Hollywood King

Chapter 31.

Ian was sitting in between the crowd on a normal Thursday afternoon where Romeo and Juliet were being performed on the stage. Broadway theatres had so many different varieties of acts from modern to classics. 

After realizing how Romeo and Juliet were being played and people enjoyed it because of how good of a “classic” it is. Ian knew there were so many things that were common in this world and his previous one. 

The seats were already occupied by different people. Couples to singles, old people to kids. There were so many of them, more than enthusiastic to watch the classic theatre experience which was about to start. 

[...] Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young Italian star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays.

The start of the play gave flashbacks as to when Ian went to watch Romeo and Juliet in his world. It was a bad ending for him. Even back then, he mentally cussed for Romeo and Juliet as it was such a masterpiece without a good ending. That was just how immature he was when he first saw it. But with time, he understood. 

Ian wasn’t there to watch them play or enjoy the crowd or the breeze, he was simply there to meet Eloise. As popular as she was, her plays were pretty popular among broadway theatre fans. 

With a huge round of applause, the play started. After a while, Ian saw who was playing Juliet. He looked at her and thought it would be more than sufficient if she agreed to play the role of Mia. She was everything he was looking for. 

Eloise Hampton looked like a flawless angel from where Ian was sitting. Her dark blonde hair was neatly styled to look perfect for her role. Her thick eyebrows, straight nose, and her thin plump lips added perfection to her appearance as an actress. She looked exactly like she would fit in any role. 

Ian kept watching and analyzing her acting skills. It was a given that she would act Mia’s role perfectly. 


“O my love, my wife!

Death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,

Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty:

Thou art not conquered, beauty’s ensign yet

Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,

And death’s pale flag is not advancèd there.—

Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet?

O, what more favor can I do to thee

Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain

To sunder his that was thy enemy?

Forgive me, cousin.— Ah, dear Juliet,...” 

Romeo acted her part in front of Juliet’s body. 

“Go, get thee hence, for I will not away.
What’s here? A cup closed in my true love’s hand?
Poison I see hath been his timeless end.
O churl, drink all and left no friendly drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips,” Juliet said and kissed Romeo who appeared to be dead. 

The voice of cousin Capulet startled Juliet, “Lead, boy, which way?”

“Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger,
This is thy sheath: there rust, and let me die.” She said while the dagger dug deep into her skin. 

Thus, the play ended with the Prince's elegy for the lovers: "For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo. 


Ian went backstage right after the show ended. He was sure that Eloise would be there. After he passed through the crowd and got permission to go inside after saying that he was a director, he saw that people had gathered around. 

It was obvious that they were the staff from the uniforms they were wearing. Everyone congratulated her while huge grins were plastered all over their faces. Everyone was happy, some handed her a bouquet of flowers, while some others hugged her and added their warm wishes. 

“You were so great! You nailed it, Eloise, as always!” Ian heard a woman say while she hugged her. 

“That was a brilliant Juliet performance! The final scene was almost realistic, you are such a talented actress,” The lady with blonde hair handed her the huge bouquet of flowers while she thanked her and smiled broadly. 

“I was watching people cry, that was so good,” Another person added. 

The background was so noisy that every person had to talk in loud pitches, which was also why Ian heard every word each one of them said. He smiled secretly thinking the perfect choice for Mia was right in front of his eyes.

Eloise walked away after replying to each and every one of them with a polite smile. Ian stood a few steps away while watching the entire thing happening in front of him.

He saw her approaching him when he was standing in the middle of the door to the dressing rooms. 

“It was a good act, I enjoyed it and became a huge fan of yours,” He said, trying to gain her attention.

“Thank you so much,” She said with a huge smile with her perfect white teeth and tried to walk away. 

“I’m a director,” Those words gained her attention. She turned back and was looking at him. “I came here to talk about a role,” he added more.

She shook her head trying to deny his words, “I don’t really trust it, can you maybe contact my agency? It would be much more convenient for both of us,” She said and smiled trying to keep her facts straight. 

“I did contact them before I came here. Can I have a few minutes with you? That’s all I’m asking, Ms. Eloise, The meeting is actually supposed to be held exactly after two days. I was impatient to meet you, the role I have in mind isn’t like anything else,” He said in a professional tone. 

“The meeting has already been scheduled, right? What’s your name?” She asked. Coming out of the blue, it was suspicious for her. Even if he was a director, in her point of view, Ian could also be lying.

“Ian. Ian Renner,” He said. 


Eloise met Ian in the nearest cafe after changing into her casual clothes. After hearing Ian’s name she knew who he was. Although she had heard about Ian Renner, the black horse of the industry who came through Home Alone, she hadn’t seen what he looked like. 

Seeing the way Ian approached her, she felt like Gold was knocking at her door and she should get the most out of this chance.

“Hello, Ms. Eloise,” Ian stood and greeted her.

"Call me Eloise, please. It's really you. Ian Renner. I didn't believe myself for a second back there," she said and took a seat in front of him. 

“Yeah, I could see that, and about the role.” He started. “It is the co-main character of my next big film. Let me briefly tell you the story, then you can decide. As for your acting skills, I saw them already through your performance, your consent is what I came for,” He said and smiled politely. 

“Go ahead,”

“Hmm… Jammed in a wide stretch of highway in sun-kissed Los Angeles, the morning commuters--Sebastian, a suavely charming jazz pianist whose life's got him on the ropes, and Mia, a brilliant playwright waiting for her big break--are off to a bad start. Of course, Sebastian, a purist with an undiluted taste in music, has a serious plan for the future. On the other hand, Mia, an incurable romantic mesmerized by the allure of the old Hollywood, is consumed by meaningless auditions. These two proper L.A. dreamers are meant for each other--and as they keep running into each other under the city's starry nights and plum-hued sunrises--a magical old-school tap-dance romance timidly commences. Indeed, this is the kind of effervescent love that defies reason, that inspires one to have long walks while gazing at the Milky Way of the city's flickering lights; nevertheless, life is as exciting as it is challenging, and the two idealists begin to veer from their dreams. But the end would be really realistic. Once someone wants to achieve their goals, they gotta sacrifice something else. That’s life,” Ian said.

Eloise was listening to the whole story without a beat. “Can I know a bit about Mia?” She asked after a while.

“Yes, Mia is someone artistic, big-hearted, and idealistic. Mia is a dreamer and she truly believes in the power of art. She knows that sometimes her dreams might be a bit foolish, but she perseveres in order to do what she loves. In the movie, she will be achieving her dream of becoming an actress. Mia knew it would be a challenge to become a star, but she just didn’t expect the rejection to wear her down this much. Mia’s realizing that she might need to take matters into her own hands a little more if she’s going to get ahead in her career.”

“She certainly is interesting, when will we meet next?” Eloise asked straightaway. 

||__A word from me__||
An announcement after the next chapter! Wait for it...

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