Hokage: I, Kakuzu, Immortal God

Chapter 19 Occupational Disease


The eagle flaps its wings and soars into the sky.

The scorching sun overlooks the earth.

Ants swarm on the ground in search of food.

The tree snake crawls out of the tree hole and sticks out its tongue in search of prey.

On the vast land, Kakuzu was walking slowly.

This place is already within the territory of the Country of Fire, and the situation is as expected, without any obstruction or investigation.

But Kakuzu's face was not very pretty, and his eyes exuded an unhappy look.

'The most famous hunter in the black market in the future will also grow from a newcomer, but this process does not seem to be pleasant, haha. '

It turns out that it is not easy to become an outstanding killer in the ninja world.

In addition to having the ability to crush your opponents, you also need to learn a series of aftermath work.

On the first day at work, I used too much force and made a hole in my opponent's abdomen.

So much so that while carrying the body away, blood flowed all over the floor.

Jackals, tigers and leopards all come after smelling the scent.

The horns of these large beasts can be ignored and can be hunted with a snap of the finger.

But every time I sit down to rest, ants on the ground and vultures in the sky will smell the smell and come over to take a bite.

This is very annoying.

As a last resort, Kakuzu could only temporarily store the body and go to a nearby town to build a wooden coffin.

But coffin-sized wooden coffins are not cheap, and the worst ones start at [-] yuan.

In order to prevent the body from being bitten beyond recognition before arriving at the destination, Kakuzu gritted his teeth and bought it.

"Sir, this wooden coffin meets your requirements very well. Excuse me, the 5 yuan..."


The fierce look in his eyes made the shop owner tremble with fear. He didn't dare to say anything and only nodded.

Although he got what he wanted, it was not a pleasant thing for Kakuzu.

"Eating for free and taking credit, this is not my original intention... I never thought that one day I would be forced to make a living. It seems that it is not easy for workers in every world."

Kakuzu said that he is a quality person, every penny he earns is clean, and he would never do such disgraceful things.

It's just that my career has just started now, and everything is difficult at the beginning.

When we become bigger and stronger, we will double, no, triple the compensation to the boss.

Kakuzu moved his shoulders, tightened the wooden box on his shoulders, and quickened his pace.

A day later, the sun is high in the sky, and it's meal time.

Kakuzu's feet stepped into a roadside tea shop.

There was an old woman eating sushi inside.

The old woman raised her head, revealing her narrowed eyes.

"Guest, do you want to eat?"

Bang the tower!

Without any extra words, Kakuzu slammed the wooden coffin to the ground.

The old woman stood up and said while still chewing rice.

"It turns out to be a special guest, please come with me."

The old woman turned around and led the way, and Kakudu picked up the box and followed.

The old woman opened a secret door on the floor at the end of the room, and there was a staircase leading directly to the ground below.

While Kakuzu was going down, the old woman did not forget to say something at the secret door.

"The old man has gone to eat, please wait below for a moment."

Kakuzu didn't reply, but quietly came to the deepest part of the underground.

Looking at it, the facilities here are much more advanced than those in Baishu Town.

The lighting inside was not a torch but an electric lamp.

The refrigeration equipment at the front is also much larger, and it can store a hundred corpses at the same time without any problem.

Not far away, Kakuzu also saw someone who was waiting for something like him.

This man is of medium build, with a fiery red ghost mask on his face, short fiery red hair, and a square box in his hand.

"Are we going together?"

Kakuzu knew the answer the moment he looked at that person.

What's in the opponent's box should be a human head.

Kakuzu leaned against the wall and did not go up to communicate with this colleague.

Close your eyes and wait patiently.

5 minutes later.

again and again!again and again!again and again!

Footsteps came from the tunnel.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that this time it was still not the boss.

But another peer.

This colleague also wore a silver fox mask on his face and short silver hair on his head.

He walked in swaggeringly carrying a corpse.

Looking at Kakuzu and the man in the red mask in front of him, he seemed to be no longer surprised by this scene.

He skillfully sat down next to the protruding wall.

Another 10 minutes passed.

Kakuzu's eyebrows formed a sichuan shape.

Just when Kakuzu's heart was about to get agitated.

The boss of the money exchange finally showed up.

This is an old man who is so old that he feels like a gust of wind outside can knock him down.

The old man walked to the counter with strenuous steps and put his palms into fists near his mouth.

"Cough cough."

"Dear guests, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Let's start delivering the tasks now. Who can come first?"

It's certainly frustrating to have waited for so long.

However, the three "colleagues" still had relatively professional ethics and consciously lined up in the order of first come, first served.

First, the red-haired ghost-headed man handed over his reward order and "goods".

The old man nodded after comparing carefully, and put the goods into the refrigerator.

Then he took out a small suitcase and handed it to the red-haired man.

The red-haired man opened the box and looked at it. The money inside should be around 1000 million.

I closed the box and lifted it in my hands. I felt that the weight and quantity were appropriate. Without saying anything else, I picked up the box and left.

The streamlined process shows good efficiency.

Kakuzu came to the counter, put down the wooden coffin, opened it, and handed the reward order to the old man.

The old man confirmed the target through facial and body information given by his employer.

The old man picked up the body, opened the refrigerator with one hand and put it inside, all at once.

Although the old man looks senile, looking at the pace and skills of others, it is obvious that he was also a ninja when he was young.

The old man took out a medium-sized box and opened the lid.

Zhan Zhanxin has a large pile of banknotes in front of him.

"The first business in my life is finally done."

Kakuzu's five hearts were beating wildly in his body.

This is not only the joy when starting a business successfully, but also the restlessness of the genes in the bones.

'Why is this money...so precious in my eyes? '

Maybe it was the exhaustion from the long killing career, or maybe it was because the coffin incident made Kakuzu feel more close to Qian.

That's why I had this insight.

Kakuzu shook his head and put away these distracting thoughts for the time being.

He was just about to take the money and leave like the first red-haired man, when suddenly, another key question came to his mind.

Looking at the 1500-yuan bills, there seemed to be [-] of them piled together.

But if one or two are missing, who knows?

"Currency should be counted face to face, otherwise it will only create trouble."

Kakuzu thought for a moment and decided to follow his "occupational disease".

With a move of his feet, he automatically gave up a position, allowing the silver-haired man behind him to come up.

And he counted the banknotes little by little.

Count them one by one, and count them again after one time, so as to ensure that you will not count incorrectly.

"1498, 1499, 1500."

Counting money twice finally calmed down the restlessness in my genes.

When he looked up again, the basement seemed a little empty.

He and the old man were the only two people left here.

"Boss, you are a man of your word, thank you very much."

Kakuzu closed the box and waved goodbye.

The old man also smiled and waved to see the guests off.

'What a careful customer. I think he will definitely become famous in the money exchange in the future. '

The old man was touching his chin and thinking silently.

After leaving the tea shop, Kakuzu was thinking about his future plans as he walked.

"I went to pay back the boss's [-] yuan in the small town first, so as not to ruin his reputation. What should I do next?"

"In addition to tasting all kinds of delicacies in this world, oh yes, you also have to experience the customs and customs of this world."

This world not only has tempting delicacies, but Kakudo has not forgotten the "custom shops" of this world. This should be the biggest feature.

Not only is it something I have never experienced in my previous life, but it is also free from any constraints.

'1500 million, what services can I enjoy? '

If you don't go to the locals and experience it as the Romans do, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Kakuzu feels that his five hearts are a little active again.

Just when Kakuzu was thinking about life.

Little did he know that behind him, a pair of eyes were already staring at him.

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