Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 55: Anton Is Playing A Big Game? The Mages Were Stunned!

Gu Yi stretched out his finger, and a golden line stretched from close to the horizon.

"This is our timeline, with six gems maintaining balance."

The Ancient One took the Time Stone away.

"Look, if the time stone is taken away."

"Our timeline will cease to exist."

Banner immediately gestured:

"Master, we are not taking away the gem, we are just using it and sending it back.

Gu Yi shook his head.

"No, the Sorcerer Supreme is ordered to protect the gem. The departure of the time gem will disrupt time.

"So let's go."

For a moment, Banner's pupils were shocked. If it really failed like this, wouldn't all the efforts be in vain?

He suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, then why did Dr. Strange hand over the gem so easily?"

Ancient One's eyes widened.

"Wait, you said Strange handed over the gem?"

Banner nodded, his eyes full of innocence.

"Yes, he handed over the gem in order to save Mr. Stark.

"But we can't even save him."

Gu paused for a moment, then used magic to stare at Banner's soul. Under this gaze, all lies had nowhere to hide.

After confirming that Banner was telling the truth, Ancient Yi hooked his hand and sent Banner's soul back to his body.

Then, she handed the Time Stone to Banner.

Banner was a little surprised, and then immediately put the time stone in his pocket and kept saying thank you.

"Thank you so much, Master Gu Yi."

"I'll be back soon."

Ancient Road:

"I don't believe in you, but I believe in Strange. He is the greatest Mage Supreme."

Banner was stunned.

"So there must be a reason why he did that?"

Gu nodded.

"Though I don't know what the reason is."

Outside the screen, the gang members became excited again.

It turns out that Anton had foreseen everything.

Even handing over the gems to Thanos in the first place was probably for the plan leading to victory.

[ Harry: Huh, what I just saw really scared me. If the principal is unwilling to hand over the gem, then Banner has absolutely nothing to do. 】

[Ronald: Fortunately, Banner mentioned Anton. I didn’t expect Anton to be so important in the principal’s eyes. 】

[Grindelwald: It seems that Dumbledore has more favorite students. 】

[Dumbledore: I treat all students equally, just because the students themselves are outstanding. 】

[Voldemort: Bella? Bella, she was right! I actually missed another opportunity! 】

[Newt: I'm getting used to it. 】

The sound of the system interrupted the wizards' conversation.

[Congratulations to Anton for the correct answer]

[Reward fragments of the second life’s godhead]

In the Gryffindor common room.

A green light flashed across Anton's hand.

It's just that this green light is not emitted by the Time Stone, but another thing in his hand.

Godhead fragments.

None of the Gryffindor wizards, not even the seniors, had ever seen this.

It was a completely dark green flame, but countless possibilities jumped out of it.

This is a power that is safe and independent of everything. What is powerful does not belong to this world.

The mages stared blankly, and they wanted to know what Anton was going to do with this fragment next.


It was too far away in the ears of these wizards who had only heard stories about Death since childhood.

But now the godhead is right in front of him, but judging from the unparalleled power bursting out from inside, it is not a fake.

While the wizards held their breath.

Anton grabbed the fragment of the godhead in his hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

The next second, the cloak behind Anton made a sound.

There was a strong wind in the lounge where there was no wind at all.

Countless spiritual lights emerged in this strong wind.

That's a fragment from the Marvel universe.

Anton opened his eyes, and he pulled out a scepter from the void with the soul gem inlaid on it.

For a moment, Ronald and Harry didn't know what to say.

The heart kept beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of the chest.

The Anton in front of him completely changed!

The divine personality is revealed.

All the ghosts ran out of the classroom.

Gryffindor's senior disciple was even more nervous and did not dare to take a breath.

For fear of being affected by this divine power.

Now with Anton's power, even if the Dementors came, he would be so scared that he would run back to Azkaban.

At this time, the storm gradually subsided.

When Anton opened his eyes, he could deeply feel that the power from his second life was constantly returning.

