Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 74: Luna’S Large-Scale Social Death Scene! Charm

Seeing the huge planet that occupied the entire sky, the wizards in the live broadcast room were shocked.

If this happened to them on their planet, the two of them would not be able to become two-dimensional creatures!

For a time, the wizards all made suggestions for Anton.

[ Harry: Although I think my luck is bad enough, Anton is too outrageous. 】

[ Harry: There are so many normal times when you can still teleport, but you teleport here. 】

[ Flitwick: Run, kids, run. 】

[Hermione: I can't believe I actually saw meteorites raining down. 】

[Cassandra: Anton Luna, you must get through this. 】

On the screen, the two of them were running desperately.

The meteorites outside fell like a downpour without any gaps.

Almost every second, dozens of small meteorites fell at their feet and below.

The speed at which meteorites fall is comparable to Gatling's indiscriminate strafing.

If it weren't for the two people's quick movements and strong skills.

The heavy rain of meteorites will completely engulf them.

Sylvie reminded Loki while galloping.

"Hey, look out! There's a rock to your left."

Loki asked rhetorically:

"Wouldn't it be better for you if I died?"

Sylvie blushed.

"The converter is on your body now. If you die, the converter will explode, and then I will explode too."

Loki smiled and said:

"So an alliance?"

Sylvie frowned.


"The destruction of Lamandis is the most dangerous of all apocalypses.

"Four hours of indiscriminate meteorite rain has blown the entire planet into deep craters.

"I don't know how you chose this place."

Sylvie complained as she pulled Rocky and ran into an armored vehicle on the side of the road.

Although meteorites are still falling outside, people finally get a little peace.

There was silence inside the armored vehicle.

The wizards in the live broadcast room also let out a small sigh of relief.

[ Harry: It was so dangerous just now, I didn’t even dare to blink. 】

[Ronald: The evasion skills of these two people can be used as ace seekers. The meteorite made my eyes dazzled. 】

[Ronald: However, I am very curious about how Anton became the god of stories?]

[Ronald: Right now he is still an ordinary wizard avoiding the meteor shower, but he is much better than Mr. Strange before. 】

[Ronald: Could it be that there is an existence like the ancient master? 】

[Snape: Don't predict Ronald at will. God's magic and power are far beyond our imagination. 】

[Flitwick: I'm more curious now about how the two of them escaped. 】

[Flitwick: The converter is undoubtedly broken, and their car is not drivable at the moment. 】

[Newt: I feel so nervous watching this. 】

[Luna: I am also worried about their fate. 】

[ Pomona: Ahem, Miss Lovegood. Although I am not a moralist, you should really worry about other things. 】

[Luna: Huh? Professor Pomona, what are you talking about? 】

[ Pomona: A pair of young wizards and witches, a small room. 】

[ Pomona: You seem to be so well matched, and you have just experienced life and death together. You are like a fire and a pot. 】

[Luna: Teach, professor. 】

[Luna: How embarrassing. 】

[Ronald: Professor Pomona, are you also gifted in prophecy? 】

[Ronald: The scene you mentioned seems to have really happened. 】

In the picture, Sylvie and Loki leaned together to catch their breath.

After the speed of life and death just now, the two now cherish the hard-won moment of rest.

Loki rested his hands on the wall.

Seeing his back, Sylvie suddenly walked up, her hands gradually slid up and touched Loki's face.

Although he was caressing Loki gently, his eyes were extremely seductive.

She said in a soft tone.

"It's okay, Loki, you can rest now."

As soon as the image of this adult appeared, all the little wizards in the live broadcast room blushed.

[Hermione: This, this, this! Professor Pomona!]

[ Pomona: I was just guessing too. 】

[McGonagall: My goodness, Merlin! This is really indescribable!]

[Snape: The underage wizard turned his head and looked at me!]

[Luna: But what do I want to do? That’s what I’ve done. 】

[ Flitwick: You are not allowed to look either! If I catch you little wizards talking again, ten points will be deducted from all the colleges. 】

[Luna: Okay, then I’ll watch it secretly. 】

[Dumbledore: Young people's love is so good, with unlimited passion and time. 】

[Grindelwald: Yes, that's why I'm still alive. 】

[Grindelwald: Look at more of these beautiful things. 】

In the corridor, Luna's face looked the same as Hermione's at the beginning.

Directly from the blush to the neck, the milky white skin suddenly turned pink.

She rubbed her hands together nervously.

He stared straight at the screen.

Next to her, Hermione, covering her eyes with her hands, kept reminding her.

"Be careful Luna, points will be deducted."

