Hogwarts’ White Lord

69: Unstable Ronald Weasley

"Forget it."

Ivan was unsure of the three people's specific situation.

Fortunately, tomorrow is Halloween, so they can rest.

There are only morning classes today. As long as they can get through the day, they can have a good rest.

"Remember to make up for the sleep in the afternoon, and don't miss the Halloween party in the evening."

There is a Charms class today.

According to Professor Flitwick's lesson plan, they should learn the Levitation Charm.

"Levitation Charm."

"Also, Halloween."

Ivan, who returned from the Great Hall, was stunned for a moment: "I remember that in the original book, Halloween Eve was never peaceful."

Halloween Eve at Hogwarts seemed to be cursed, and something happened almost every year.

"This year, Quirrell will release the troll to divert the professors' and Dumbledore's attention and sneak into the room on the third floor."

Ivan is very interested in the Philosopher's Stone. He has not forgotten that he still has a main task involving the Philosopher's Stone.

However, Dumbledore probably hasn't placed the Mirror of Erised yet.

This also means that the Philosopher's Stone is likely still in Dumbledore's hands.

Let's not talk about Quirrell getting nothing.

Even if Dumbledore really put the Philosopher's Stone in, can Ivan break the spell of the Mirror of Erised?

'Only those who want to get it but don't want to use it can get the Philosopher's Stone.' This requirement is actually quite demanding.

First of all, you have to want to get it, but your purpose cannot be related to the power of the Philosopher's Stone, meaning you can't have the desire to turn stones into gold or achieve immortality.

Ivan doesn't have this need, but he does need the Philosopher's Stone for research.

Wanting to research is also a desire.

So, Ivan thinks he shouldn't be able to get the Philosopher's Stone.

The four left the Gryffindor common room and smelled a sweet fragrance as soon as they stepped out.

"What a nice smell."

"It's the smell of roasted pumpkin!"

The smell of pumpkin made the little wizards hungry, but Ivan was better.

Everyone hurried to the Great Hall and enjoyed the various candies and desserts prepared by the Hogwarts house-elves for Halloween.

After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways.

Ivan was going to wake Neville up and bring some breakfast for him.

After so many years in the orphanage, Ivan had already developed the habit of taking care of younger children.

To Ivan, the shy Neville was like a younger brother from the orphanage.

He was chubby and silly, and would be bullied by others if he wasn't careful.

"See you later, Ivan."

"See you later."

Hermione and Parvati were going to catch up on their sleep, otherwise, they were really afraid that they would suddenly fall asleep in the middle of the spells class.


On the other side, Ron saw Harry coming in and said, "Is Ivan teaching you so early? Heh! That guy really loves to study."


Harry felt that Ron's words were a bit weird.

But he didn't think much about it and handed over the breakfast he brought back from the Great Hall.

Halloween food is mostly candy and snacks, which are very suitable for takeout.

"I saw Ivan bring breakfast to Neville, so I thought I'd bring you some too."

After hearing what Harry said, Ron, who was about to take the food, froze there, frowning slightly: "What's wrong with you recently?"


"Ivan, Ivan."

Ron felt very jealous: "Harry, why do you keep talking about him?"


Harry was very puzzled; he could hear the complaint in Ron's words: "I just, just think he's great..."

If it was Harry a few years later, and Ron dared to say this, he would have been angry in a minute.

But Harry had just left the Dursleys two months ago, and when it came to friends, especially Ron, whom he had first met, Harry instinctively chose to accommodate.

"I admit that I'm imitating him."

Harry wanted to ease the tension between Ron and Ivan and said, "But Ivan does have a lot to learn from, right?"

Harry felt that he had neglected Ron recently.

His good friend was dissatisfied with this, and Harry felt it was understandable.

But what was going on with this strange conversation?

Ron was upset about this, and Harry felt very strange.

"Are you talking about Ivan?"

Seamus and Dean heard the quarrel between the two and joined the conversation.

