Hokage no Uchiha family’s son of calamity

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Speaking of this, Qing’s face became very hideous, “We just want to live a free life, what’s wrong with us?” ”

Not only the daimyo of the Land of Thunder, but also your Uchiha clan, why did you suppress us for so many years?”

“You say it!”

Qing seemed to have lost his heart and went crazy, catching who bit whom, and even he forgot about how easily Bo Xun defeated them just now!

Moreover, Boshen is never a good temper!

Boom –

Sure enough, the next moment, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from Bo Xun’s body, and Qing only felt that his body was suppressed by an invisible force, and he was instantly pressed to the ground and unable to move.

And because this force was extremely powerful, even his internal organs were squeezed, and a mouthful of blood was directly spewed out!

The Blood Pool clan looked at this scene in shock, but no one dared to step forward and be presumptuous, because Bo Xun was too strong and weird, and they had never seen this method.

“Remember who you’re talking to, whether you say daimyo or Uchiha clan, it has nothing to do with me, but I don’t like what you talk to me, are you questioning me just now?”

Bo Xun looked indifferent, Qing read in Bo Xun’s eyes that he was an ant, and Bo Xun could pinch himself to death at any time, and there was no psychological burden!

For example, if you step on an ant while walking, will you pay attention?

“Yes, sorry, I was wrong… Wrong! Qing apologized in horror, his words intermittent, not only because he was afraid, but also because he was breathless by the spiritual pressure.

Hearing the other party’s apology, Bo Xun put away the spiritual pressure, and then said: “You should also see my strength, as long as you promise to serve me, I can guarantee that you will not come back here!”

Bo Xun’s expression swept over the faces of everyone present, but no one stood up to respond to Bo Xun, whether to agree or not.

Until Boshun’s gaze fixed on the body of Blood Pond Miya Castle Yan, his body tightened, and he hit a spirit, not knowing why Boshen was staring at himself.

“Tell me!” Bo Shun pointed to Miya Castle Yan and said.

Miya Chengyan slowly swallowed and walked out, no way, the sense of oppression that Bo Shun gave him was too strong!


” He took a deep breath, tried his best to calm his restless heart, and then said:

“I think we should agree, because even if we don’t go out, in this oppressive environment, sooner or later our internal agitation factor will be uncontrollable, and even extinct because of civil unrest!”

“I think we should fight, even for our descendants!”

After listening to Miya Castle Yan’s words, the other people of the Blood Pool clan began to exchange ears, discussing whether to agree.

“I think Miya Castle is right, in order for our children to grow up in a normal environment, for the continuation of our Blood Pool clan, we must fight!”

“Okay, then I agree.”

“I agree.”


Everyone agreed, and only Qing had not yet expressed his position.

Bo Xun looked at him and said, “That’s all left for you, what do you think?”

“I have one last question, as long as you answer me, my life will be yours from now on!”

“Okay, you say.”

“You just said that you don’t care what I say to Uchiha, what does that mean?”

Hearing this question, everyone remembered that Bo Shun was still from the Uchiha clan, but they had a feud with the Uchiha clan!

“My brother and I have defected to the Uchiha clan, maybe we will let you participate in the operation to destroy the Uchiha clan in the future!”

Bo Xun did not hide this, and when the others heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

It’s good to defect, and they can still participate in the plan of Mu Qiu Yu Zhibo’s clan, and now the last layer of mustard in their hearts has disappeared.

As for whether Bo Xun was deceiving them, they did not doubt it at all, because Bo Xun’s strength was not needed at all, and he could let them destroy at any time.

And even if they are deceived, they have no choice, will they continue to stay in this place where birds do not?

They have long had enough!

“Well, from today onwards, my life of Blood Chi Qing will be yours!” Qing is also a person who says everything, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said.

“Get up, my name is Uchiha Hashun, you go back and pack your things, and then go back together when my affairs are done.”

“Huixing, take me to that lake.”

After Bo Xun finished explaining, he and Huixing continued to set off.

The people of the Blood Pool clan also returned to their homes and began to pack their things.

Bo Xun, led by Hui Xing, soon came to a very huge blood-colored lake.

“This is it.” Huixing raised his jade hand and pointed to the lake and said.

Without saying a word, Bo Shun began to undress.

“Oops~ what are you doing~

” “Dead rascal, stinky pervert!”

Huixing suddenly covered her eyes with her small hand to keep herself from looking at Bo Xun, but curiosity made her quietly reveal two fingers.

I saw that Bo Xun did not continue to undress, but looked at himself there and smiled badly.

“Hey? If you want to see me undress, just tell me, I don’t want you to see it. Bo

Xun’s ridiculous words made her embarrassed, but she was the former princess of the big tube wood clan, can I keep my grievances?

As a result, Huixing’s little temper immediately broke out.

“Boshun, Miss Ben bites you!”

This time she learned to be smart, afraid that Bo Chun would take advantage of herself again, changed back to her body, and then jumped towards Bo Xun’s face, wanting to print two flowers for him.

However, is there no way to change to the ontology wave?

Bo Xun grabbed Huixing’s two soft long ears, and the lifeline was pinched, and Huixing couldn’t reach Bo Xun at all.

“Let go of Miss Ben!”

Huixing shouted, but Bo Xun didn’t care and went straight to the ground.

Hmph, what’s wrong with turning into a rabbit? You have called me perverted, don’t you let you say it in vain once I am not mutable?

So, Bo Shun gave her a full-body massage, along with a check of her gender.

Ten minutes later, Hui Xingsheng was squatting on the side, looking like a broken beiwan, with a red glow on his face that had not faded, and drawing circles with a small wooden stick.

While drawing, he chanted: “Draw a circle to curse you, there is no paper in the toilet, only thorns next to it!” ”

This is thanks to the fact that Bo Xun has already gone into the water, otherwise when I hear Huixing say this, I will inevitably have to check my gender again.”

After Bo Xun dived underwater, he quickly found the crystal coffin, but just when Bo Xun wanted to carry the crystal coffin up, suddenly an enchantment suddenly appeared around the crystal coffin, blocking Bo Xun out….

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