Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 14, first week of school

The first class of Defense Against the Dark Arts ended quickly, and the first-year students were still not satisfied.

Although this was a purely theoretical class, Steele Martin only taught some conceptual things, and the freshmen did not even have the opportunity to wave a magic wand, but everyone recognized this new professor who had a lot to say.

Even the picky Lilia Shafiq has changed her mind about the alcoholic professor.

After having lunch in the auditorium, the first-year students, including Mesa, came outside under the blazing autumn sunshine.They were going to Herbology in the afternoon, and the pudgy Professor Sprout was waiting for them outside the greenhouse.

In Herbalism, students learn how to care for and use plants and learn about their magical properties and applications.Many plants are used as ingredients in potions and medicines, while others have specific magical effects.

The first thing to learn about herbal medicine is white fresh herbs.

This is a plant with magical properties that can be used to make potions and also has a strong healing effect.

Even if it is not a refined medicine like white essence, applying the plant white essence directly to the injured area can help heal superficial wounds.

If white fresh food is mixed with silver powder, it can be used to treat werewolf bites and prevent the injury from worsening.

For Mesa, the course content of herbal medicine is not too difficult, and he has some talent in taking care of plants.

The smell in this greenhouse is really not good. The air is filled with a strong smell of dragon dung, which can also be stained on the sleeves of students and linger for a long time.Dragon dung is Professor Sprout's favorite fertilizer.

After a whole day of classes, none of the new students in Slytherin got a chance to wave a wand, nor did they learn any interesting spells, which really discouraged everyone from learning.

It wasn't until the next day's spell class that everyone was finally able to recite a spell properly.

The teacher of Charms was an unusually small wizard, Professor Flitwick, who had to stand on a stack of books to reach the desk during class.In addition to teaching Charms to students, Professor Flitwick is also the Head of Ravenclaw House.

According to the content written in "Standard Spells: Elementary": Hexes, poison spells and curses are collectively referred to as dark curses.This book will not deal with such spells.

Therefore, if "Standard Spells" is used as the textbook for Charms, the teaching contents are all practical common spells, such as softening spells, floating spells, and repairing spells.

In the first Charms class, Professor Flitwick arranged the wand illuminating spell, which is considered the basic of basics.

However, the results of the class were not satisfactory. Although no one lit their wands on fire, there were not many people who could light their wands at once.

As the first new student to successfully light his wand, Mesa was naturally rewarded by Professor Flitwick, who earned five house points for Slytherin House.

The classroom was full of shouts of "fluorescence", and the faint light from the tip of the wand flashed, making the Charms Classroom also located on the fourth floor look like a starry sky.

When the class was about to end, everyone finally got used to their magic and wands. They lit up the wands in their hands and successfully completed the first class.

Next is Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is very different from other professors. She is strict and smart.

As soon as the freshmen sat down in the classroom, Professor McGonagall gave them a slap on the wrist.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous form of magic you will study at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone who misbehaves in one of my classes will be asked to leave and never again." Come in. I warned you."

Later, the little Slytherin snakes learned from their seniors that Professor McGonagall said this to the new students every year without changing even one word.

Soon Professor McGonagall showed her magical side, turning a white parrot into an exquisite goblet.

The freshmen were very excited and wanted to learn such a cool transformation spell right away, but what awaited them was the difficult and obscure theory of transformation, such as Gamp's basic transformation law.

After taking down a bunch of complicated and difficult notes, the students had the opportunity to do a hands-on activity, where they had to turn matches into needles.

Matches and needles have similar shapes and are relatively easy to operate. They are very suitable for beginners of transfiguration.

But Transfiguration is the most difficult subject, it is more rigorous than other courses and requires more effort.So until the end of class, Mesa was the only one in the classroom who had completed the class assignment.

In fact, this is not the first time Mesa has practiced transformation. He has practiced it many times in private.

Not just Transfiguration, but all the content in the first-grade textbook, Mesa has practiced it to varying degrees.During his time at the Leaky Cauldron, he practiced the spells in the textbook every night.

Now it seems that Mesa's practice is very effective and he is the best among this freshman class.

Compared with the first-year students, Mesa is really a bit of a bully. Their understanding and use of magic are not at the same level.Mesa should be compared to the upperclassmen to be more fair.

When it was almost midnight, the freshmen who were supposed to abide by the curfew appeared on the top of the towering astronomy tower.

Under the leadership of Professor Aurora Sinister, they will use telescopes to observe the starry sky in September and learn the names of different stars and the trajectories of planets.

Turn around, the freshmen are finally no longer pink, they will not get lost on the way to the auditorium, nor will they be late for class because they can't find their way.

The new students have made great progress in their lives at Hogwarts.

Perhaps in order to reward the progress of the new students, the school arranged a History of Magic class for everyone. The teacher who taught the class was Professor Binns, the most famous model worker in Hogwarts.

There are many ghosts in the castle, including Slytherin's Bloody Barrow, Gryffindor's Nearly Headless Nick, Hufflepuff's Fat Friar, Ravenclaw's Lady Gray, and a crying girl in the girls' bathroom. Myrtle…

For ghosts, Hogwarts is a good home because people in the school always treat them with tolerance or love.

But among the many ghosts in the castle, only Binns Cuthbert is the school teacher.

History of Magic is the most boring course at Hogwarts, and it is also the course with the best sleep quality. The monotonous voice of Professor Binns, the model worker, always makes people drowsy.

Although history of magic is considered boring by students, Professor Binns is not a book-taker and is actually a man of quick thinking and clear thinking.

Oh, no, he is a ghost with a quick mind and clear thinking.

In every History of Magic class, Professor Binns will impart a lot of valuable information about the Goblin Rebellion and other ancient magical history, telling the students about those long years.

As for why History of Magic is rated as the most boring course by students, Mesa can only attribute it to Professor Binns being too old.

There is absolutely no communication between Professor Binns and his living students.Even the student with the best grades in History of Magic and the best performance in class, Professor Binns couldn't remember his name.

He just floated in front of the blackboard, minding his own lectures, as if all that was left of his long time was the ancient history of the wizarding world.

Perhaps it was History of Magic that allowed everyone to have a good sleep, or perhaps it was because there was no class in the afternoon, so the energetic freshmen of Slytherin finally remembered some things that they had put aside for the time being.

There was something dirty mixed into the pure Slytherin.Who it is, I won’t say.

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