Hokage no Uchiha family’s son of calamity

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

“Can’t delay, this immortal demon body can only last for a maximum of eight minutes at present, and any more will be occupied by that terrifying demonic nature!”

After fighting for so long, Kai could obviously feel that the killing intent in his heart was boiling, and there was a faint feeling that he could not suppress it.

So, he wanted to end the battle quickly.

“Extreme Blade Storm!”

Kai dragged the large knife in his hand and slashed forward twice in a row.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost didn’t expect Kai to suddenly rush in and slash, and the speed was so fast that he didn’t have time to react.

Helplessly, he can only block with his muscles, but Kai’s Extreme Blade Storm not only has damage, but also control, and directly knocks the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost away.

“Good opportunity.”

Kai seized the opportunity, and the big knife in his hand was slashed mercilessly towards the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost by the tiger tiger he wielded.

“Not good!”

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost’s pupils shrank sharply, and a cyan big knife was constantly enlarging, he knew that if he couldn’t dodge this time, he would definitely die, but he was in the air and had no focus at all, and his body couldn’t move.

Just as he closed his eyes and waited for death, a slender needle suddenly flew from the side and hit the body of Kai’s big knife, causing Kai’s attack to deflect.


if it is offset, it is not too much, because the big knife is too heavy, and compared to the long knife and stitch, it is too far behind, and it is not easy to shake a little.

In the end, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost managed to survive at the cost of one arm.

And the pain of drilling his heart made his greedy heart regain a trace of sanity, he knew that he could not fight anymore, and it would be death to fight any longer.

So, he happily abandoned the stitch user Kuri Shotball who had just saved him, and turned his head and ran with the muscle.

Bo Xun and Kai who looked at this operation were stunned, “Is this Nima, are the ninjas of Mist Hidden Village like this?”

Orochimaru didn’t expect that he would be abandoned, so he broke his mouth and cursed: “Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, you must not die well, you will die of betrayal sooner or later!” ”

Now, the black hoe thunder tooth and the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost have all run away, and the pipa juzo was kicked by Mater Dai and flew into the woods, and now there is no one, and the probability is that he also ran.

Now only the Long Knife Needle Chestnut Shotstring Pill, the Blunt Knife Cutting Grass Bait Man, the Explosive Knife Droplet No Pear Shinhachi, and the Double Knife Flounder are left.

“What are we going to do?”

Wu Li Shiba said with an ugly face, when they came just now, they were satisfied, they didn’t expect to be slapped in the face so quickly, and now whether they can go back alive is a problem.

And after calming down, they also found Bo Xun standing on a branch not far away, “How is this blazing star there!”

“You guys hold on, I’ll go first.”

Relying on the advantage of speed, Shimaru was the first to want to escape, but before he could take two steps, Mater Dai blocked him.

Materday’s idea is simple, as long as he defeats them and grabs their ninja swords, Konoha will have the chips to negotiate with the Mist Hidden Village, which can greatly reduce Konoha’s personnel consumption.

You know, Konoha is now fighting with Iwa Shinobi Village and Yunnin Village at the same time, and the personnel are very tight, once the trouble in Mist Hidden Village is solved, and even a peace treaty is signed, then Konoha can concentrate on dealing with the other two villages.

If it weren’t for the lack of strength, Mater Dai said that he would not have let go of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, so these four people definitely couldn’t let it go anymore!

However, if Konoha can lose a little more, then Boshen will definitely be very happy.

So, he spoke, “Give me your ninja swords, and you can go!”

“What? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

“You’re asking for our lives!”

As soon as Bo Xun’s words came out, Wu Li Jinba and Tongcao Wild Bait People didn’t have any brains, and directly refused.

“Ah Monk Zhi Twist!”

Bo Xun also did not talk nonsense, directly opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the next moment, the space where the necks of the two opposing were distorted, the two were frightened and wanted to say something at the same time, but it was too late, in the blink of an eye, the heads of the two had already separated from the body!

Such a strange scene made everyone present shudder!

Bo Xun’s pupil technique is actually only called Amonzhi, the ability is only the basic control space, at the beginning of Bo Xun’s broken space, due to the urgency of time, there is no time to study, so it is just a very crude usage.

For example, space distortion and space folding can be achieved through cultivation and development.

As for the level of power that can be reached, it depends on Boshun’s own strength.

Unlike the pupil technique with soil, it can be blurred as soon as it awakens, and there is a space for divine power, but this also limits the further development of the trotomi technique with soil.

It’s not like the potential of the wave is greater.

Bo Shun slowly walked to the two headless corpses, and put the two ninja knives into the system space, the users of Orochimaru and Double Knife Flounder did not dare to breathe, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, for fear that Bo Shun would give himself such a blow for a while.

“How are you two thinking about it?”

Bo Xun’s cold words frightened the two of them and almost jumped, and their hearts were raised to their throats.


“Oooh, we agree, we agree!!”

Dare to disagree? Those who disagree have already laid down!

The two trembled and walked in front of Bo Xun and respectfully offered their beloved ninja swords.

Although reluctant, the name is more important.

“Okay, you can go!”

Bo Xun said with a casual wave of his hand.

“Yes, yes, thank you for not killing!”

Only at this moment did the two really relax and leave here as quickly as possible.

They swore that in the future, where Bo Xun was, they would never set foot again, it was really terrible!

After the two left, Kai also lifted the immortal demon body, his body was a little out of strength, and he sat weakly on the ground, panting heavily, and there was still a little fear in his heart.

“Huhuhu~ almost swallowed!”

Mater Dai also lifted the eight doors of Dun Jia, “ah pain pain pain~”

Then he felt a sharp pain in his body, which is a side effect of the eight doors of Dun Jia, at this moment Mat Dai is probably seriously injured!

However, he still endured the pain and said to Boshun: “You are Uchiha Boshun, right? I’ve heard my son often mention you, you’re a true genius, I think his armor has something to do with you, right? ”

Mat Dai’s words, let Bo Xun stunned, did not expect that Mat Dai is not stupid, the brain is still there.

Hmm~ but not much.

“That’s right, I made a deal with Akai, you can go back and ask Akai about this deal, but it’s better not to let others know about this deal, otherwise some people in Konoha may not be able to sit still!”

Bo Xun kindly reminded him, as for whether he listened or not, it didn’t matter to him, even if he let Tuan Zang arrest Kai, he couldn’t study anything casually, after all, not everyone is a big snake pill.

And as long as Kai doesn’t die, it’s fine!

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