Now, he can influence part of the world.

Moreover, this part of the returned godhead makes his strength beyond the level of magic.

Truly reaching the level of God.

Magic uses rules, and divine power is the rule.

Anton looked at the screen. As long as he answered a few more questions correctly, his godhood would be complete.

On the screen, the picture turned again.

Arriving at the Nuanyue building.

At this time, the Chitauri army retreated and Loki was captured and imprisoned.

And this is the end of the contract war.

Iron Man approached quietly, and Ant-Man on his armor shrank to its smallest form.

The two of them came here to search for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

That is, the space gem.

Compared to the Time Stone, the Space Stone is not that important, but it is also quite powerful.

It can ignore the distance of hundreds of millions of light years between the universe and truly achieve space transformation.

Their goal is not only the space gem, but also the spiritual gem,

It later caused a war.

Ant-Man whispered in Stark's ear:

"Mr. Stark, do you want me to come down first?

Stark released his arm.

The shrunken Ant-Man climbed down along his arms, jumped into the box containing the space gem.

Steve, who was on the second floor, had already prepared himself. He pressed the elevator button and walked into the elevator with only Hydra.

And the spiritual scepter is in their hands.

As Steve entered the room, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

The agents who were still talking fell silent, and countless pairs of eyes looked at Steve from behind.

Even the dullest wizard could instantly capture this tiny moment of atmosphere.

[Ronald: It’s strange. Do these people have any grudge against the Muggle holding the shield? Why are they looking at him like this? 】

[ Harry: It feels weird. Shouldn't these people be agents? They are the silent ones here. 】

[ Snape: From the look in their eyes, I can tell that the two groups of people are not in the same camp at all. 】

[Snape: Even, there is a big conflict. 】

[Ronald:????, these Muggle factories are really weird

[ Harry: If a fight breaks out, the man with the shield will suffer. 】

[Ronald: It’s better not to fight! It’s better not to fight!]

[ Voldemort: In such a small space, those fire-breathing wands used by Muggles will beat him into a sieve. 】

[ Voldemort: Hahahahaha. 】

In the screen, there is silence, a long silence.

After silence, the oldest and strangest agent among the agents said something.

"Captain, you shouldn't take this elevator."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless pairs of eyes looked directly at Steve.

There was a clicking sound, as if countless people had pulled the trigger.

A big war is about to begin.

Steve said calmly:

"It doesn't matter, the secretary-general asked me to come."

"He told me to keep the wand."

The older agent was stunned and immediately retorted:

"Sorry, I can't let you accept the scepter! Captain!"

"You can do it, you can trust me!"

Steve whispered into his ear.

"Long live Hydra."

Then, Steve walked out of the door calmly, carrying the box in his hand.

The agents behind him all saluted, their eyes astonished as if they saw a real hero.

The wizards were a little confused.

[Ronald: Is this going so smoothly? Is this some kind of group soul-stealing curse? 】

[ Snape: It seems there is nothing we can’t understand at this time. 】

[ Harry: Okay, now I have two gems. I only need to get four more to resurrect Anton. 】

[ Harry: By the way, what happened to the space stone? 】

On the other side, the shrunken Ant-Man has climbed onto Iron Man's chest.

In an instant, the Ark Reactor on Iron Man's chest was cut off.

Iron Man fell to the ground, and everyone panicked for a moment.

Ant-Man took the opportunity to kick the box, and the box containing the Cosmic Cube was successfully kicked into the hands of another Iron Man.

Just when Iron Man was about to leave smoothly, the door next to him suddenly opened.

Dr. Banner roared and knocked Iron Man away.

The box in Iron Man's hand fell directly to the ground, and the Cosmic Cube jumped out at this moment.

Caught in Loki's hand.

And Loki, who had obtained the Cosmic Cube, didn't waste any time. He immediately activated the Cosmic Cube and left this land of right and wrong.

As Loki disappeared with the Space Stone.

