Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 8 – Sunset Monster Mountain Range (3)

Sometime earlier, Sunset Monster Mountain Range, 3rd POV.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid rules. Why can't I inherit the position!"

Said in anger, a young-looking woman as she sends a wave of crimson energy that disintegrated everything it touched; in this case, its target was a small group of thirty orcs of Warrior Level.

"Damm. That dolt half-brother of mine is not even reaching 30% of my power, and his mastery over magic or clan trait is pathetical. Idiot."

She was Venelana Bael, hailed as the strongest woman from the Bael House of all times, as her talent in the usage of Power of Destruction was nearing that of Ancestor Zekram, and while being of very young age, just only 160, she was already nearing Ultimate-Class.

"There is no helping to it... maybe I can find some good targets to vent my anger on."

Muttered Venelana as she looked around the half-destroyed place from the waves of Power of Destruction. It really deserved the title of the most destructive Clan Trait. It instantly disintegrates practically any organic or inorganic matter it comes to contact with.

As she was looking at the forest, suddenly, she felt the strong presence of demonic energy. It felt a little weird compared to normal demonic energy, which gave off a pure dark feeling; this one had a bit of a holy feeling, like with Angels or Gods of Light.

And thus, she used a detection spell to find the source of that weird feeling of demonic energy, unleashed three pairs of devil wings, and flew off to find her target by following the detection spell.

After ten minutes of flying, she felt she was getting closer and closer to the source; thus, she landed down and decided to go the rest of the distance by foot, not to attract unwanted attention if her new source of interest was violent.

When she saw the source of the demonic energy waves, she was shocked to see a rather familiar young man with long crimson hair molding the light between his hands.

'So the new Lord of Gremory is also a descendant of the House of Lucifer and even inherited the Clan Trait that nobody else in the entire Family has. Interesting.'

Thought Venelana before she decided to introduce herself.


After an initial talk with Venelana, we both started walking and searching for some strong monsters for us to fight, though both of us were careful while fighting as we didn't want to cause some collateral damage.

My Dark Light was deadly to any being of darkness or light simultaneously, while her Power of Destruction was literally annihilating everything in its matter.

When we killed some monsters, we decided to rest a bit before continuing our search. Venelana was admiring the beautiful nature around us while I was training in my Clan Trait.

"So, tell me, why are you desperately training to be strong?"

Asked Venelana as she looked in my direction; after nearly two hours, we have been here.

"Truth? Fear of the future."

I answered directly, as it wasn't something to hide.

"You mean the Great War?"

I knew someone like her ready noticed the tension between the Three Biblical Factions was becoming too much, and the war was inevitable. Still, to her question, I shook my head in disagreement.

"I will ask you a question. What are the strongest Factions in the world currently?"

This was important to know.

"Then allow me to introduce it to you. Currently, among all Pantheons and Factions, there are two that cold literary wipe out entire three Biblical Factions combined with ease. Those are the Hindu Pantheon and the Celestial Court of the Jade Emperor. Those two factions are so strong that not even Big G doesn't dare to mess out on them and preach his religion there. After them, there is Asgard of Norse Pantheon and Takagahamara of Shinto Faction and their Vassals Yokai that are practically at the same level of strength as the Three Biblical Factions combined. Then there is for example Greek Pantheon, which is theoretically stronger than the Three Biblical Factions, but similar to our Pantheon, their own is also divided into three Factions consisting of Primordial Gods, Titans, and Olympians Gods. For last notable factions are Vampire under the leadership of True Blood Kindreds, but fortunately, those Blood Lords are in a deep sleep."

I then make a dramatic pause in my explanation.

"Now, you may ask where I am moving with this speech. The answer is simple. Soon enough, the Great War between our Pantheon would happen, resulting in the severe weakening of Angels, Fallen, and Devils. When this happens, what do you think other factions would do?"

I ask as I look at Venelana.



I exclaimed happily.

"Here lies the crux of the problem. The relationship of the other Pantheons and our own are practically terrible, especially thanks to Christianity, Angels and Fallen Angels preaching their religion practically all around the world, minus territory of Celestial Court and Hindu, or else Big G would have been killed long ago. So we have a neutral relationship with the two strongest factions rather, though from what I heard, both of them despise Angels and Fallen. And then, there is Asgard, Vampires, Takagahamara, and Olympus, which would be glad to wipe our faction from the Supernatural World."

"Now that you say it in summary, it makes great sense."

"Yeah. Basically, we are fucked up thanks to Big G and Church preaching their religion so aggressively. The entire supernatural either hate us to death or despise us. But it also has an advantage."

"And that is?"

"Devils are ignored. You see, we devils never participated in preaching or stealing worshippers from other Pantheons, so their opinion about us is mostly neutral, if not a little greedy for souls. But that is all. So... I plan to build a good relationship with Asgard and Takagamara. This would help our race to survive better after the Great War."

I exclaimed with a wide grin.

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