Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 12, Slytherin

As the Sorting Hat loudly announced, a handsome boy named Mesa Black became the first freshman to join Slytherin House in the 88-89 school year.

However, no cheers erupted from the long table on the far right, and even the applause to welcome the new students was very small.The expressions on some Slytherin students' faces were a bit astonished.

Black was a familiar last name to some in Slytherin House, but Mesa was not a familiar name.

The most ancient and noble Black family has never heard of a person as big as Mesa Black!

Lilia Shafik stood in the freshman queue. She looked at Mesa's back and shook her head and sighed. She had already foreseen Mesa's miserable life in Slytherin House in the future.

I hope you can hold on and don't get crushed all of a sudden.Lilia Shafiq thought to herself.

Mesa took off the Sorting Hat, placed it gently on the four-legged stool, and walked resolutely towards the long table of Slytherin House step by step.

Inquiring and questioning eyes were cast on Mesa, as if they wanted to strip him naked.But Mesa didn't care. In the past year of wandering, the eyes he had experienced were much sharper than those of the snakes.

After a brief interlude, the sorting ceremony continued.

After Mesa, another boy was assigned to Slytherin House. Compared with the silence when he greeted Mesa, Lucian Bol received the treatment that a new student should have.

Applause and cheers rang out, and Boer, who was worried inside, calmed down, and the color returned to his pale face.

Walking to the long Slytherin table, Lucian Bol did not sit in the empty seat next to Mesa, but stayed as far away from Mesa as possible.

Bol didn't know why Mesa, a fellow freshman, wasn't greeted with applause, but he knew it was a wise choice to stay away from such a strange person.

As the sorting ceremony progressed, the queue at the front of the auditorium became smaller and smaller, and the freshmen were successively assigned to the four colleges.Slytherin also welcomed Perikin Derek and others after Bol.

Lilia Shafiq was the last freshman to wear the Sorting Hat this year. The Sorting Hat did not announce the result immediately, but reluctantly assigned Lilia to Slytherin after two minutes of silence.

Lilia was very happy when she got her wish. She floated towards the Slytherin table with a satisfied smile, and she also won the warmest applause from Slytherin.

I just don’t know if this thunderous applause is because of her prestigious surname or because of her impeccable appearance.

As a smart person, Lilia should have stayed away from Mesa like everyone else, but instead of doing so, she sat beside Mesa willfully and said hello with a smile.

"You shouldn't be sitting here." Mesa said softly, "They still have doubts about my origins, and this is an auditorium, so they didn't act rashly. Are you sitting here, not afraid of getting yourself into trouble?"

"I'm Shafiq, they don't dare to do anything to me." Lilia said nonchalantly, "But instead of worrying about my situation, you should think carefully about how to deal with their difficulties in the future."

Mesa looked at the girl's pretty face, and then at the other people at the long table. Both sides had completely different attitudes towards her.

Is Lilia Shafiq really soft-hearted, simple and kind, or does she have ulterior motives?But no matter what the other party's considerations are, Mesa must appreciate this kindness.

With Lilia Shafiq's actions tonight, there shouldn't be any pesky flies bothering Mesa these first few days of school.

At this moment, Albus Dumbledore stood up.He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than to see the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! I know everyone has been bumpy and hungry, but before the banquet begins, I must introduce him to everyone."

Along with Dumbledore's words, a young man stood up from the teacher's seat. He had a face with 100% alcohol content.

"Let us give a round of applause to Professor Steele Martin, who will fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy this academic year."

Warm applause erupted in the auditorium. This applause was dedicated to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and it was also dedicated to teaching tools with a shelf life of less than one year.

As we all know, being a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is an extremely dangerous position. For many years, no one has been able to teach for a full year.Calling this position a professor of the year is a good wish and a blessing from the bottom of the students' hearts.

Dumbledore lowered his hand, and the applause in the auditorium quickly subsided.He continued: "Okay, the banquet begins."

The originally empty golden plates were instantly covered with food, and the four long tables simultaneously groaned under the pressure.Looking at the rich and generous dinner in front of him, Mesa, who had been hungry all day, opened his belly, took a little of everything on the plate, and started chewing.

As the sound of cups and plates being stacked and knives and forks being clashed filled the auditorium, the students also began to talk.

The old students were communicating with each other about their holidays, sharing their experiences and interesting stories, and the freshmen were also chatting, and the relationship quickly became warm.

I don’t know who took the lead. The freshmen chatted and talked about each other’s families.Mesa did not participate in discussions among freshmen, and he was not asked about it.

However, since they were not far apart, Mesa could still hear the content of their conversation clearly.

Some of the new Slytherin students in this class are mixed-blood, some are from pure-blood wizard families, and there are some who are as noble as Lilia Shafik, but there is no orphan with an unknown origin like Mesa.

The dinner went on in an orderly manner, and after everyone had filled their stomachs, the remaining food disappeared from the plates.The dinner plates became as smooth as ever.

After a while, dessert was served after the meal.All kinds of cakes, all kinds of pies, ice cream and puddings.It seems that the school will not stop until the students become fat.

Lilia's appetite seemed to be very small. Even though there were tempting desserts in front of her, she did not touch the knife and fork again, but looked at Mesa beside her.Lilia asked quietly: "Mesa, do you know the new Professor Martin?"

Mesa put down the apple pie and looked at Steele Martin on the teacher's seat. The new professor, who was over-alcoholic, was clinking glasses with gamekeeper Hagrid.Seeing this scene, Mesa almost blurted out the words "Wenhehewuhe".

"It can't be considered an acquaintance. We just met once at the Leaky Cauldron."

"He looks like he likes drinking." Lilia whispered, "I hope he won't miss anything, let alone delay our course progress."

After a while, the dessert disappeared and Professor Dumbledore stood up again.The auditorium also returned to silence.

"Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I have a few notes for everyone."

"Attention first-year students, no students are allowed to enter the wooded area on the school grounds. Furthermore, Mr. Filch, the administrator, also asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors during recess. Quidditch player review work It will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the college team please contact Ms. Huo Qi."

"Finally, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said loudly.

As a string of golden, ribbon-like lyrics appeared, the auditorium suddenly turned into a karaoke scene with thousands of people.Although all the teachers and students did not like this part, everyone still sang loudly according to their favorite tunes.

It was a good school song, but it was sung to pieces by everyone. Dumbledore didn't allow everyone to leave until everyone had finished singing the school song.

Following the footsteps of Prefect Gascoigne, the first-year Slytherin students walked through the noisy crowd, walked out of the auditorium, and headed towards the underground classroom.

They walked deeper and deeper underground in the school. The path under their feet was like a maze, and the only light around them was the burning torches on the walls.After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Gascoigne stopped in front of a wet stone wall.

"Forever pure."

Under the puzzled eyes of the freshmen, Gascoigne spoke the password to the stone wall.

In an instant, the damp stone wall changed, and a hidden stone door slowly opened to the new students, and the common room of Slytherin House appeared in their eyes.

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