"Ron, are you jealous?"

Dean said, shaking his head with a chuckle: "This is so funny."

"What's funny?"

"Isn't it funny?"

Faced with Ron's questioning, Dean was not afraid at all: "Ivan is not on the same level as us. Are you also jealous of Dumbledore's powerful magic or the Minister of Magic's high position and power?"

Unlike Ron, Dean had no bad feelings towards Ivan.

On the contrary, Dean had also received Ivan's guidance in various classes.

Even Seamus, thanks to Ivan's help, could occasionally cast a few correct spells.

Well, from the original 100% explosion rate, it had become two out of ten times that he could cast successfully.

"Think about it, Ron."

Seamus shook his head and said, "Ivan is a genius, we are just ordinary people."

To be honest, Seamus, Dean, and Harry were not jealous of Ivan's talent at all.

"Ivan is not Malfoy."

Seeing the other two friends supporting him, Harry also had the confidence: "Malfoy is so annoying; if he also had Ivan's talent, that would be terrible!"

"Hey, Harry, don't compare Malfoy with Ivan."

"Yeah, Ivan is such a good person."

Ivan was very popular among the first-year wizards and professors.

Not to mention Gryffindor, even Slytherin had a group of wizards who secretly admired Ivan and regarded him as an idol.

He had ability and a good personality.

When you encountered difficulties, he would find a way to help you.

What is there to be jealous of in such a person?

"That's right."

Harry just wanted to give a thumbs up to the two of them.

When Ivan taught them magic, he didn't hold anything back. He specifically targeted the shortcomings of the wizards and helped them improve.

Anyway, everyone who had received Ivan's guidance had made visible progress.

"I heard that some older students have asked Ivan for advice," Dean changed the subject and began to share the gossip he got from the Weasley twins.

"Really?" Seamus said. "That's amazing."

Ron felt uncomfortable watching everyone praise Ivan.

He didn't know why.

Ivan was so outstanding and dazzling, and he had never done anything to him, yet Ron felt jealous.

Maybe it was because of the boy-who-lived?

He had originally been the best friend of the Boy Who Lived, but now found that Harry seemed to be drifting away from him, which gave him a sense of crisis.

"Actually, we can all go together."

Harry patted Ron's shoulder: "Didn't you successfully complete the Transfiguration homework last time because of Ivan's insights into spells?"

"He is very powerful, but I..."

Ron also calmed down. The reason why he didn't want to interact with Ivan was because he always felt inadequate in front of him.

Of course, Ivan had no grudges against Ron, and he welcomed any aspiring wizard who wanted to improve.

What really made Ron uncomfortable was the constant presence of a certain someone who stayed by Ivan's side all day long!


"Don't you think she's mean?"

Ron could only point his frustration at Hermione: "I've never seen such an annoying little witch—arrogant, conceited, and always likes to show off her knowledge."

The previous study sessions were like this. Hermione had pointed out his mistakes in spell casting more than once, and she was quite blunt about it.

"It's like she thinks I'm a fool."

When Hermione was mentioned, no one spoke up for her here.

There was no way around it—Hermione didn't have the best reputation among some of the students.

Especially the other witches from the four houses; they were quite irritated by Hermione monopolizing Ivan.

Ivan clearly belonged to everyone, but Hermione always seemed to stick to him.

Ron didn't know all of this.

He just didn't like Hermione and thought that nerds would eventually turn out like her.

"Is that so?"

Harry admitted that Hermione was very strict, like a smaller version of McGonagall, but not to the extent Ron was describing.

"I'm also worried about you, afraid that you'll become like that."

"How could that be!!"

Harry felt that Ron was being too paranoid. The friends in the Mysterious Side were all so great.

Thinking of this, Harry subtly hinted to Ron that he hoped he could come along next time.

Harry hoped that Ivan would allow Ron to join the Mysterious Side.

If Ron knew about the secret base in the Room of Requirement, he would definitely think it was amazing.

