the mountains and will remain there until the end of time, from where God will judge all of creation.

So, the grand root that blessed the spring was assumed to the root of the Tree of Life that represents the restoration of the life-giving presence of God.

The fifth of Roy's seven <Holy Right> comes from this myth, and is the only authority of Roy's seven divine authorities that is related to healing.

This authority is branched into two abilities— 'Grace of Life' and 'Status Revival'. 

This Divine Authority needs a full day to cool down. When used on others, this Divine Authority automatically becomes the 'Grace of Life' which can completely heal Princess Alice's body. 

With the power of Vitakinesis branched from <Live or Die>, Madame Aisha can heal any form of injuries or maladies.

Vitakinesis also grants her the ability to see a poison or a curse within the target's body. And with Purification, another branched off ability of <Live or Die>, Madame Aisha can dispel any form of curse. 

Mrs. Aisha's power can save any person as long as the person has a breath left in his body, but Princess Alice body will once again start deteriorating after being healed. 

And increasing spiritual energy cannot be placed into the category of curse, so Madame Aisha can only delay Princess Alice's death, cannot cure it. 

Roy's 'Grace of Life' can not only turn decay into a miracle, heal any pain or wound, but also relieve all negative states on the target's body and soul. 

This power may seem not much different from <Live or Die>, but Madame Aisha's power only remove the curse, whereas his power can remove all negative states. 

This power will take Princess Alice's deteriorating body as a 'debuff', a negative state, and remove it. 

When this Divine Authority is used on himself, it automatically becomes 'Status Revival', no matter how injured or exhausted Roy is, he will revitalize will full strength.

Every curse, debuff or any negative status on his body or soul will 'vanish'. Even his stamina and magical energy will return back to full.

Suppose, you are playing a game, your character and your opponent's character had a close fight. Both the character's red and blue bar on the verge of finishing at the final tense moment. 

At this instant, your character's red and blue bar suddenly returns to full. In this tense situation, the opponent's mentality will collapse. Full of curses for the game company that made such a bug type skill. 

Roy named this Divine Authority—

<Miraculous Spring of Life>!

In fact, there are two ways to invoke 'Grace of Life', one is to read the incantation and other is to use his body fluids to use this authority on others. 

He could have used the incantation or simply hand over a drop of blood embedded with the power of the authority, but it would have been impolite on his part as a 'gentleman' to let such a chance pass by. 

After all, he is also 'sacrificing' his body fluids, so it is his right to collect some 'interests'. 


Princess Alice whimpered, her pale, thin hands wanted to push him away, but where did the girl who had been lying on the bed like a vegetative woman for years had this strength, after struggling twice, she realized that she couldn't push him off, she had no choice but to give up and let Roy continue to do the 'treatment'. 

Erica and Liliana stood next to them, watching everything in awe. They never thought Roy would do such a dictatorial deed, they were left red-eared with sparkling eyes. 

Liliana even had the whim to write a romance novel with a domineering president's domineering love, her soon to be masterpiece. 

This moment started the trend of 'domineering president refuses let the beauty go' romance novel in another world! 

The manly smell of a man rushed in her nose and made Princess Alice's heart beat faster, and her brain was dizzy due to the lack of oxygen. 

Apart from Roy's smell, what Princess Alice felt most was the extraordinary thing that passed into her body through her mouth, filled with vast amount of magical energy. 

This kind of magical energy is completely different from ordinary magic energy. In addition to the difference in terms of quality and quantity, it also has a mysterious element mixed with it in a way that Princess Alice couldn't understand. 

She knows that this is the power of the Godslayers usurped from Gods. The power of such an existence is difficult to be analyzed by mortals. 

Suddenly she felt that the aggregate of magical energy reached her stomach and then, all she felt was infinite bliss! 

A refreshing, cool sensation passed through her whole body, her body seemed to be floating in a spring, the water was not transparent but sparkling, crystalline green, each drop looked more beautiful than any jewel. 

