Hokage: I rely on fusion to become a boss

Chapter 20

Yoshikawa Shouta's half-drawn eyelids trembled slightly.

Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose onto the black and red ninja jacket.

Yoshikawa Shou made a ninjutsu heart seal, and said silently: "Thank you, the God of Six Paths of Reincarnation, for allowing me to meet such a powerful and strong man, and be my teammate."

More than an hour ago, when Xu Songyang exploded a chakra explosion comparable to that of a tailed beast in front of Yoshikawa Shou and Kadoda Saya, and then took out seven scrolls.

In Longyin Village, Yoshikawa Shou, who never took the initiative to convince anyone, when he thought of Xu Songyang at this moment, it was like a small employee of the company seeing the boss, and unexpectedly had the urge to lick him.

Xu Songyang's performance has inspired Yoshikawa Shou's implicit flattering personality.

And this flattering personality has already erupted like a volcano.

At this time, he used the Nin Xin Seal to say that every word came from the heart.

In the world of Hokage, the strong are respected and looked up to!
This sentence, from the Naruto Warring States period to the present, has never been outdated.

Since Xu Songyang took out the written test questions to the eleven subordinates of Longyin Village, he finally passed the first round of tests.

After passing the first round of exams, Xu Songyang's status in the eyes of the eleven junior ninjutsu of Longyin Village is far higher than that of the four Jōnin teachers who took them to take the Chunin exam.

After all, these teachers can only teach them some bad street experience.

But Xu Songyang brought them real benefits!
At this time, Xu Songyang asked Mentian Xiaoye and Yoshikawa Shou to take out three scrolls that can clear the death forest and give them to the three teams in the village.

In the minds of every ninja in Longyin Village, Xu Songyang is already close to the omnipotent Sage of the Six Paths.

Therefore, in front of Xu Songyang, Yoshikawa Shou and Kadoda Saya thought that "30 taels a roll is too cheap", and they really came from their hearts.

"Before he left, the boss said that he was just doing a trivial practice, but almost the entire Death Forest could feel the shock of the boss' breath. This is the low-key, humble, and low-key way of the turtle in Longyin Village. This is what we should do. Ninja way to pursue."

Yoshikawa Shou sent this Chakra "telegram" to Kadoda Saya and other ten ninjas in Takiin Village.

In less than a few seconds, Chakra's "telegram" was sent out in groups.

The ninja teammates of Takiyin Village responded with Chakra "telegrams":
"Since the rebellion in Jiaodu, our village has never seen such a talent. With Mr. Songyang as our example, our Longyin Village will definitely become famous all over the world."

"You don't know how excited I was when I received the telegram of the trade scroll between Kadoda-chan and Yoshikawa-san. Thank you, Xu Songyang-kun!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xu Songyang! My youth is burning again!"

"Konda Saya (Yoshikawa Shou), you are too despicable, you can actually be in the same team as Mr. Xu Songyang, ah, I'm going to split!"

Longyin Village's unique "telegraph" ninjutsu became Xu Songyang's "voice of dog licking".

Xu Songyang ignored the chakra telegrams sent by eleven teammates chatting in groups.

The people in Longyin Village have limited ability to replenish their brains.

Every time they licked Xu Songyang, Yoshikawa Shou led the rhythm, and then everyone licked with flowers.

Xu Songyang laughed it off and blocked the chakra fluctuations.

He sat calmly on the tree trunk opposite Sakura.

In the hazy moonlight.

The Otonin village squad sent by Orochimaru has slowly approached Sakura's position.

However, the three people in Yinren Village have already found Xu Songyang sitting on the tree trunk opposite Sakura.

The three sound ninjas do have two brushes.

They stopped 100 meters away without any haste, and secretly observed Xu Songyang, the ninja of Longyin Village, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

After all, it is impossible for ninjas from different ninja villages to protect each other in the death forest of the dark forest law.

But the Otonin trio also felt that this ninja from Takiin Village dared to stand in front of Sasuke's team in Konoha Village.

It was obvious that he was fishing.

There is definitely a trap behind it.

On the surface, there is only Xu Songyang, and maybe there are many people behind him who don't know.

Therefore, after the Yinren trio discovered Xu Songyang's existence in the night, they calmly stopped in the grass hundreds of meters away.

Everyone observes each other.

Waiting for dawn.

From the point of view of strength, the three people in Yinnin Village belong to all the strong ones who participated in the Zhongnin assessment.

As far as a certain ninjutsu skill is concerned, these three people alone are comparable to Gaara's ability before borrowing the power of the tailed beast.

Even the twelve Xiaoqiang from Muye Village took turns to fight.

When facing the Sannin of Yinnin Village, he could only be hanged and beaten in the end.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru's "Heaven's Curse Seal" planted in Sasuke's body to wake up in time, Sannin of Otonin Village would have completed Orochimaru's task and killed Sasuke in public.

Xu Songyang's eyes turned slightly cold, and he smiled secretly: I will save you until tomorrow, and after Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang has rounded you up again, I will see the situation and make a move.If you want to sell the scroll at a good price, the premise is to increase your reputation!
Just like Eleven Ninja in Takiin Village, Xu Songyang left Kadoda Saya and Yoshikawa Shou, two team teammates who got cheap scrolls for free, as his sailors.

After the rest of the Takiyin Village teammates completely believed in themselves, the others shouted under the rhythm of Yoshikawa Shou: "It's too cheap! Mr. Xu Songyang, wouldn't it be too bad for you to sell it to us like this?" ?”

The system prompt sounds:
"Uchiha Sasuke, [Heaven's Curse Seal] Fragment *10, absorb!"

"Uzumaki Naruto, [Nine-Tailed Fox-tailed Beast] Fragment*10, absorb!!"

"Shards of the Heaven's Curse Seal? Sasuke can continue to cast Orochimaru's sealing technique on his body in his sleep?" Xu Songyang's heart moved slightly.

When facing Orochimaru before.

Xu Songyang has absorbed 60 pieces of "Heaven's Curse Seal".

But Sasuke, who was in a coma in the opposite tree hole, was able to absorb fragments of the curse seal of the sky from him!
At the same time, what surprised Xu Songyang the most was that Naruto's nine-tailed fox attribute could also be analyzed into fragments while he was in a coma and sleeping, allowing Xu Songyang to absorb it freely.

This is so comfortable.

Xu Songyang was very happy.

"I don't know if Naruto's nine-tailed fox fragment has been absorbed by me, and will it affect his future development?"

Xu Songyang thought to himself.

He thought about it.

The absorption of his various skill fragments before had no effect on everyone.

If there is a real impact, when you have encountered Orochimaru before and absorbed his skills and skill fragments, with Orochimaru's keenness, you will find Xu Songyang in the first place.

If this is the case, Orochimaru will never let him go easily.

Thinking of this, Xu Songyang felt a little doubt in his heart.

Whether this is a Naruto world or not.

But Xu Songyang thinks.

In any world, one thing is certain, that is, the power of each world is conserved.

How much you can get, correspondingly, who will lose as much.

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