Cassandra pulled Hermione's hand away from her eyes.

"Okay, let's watch it together."

"Sooner or later, we will all become mature witches.

On the screen, Sylvie's hand gently brushed Loki's shoulder.

Her breath hit Loki's nose.

"Okay, have a good rest."

"You don't have to be so tired anymore."

As she spoke, her eyes were shining with green light, which was the trace of the use of magic.

Several wizards in the live broadcast room quickly noticed this.

[Flitwick: Is this some kind of charm? 】

[Flitwick: So that’s it, Luna wants to seduce Anton. 】

[Luna: Huh? I thought. 】

[Flitwick: Quite a smart move, in this case, the man is the most defenseless. 】

[McGonagall: Professor Flitwick, it seems you know it very well?]

[Flitwick: I only have some understanding of the academic aspect, limited to the academic aspect. 】

[Snape: Unless you have a strong willpower or are proficient in Occlumency, it will be difficult to resist such a charm. 】

[Hermione: Anton, you must resist. 】

[Ronald: Anton, you must not resist. 】

【Hermione: Ronald, what are you talking about?】

[Ronald: If you think about it carefully, if Anton resists, then Luna will never be able to get the space-time converter. 】

[Ronald: If Luna can't get the converter, she won't be able to charge, and then the two of them will never be able to go back. 】

[Hermione: It’s all nonsense. Anton must resist her temptation. 】

At this time, Sylvie was even closer, her face almost touching Loki's.

Her voice was soft and soft, like a big cloud.

"Okay, let's rest and stop struggling."

Loki opened his eyes, his eyes full of clarity.

"Are you seducing me?"

Sylvie hurriedly backed away, blushing.

"It's weird, how come it doesn't work for you?"

Loki said leisurely.

"That's because I have higher wisdom and am a greater mage."

Sylvie became angry and pulled out the short knife from her waist.

All the wizards in the live broadcast room laughed.

[Ronald: As expected of Anton, he can easily resist such a powerful charm magic. 】

[Snape: From an academic level, this is an exquisite offensive and defensive battle between Occlumency and Legilimency. 】

[ Snape: The intensity is so intense that I can only look up to it, but some people seem to only see the results. 】

[Ronald: Professor, I feel a little ashamed when you say that. 】

[Luna: How could it fail?!]

[Hermione: Friendly reminder, Ronald, you'd better stop talking about Luna, she's very excited right now. 】

[Grindelwald: I admire you, but that little girl is definitely going to get mad. 】

[Luna: Mr. Dumbledore, can we have another class on spiritual magic? I suddenly want to improve my magic. 】

[Cassandra: It's okay Luna, you don't need to ask Mr. Dumbledore for lessons. I have a book of One Hundred Ways to Conquer Wizards next to my bed, which I can lend you. 】

[Luna: Thank you, senior sister, I’m going to see a doctor now. 】

[Newt: Oh, love is so beautiful. 】

Seeing that the charm failed, Sylvie turned to attack Loki.

But Loki no longer had the will to fight.

"Starting the fight now? In a place like this?"

Sylvie said:

"Then what are you going to do?"

Loki raised a hand.


"Listen, if we can't open that thing, we're all going to die with this planet."

Sylvie paused and said to Loki.

"Listen, I have been planning the plan you interrupted for many years."

"As soon as I activate the converter, I will immediately return to the Time Management Bureau to complete my unfinished battle."

"We'll talk about it then."

Loki raised his hand.


After both parties agreed, Sylvie left immediately. Loki asked strangely.

"Where are you going?"

Sylvie pointed to the room.

"Listen, there are satellites on this planet, and satellites have energy. As long as there is energy, we can travel across time and space."

The two walked out of the room. At this time, the surface of the planet was riddled with holes.

The entire planet was filled with a deathly purple color.

Loki asked.

"Where are we going next, time alien?"

Sylvie said impatiently.

"There's a town where I follow you."

"Don't call me a time alien, I'm warning you."

"Whatever you want, but I won't call my normal clone Loki."

Sylvie said.

"Call me Sylvie, I don't call you that name anymore."

The two gradually walked through the town.

Although it is said to be a small town, it is just an empty city at the moment, with garbage and abandoned houses scattered everywhere in the city.

It was a bizarre sight.

Rocky and Sylvie kept walking and saw a hut at the end.

Seeing that Sylvie was about to rush into the house, Loki grabbed her and said to her.

"Sometimes violence doesn't solve everything."

"Negotiation and strategy are still needed."

Sylvie nodded, then kicked the door open.