The splashing sounds of water that flowed from the source felt as the beautiful epiphany of nature cheering in her ears. 

The water seemed to possess life, massaging her whole body. She wished she could lie here for eternity. 

Her body weakened due to too ever-growing spiritual energy began to become flexible and lively, as if the rusty gears were filled with engine oil, and started to smoothly work again.

Princess Alice never felt her heart beating as powerfully as it does now; her brain was never so lucid as now, and her slender wrist seemed to regain their strength and she finally pushed away Roy. 

"Huh... huh..."

"King Roy, don't you think this is you being too brazen? Taking a Lady's first kiss without even taking her permission?"

Princess Alice scolded in embarrassment and indignation. She was panting for breath, stroking her chest with her hand, slowly inhaling the air as it once again flowed smoothly.

Nonetheless, Princess Alice was surprised to find that her roar was full of vigour, completely different from the weak and frail voice from before.

The limbs felt more powerful, and she could even feel the rapid flow of blood in her body. 

Although she still looks like a patient with anemia, and looked much weaker than the average person, overall she has undergone tremendous changes compared to her prior dying appearance. 

At least she is now able to eat and drink; or go down and walk like an ordinary person. 

This is the vitality of life that Princess Alice has never felt since she collapsed on the bed six years ago.

Roy did not answer to Princess Alice's words. He squinted his eyes and mesmerized himself into the aftertaste of Princess Alice syrup-sweet lips. 

"I thought that based on the gossips of the relationship between Princess Alice and Alexander Gascoigne that are prevalent in magic world, princess should have had some intimate moments a long time ago."

Roy's teasing made Princess Alice even more annoyed, and she said in dissatisfaction: 

"...No way, he is a boring and coward guy, whereas I'm a fun seeking and daring girl. Don't match me with that troublesome guy."

"Oh, why? Princess Alice is are called the 'Sage Princess', and that Gascoigne is called the 'Black Prince'. I thought you two would be a match made in heaven."

Roy face looked surprised, but the over exaggerated expression clearly proved his want to tease Princess Alice. 

"I feel very helpless about this, but since everyone calls us that, I can't refute... Moreover, if I am really close to Alexander, what you did before can be equivalent to declaring war on him."

After gaining the strength and vitality back in her body, Princess Alice became more eloquent in her verbal battle. 

"I don't really care about declaring war on him, and if he really has some feelings for you, I may be more excited now."

"As a devil king, isn't it natural to rob the princess from her prince?"

"...But that guy, Gascoigne, his character is too cautious, so cautious that he is unique among the Godslayers, do you think he is hiding somewhere and secretly watching us, envying and angered that I took Princess's first kiss? Gascoigne come out or I am going for another one."

As Roy said this, he looked around at the surroundings, as if Alexander Gascoigne was really hiding in a corner and dared not to come out.

"You are really..."

Princess Alice was totally dumbfounded, what could she say in the face of such a shameless person.


Princess Alice murmured secretly, and then tried her best to calm herself: 

"...King Roy, such a forced move regardless of the girl's wishes will make the girls hate you."

"Although some girls like a certain cute knight likes the type of male who is strong, forceful, yet passionate and likes to take charge, but I am not one of those."

Roy smirked and articulated: "There was a silly person who once said some worthy words that made me to remember, 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law'."

"...So, princess, I don't care whether you hate me or like me. I am the devil king on earth. I am the overlord who is rampant in his behavior, who does whatever he wants."

"So, here I declare that from this moment and on, you are my woman. You, belong to me."

"In ancient times, kings of mortals used to have their own harem filled with thousands of beautiful girls. Let alone me, who is better than any king on earth. So, my harem must be most unique in the whole world! Well~ this idea is tempting."

After a pause, Roy shrugged and said:

"...Well, now Princess Alice, since now you are healthy and fine, then you have no more excuses to reject me. Remember, you belong to this King!"


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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