Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 9

Chapter 009 Diagon Alley

Waking up the next day, Artel took the clothes for the day from Sophia.

White shirt, brown vest, brown suit, embellished gold pocket watch and a newsboy cap with razor blades, and a pair of shiny leather shoes.

After breakfast, Artel got into Jimmy’s car.

They were planning to drive to London, and it would take just over two hours to reach their destination.

In addition to their car, several gunmen will follow. After all, Artel is the only little wizard in the Shelby family, and Michael wants to ensure his safety.

Originally, Michael wanted to arrange dozens of people to follow them, but Artel refused. To reassure Michael and Jimmy, Artel deliberately summoned a skeleton monster in front of them.

Then let it chop down a big tree in the manor with one sword.

The terrifying power of the skeletons shocked the two of them. In the end, they could only follow Artel’s advice and removed most of the gunmen, leaving only a few elites, on the grounds that Jimmy also needed to be protected.

The journey was safe and sound, with no attacks or assassinations.

It was ten thirty in the morning when Artel was standing in the streets of Charing Cross.

You don’t need to be so nervous when you get to London. Jimmy has a lover in London. After talking to Artel, he left with a few younger brothers.

And Artel wandered the street, and soon noticed the Leaky Cauldron, which was out of tune with the surrounding area.

However, Artel did not go in, but found a bookstore on the corner of the street. It was not until the time was up that Artel came to the street. It didn’t take long before he saw the figure of Professor McGonagall.

Behind her, followed by a couple and a little wizard, Artel showed a slightly surprised look.

Because that little wizard is Hermione.

Professor McGonagall also saw Artel and waved at him, Artel walked over calmly.

“I told Mr. Granger just now that you must be waiting for us here.”

Professor McGonagall said to him with a smile.

“I’ve only just arrived, so glad to see you again, Professor McGonagall.”

“This is Mr. Granger, this is his wife, this is Miss Granger, just like you, the little wizard who entered the school this year.”

Professor McGonagall introduced Artel, and Artel nodded to the three:

“Hello, nice to meet you, Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger and, of course, lovely Miss Granger, my name is Artel, Artel Shelby.”

“Mr. Shelby, nice to meet you.”

Mr. Granger responded with a smile, and Mrs. Granger, who was next to him, nodded and said:

“Professor McGonagall told us about you just now. She said you were an elegant little gentleman, and that’s true.”

Hermione was also looking at this little wizard who was the same age as her. With a hint of pride and curiosity in her eyes, she took the initiative to say:

“Hi, my name is Hermione.”

Hearing this, Artel looked at Hermione. She had brown hair, three-dimensional and delicate facial features, and looked very cute. She was the beautiful Hermione in Artel’s impression.

not bad.

For Hermione, Artel was born with a hint of affection, but that was all, so he just greeted Hermione politely.

“Hello, Miss Hermione, nice to meet you.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business. Today’s task is still very heavy.”

Seeing Artel and they all knew each other, Professor McGonagall spoke softly and brought a few people to the door of the Leaky Cauldron. Because of Professor McGonagall’s magic, even if the Grangers were Muggles, they could watch Go to the Leaky Cauldron.

“I swear, I’ve never seen this bar before when I’ve passed by.”

Mr. Granger was obviously surprised, and his knowledge of magic was a little more profound.

“Let’s go in.”

Professor McGonagall took the four people into the bar. There were many wizards in the bar. They smiled and greeted Professor McGonagall. After dealing with everyone, Professor McGonagall took them to the patio behind the bar.

“Remember this location, and when you have your own wands, you can come to Diagon Alley alone.”

Professor McGonagall spoke to Artel and Hermione, then took out his wand and tapped three times on the bricks that were on the trash can.


At Hermione’s exclamation, the brick wall transformed into an archway, revealing Diagon Alley behind.

“This is Diagon Alley. Now, let’s go to Gringotts, which is the goblin’s bank.”

The British pound in the Muggle world has only a very low value for wizards, so the goblin responsible for exchanging Golden Galleons did not give Artel and others a good look.

After spending five hundred pounds for one hundred gold Galleons, Professor McGonagall left Gringotts with everyone.

Although the Grangers were adults, they also acted like children at this time, full of amazement and curiosity about everything in Diagon Alley.

“Let’s go shopping for wands first, and I don’t think you want to be walking around with cauldrons and brass scales with a pile of books.”

Professor McGonagall led the group to the door of a small and dilapidated shop. The sign on the door was too broken, but it could still be seen clearly.

Ollivander: has been making fine wands since 382 BC.

“Professional Rod Making 2000.”

Artel murmured in his heart, and followed behind Professor McGonagall into the famous wand shop.

There was no one in the store, and the space was a bit small. There was a bench in the corner. Professor McGonagall motioned the Grangers to wait on the bench. Not long after, an old man with silver hair came out from behind the counter.

“Oh, long time no see, Minerva, fir, nine and one-half inches, especially good for transfiguration… Now think about it, time flies, I remember when I was next to my father, He sold you that wand…”

Ollivander looked at McGonagall with a hint of reminiscence in her eyes, then came back to her senses and looked at Artel and Hermione behind Professor McGonagall.

“The little wizards going to school this year? Let’s see which wand will choose them.”

Ollivander came out from behind the counter, looked at the two, and asked:

“What little wizard wants to have his own wand?”

“Lady first.”

Artel took a step back and motioned for Hermione to come first.

“Great lad.”

Ollivander smiled, looked at Hermione, and asked:

“So, boy, which hand do you use?”*

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