"Anyway, I still have you, Harry."

Ron said, "As long as you learn it, you can teach me, even if I don't go to the study session, right?"

"That's right."

Having said that, Harry still felt that being able to follow Ivan was a valuable opportunity and shouldn't be missed.

Unfortunately, after venting his dissatisfaction, Ron returned to his usual slacking state.

There was no way, so Harry had to give up on inviting Ron.

He had to keep the secret of the Mysterious Side.

Bringing Ron to Ivan and letting him, the leader of the group, screen him was Harry's right as a member.

Hermione and Parvati could do the same.

But privately leaking the existence of the Room of Requirement was going too far.

'If this isn't just a study group, but an organization like the Order of the Phoenix that fights against evil...'

Harry's thoughts were simple. If someone could leak secrets about something small, then how could anyone trust them with greater secrets in the future?

"What's wrong?"

In the Charms classroom, Ivan noticed Harry sitting alone, while Ron went to sit with Seamus.

"Did you and Weasley have a fight?"


Harry sighed helplessly and whispered, "I originally wanted to bring Ron to see you."


Ivan understood what Harry meant.

This was the joining process they had formulated.

"If Ronald Weasley wants to join, of course, there's no problem."

Ivan felt indifferent about Ron. He was clearly unwilling to put in the effort, yet he was jealous of others.

As long as Ron worked hard, Ivan would be willing to see him differently.

"I know, Ivan, you wouldn't reject Ron."

Harry looked back at Ron sitting in the distance. The latter pretended not to notice and continued chatting with Seamus.

"I won't get involved in your matters."

Ivan patted Harry on the shoulder. "Good luck, young man."

The original savior team had already fallen apart.

Hermione followed Ivan, and Harry missed out on the "savior training" plan. The only one left, Ronald, was originally a dispensable character.

'I wonder if Quirrell will release the troll tonight like in the original story.'

Ivan hoped Quirrell would do so. 'After learning magic for so long, I need to find a real creature for them to practice with.'

Of course, Ivan wasn't the one interested in practicing.

With Ivan's current strength, an adult dragon would only be considered a warm-up. A mere troll could easily be defeated by him.

What he meant by practice was for Hermione, Harry, and the others.

But Ivan did not force anyone.

It is naturally good to find an opportunity to gain experience.

But if there is no opportunity, Ivan would not deliberately force anything.


"Children, today we are going to learn the Levitation Charm."

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick explained the principle of the Levitation Charm: "Now, pair up with a partner, everyone choose a teammate."

"In addition, Mr. Ambrosius, as usual, come demonstrate the Levitation Charm for us."

For a month, Professor Flitwick had been giving Ivan special treatment.

This also led to Ivan never getting extra points in any of the classes from the professors of various subjects.

There was no way around it.

Anyone who had seen Ivan's performance that night and the standard spells he cast would probably not be surprised again.

Later, Professor McGonagall suddenly had an idea and chose Ivan as an assistant in class to demonstrate Transfiguration to the students with her.

Other professors followed suit.

Even Snape took the opportunity to make a fool of Ivan, making him a "firefighter," ready to deal with various emergencies caused by other students at any time.

What could Ivan do?

He was just an ordinary little wizard.

So, a week ago, in order to increase the difficulty of the challenge, Ivan directly challenged three professors—Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick—at the same time.

As for the result...

It was inevitable that Ivan fell into a disadvantage and could only rely on the Obscurus to barely resist.

But Ivan didn't care at all!

All he knew was that during the duel, he managed to give Snape a hard time.

''One against three, professor!!!''

Ivan couldn't hold back his smile, though he refused to admit it.

''I'm just an ordinary wizard who can fight against three of you head of the houses, and if I accidentally lost control of my magic and injured someone, it's reasonable, right?''

Snape: "I... "

Every time Ivan lost control, the curse somehow landed on him. If you tell him there's no trick, only a fool would believe it!


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