A powerful airflow suddenly erupted from the door and shot her away.

Seeing this scene, Loki carefully hid behind the door and apologized to the person inside...

"Sorry, we are travelers passing by and want to ask something."

The woman inside the door said.

"No need to apologize, I'm happy."

Loki looked into the house from the window and clearly saw a group photo inside the house. There was a man and a woman in the photo, and the man was obviously the woman's husband.

His eyes lit up slightly, thinking about it.

Green light flashed, and Loki turned into the woman's husband.

He is big

Walk to the door.

The woman was surprised when she saw her husband who had been away for many years.

"Lucas? Is that you?"

Loki said in a gentle voice.

"Dear, long time no see."

The next second, an air cannon hit you, and Peiji dodged to avoid it.

The woman in the room said angrily:

"Lucas never speaks so softly."

"You are not travelers, you are demons!"

Loki stood up and said to the woman.

"Sorry, we just want to know where everyone went."

The woman slowly uttered two words.

"The end is coming."

"They all went to evacuate the Ark."

"Then lady, why don't you go?"

The woman smiled bitterly and pointed to her empty purse.

"They only take rich people."

The reality of this world makes wizards a little dissatisfied.

[ Harry: I never imagined that this world could be so disordered, and even the chance of survival is not equal for everyone. 】

[Ronald: It’s really annoying. If we were in that world, I would probably have the same result as this woman. 】

[Grindelwald: It’s the same here, only the shiny Galleons are believable. 】

[Grindelwald: I once wanted to build a better world than this, but I failed. 】

[Newt: Wait, if everyone is on the ark, then they have to go to that ark to recharge. 】

[Newt: But they don’t have any money. 】

[Hermione: Merlin, please. 】

[Hermione: This journey must be too difficult. 】

The scene changed and the two came to a dilapidated train station.

Outside the train station, the crowd had formed a long queue.

A large group of gray-faced people were shivering in the cold outside the station, and meteorites would pass over their heads from time to time.

However, there were many soldiers with weapons blocking them and preventing them from approaching the station.

Several well-dressed people walked past them with their female companions on their arms, and went to Chuanku under the protection of guards.

This strong contrast made both of them want to raise their middle fingers.

Sylvie whispered.

"Hey, what's up, Smart Brains?"

"There are about seven or eight hundred guards here."

"They are wearing the most advanced fully automatic combat armor currently available."

"I can only deal with three hundred, how about leaving the remaining five hundred to you?"

Loki shook his head.

"Sylvie, can you use your wisdom?"

"We need to outsmart, not rely on brute force."

Sylvie turned her head and glanced at the checkpoint and said to Loki.

"Well, Mr. Smart, I need your plan."

Loki was about to speak.

One man was thrown out of the train window by soldiers.

"Hey, no fare evasion allowed."

Sylvie said.

"The Jing 1.3 spiritual induction detector is the most perfect anti-escape device in the universe."

Seeing this perverted security check and outrageous guards, the wizards were worried about Anton.

[ Harry: I can't figure out how to get in. My head is going to explode. 】

[Ronald: This cannot be solved by burning a few brain cells. 】

[Ronald: Even smart wizards like me and Harry couldn't think of a plan. 】

[Hermione: This is smart, use double quotes. 】

[Hermione: But I can't think of it yet. There are too many guards, and their security checks are quite strict. 】

[Hermione: Is it possible to conjure up tickets through magic? That would be too easy to miss. 】

[Luna: What a pity, it would be great if Anton could copy in pairs. 】

[Luna: Dean Flitwick, you are the wise representative of Ravenclaw. Please ask Anton to think of a solution. 】

[Flitwick: Sorry Luna, my plan requires five people. 】

[Flitwick: With only two people, this plan would be too difficult to implement. 】

[Dumbledore: Hmm, interesting question. 】

[ Flitwick: But just because I don’t know, it doesn’t mean Anton can’t guess it. 】

[Flitwick: Don’t forget, he is the god of tricks and must have a perfect plan. 】

Flitwick just finished speaking.

Sylvie in the picture said to Anton.

"Otherwise, I will control the guard and ask him to treat us as prisoners and take us in."

[Luna: So smart, I finally helped!]

[Flitwick: What a disaster! I actually forgot that I still have the Imperius Curse!]

[Dumbledore: This means your bottom line is very high, Flitwick. 】

Hearing Sylvie's plan, Loki shook his head.

"It's too simple and easy to see through."

"It's up to me."

With that said, Loki pulled Sylvie and walked straight towards the gate.

The wizards all watched, wanting to see what this perfect plan was.

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