The air outside and inside the live broadcast room seemed to be solidified.

This time, everyone was confused.

Ant-Man said to Iron Man in a daze:

"Tony, is this part of the plan?"

Outside the live broadcast room, everyone's hearts stopped.

We agreed that we can only succeed but not fail. We agreed that we only have one chance.

It's better now.

Everything is irreversible now.

[Ronald:????, the first two went so smoothly, what does it mean at this point? Has it just disappeared? 】

[ Harry: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Why can’t you be more steady! Why! 】

[Harry: This is the future of the entire universe. If it were me, I would weld this thing to my hands!]

[ Snape: I have to admit, accidents are everywhere. 】

[Grindelwald: I thought that stupid Star-Lord would overturn, but I didn’t expect that he would overturn at this time. 】

[Grindelwald: In other words, this is also a kind of fate. 】

The wizards looked forward to the miracle in front of the screen with uneasiness.

Upstairs, Steve, who had just held the spiritual scepter, took the stairs and went downstairs.

Suddenly, a man wearing a blue and red uniform appeared in front of him.

The iconic Stars and Stripes shield, and the resolute eyes that only belong to veterans.

Everything reveals his identity.

He is the person he least wants to meet in this time and space, himself in the 12th year of Erguo.

For a moment, Steve was in a panic, just when he was trying to find an excuse to say something.

Steve in front of him spoke into the intercom.

"Headquarters, headquarters, discovered an unexpected situation, Loki transformed into me and escaped."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, his fist

Already called.

The years have changed, but his skill has not increased.

Relying on his agility, Steve barely managed to dodge his own punch.

But the next punch came quickly.

He said angrily:

“I don’t want to fight with you.

But the opponent said coldly:

"I could fight you all day."

The two men fought fiercely in the glass aisle, and the shields kept clashing with each other, making the sound of gold and iron.

Steve kept retreating and was almost knocked down the aisle by himself.

He raised his scepter and jumped down.

And the other Steve followed closely behind.

Holding the same shield in his hand.

The two of them landed at the same time, and the other Steve locked his throat, accurately controlling his own throat.

The past Steve was obviously more powerful, holding on to the other Steve's throat.

At this moment, Steve suddenly opened his mouth and shouted something.

"Bucky is alive!"

This sentence was like everything was turned to stone, and the other Steve suddenly froze on the spot.

Steve took the opportunity to punch him, and then used the Mind Stone to knock him out.

Seeing Steve's victory, the wizards in the live broadcast room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

[Ronald: Bucky? Isn’t he the Iron Hand? 】

[Ronald: Do they have a good relationship?]

[Grindelwald: It’s hard to say, but the more I read, the more interesting it becomes. 】

[ Harry: I don’t know what it feels like to hit myself, but it hurts a lot. 】

[Hermione: Please pay attention, one gem is missing, this is a big deal!]

[Cassandra: If Anton can’t be resurrected, then everything is over! 】

[Cassandra: Thanos’ plan still succeeds, and half of the universe is still under his control. 】

[Snape: Caring about classmates, Cassandra, Slytherin plus thirty points. 】

[Ronald: How about adding a hundred points, Gryffindor has already deducted a negative number. 】

[Snape: For the sake of the honor of the house, Gryffindor, ten points will be added. 】

[Ronald: Professor Snape, I apologize. 】

[Snape: Twenty points will be deducted for flattering the professor. 】

Snape is putting a pain mask on Ronald, and in the picture, Ant-Man and Stark are also wearing a pain mask.

The two of them were waiting in the car with dark expressions on their faces, waiting for Captain Mildred's arrival.

Ant-Man complained bitterly:

"Stark, why don't you hold on to that thing?"

"That was Hulk's impact! Hulk! I was almost knocked apart!"

"But, hey."

The two looked helplessly outside the car. Now that they only had enough Pym particles to go back, how were they going to explain to the other teammates.

Unless, Steve didn't get the gem either.

As a result, the two people's eyes became more and more earnest. As long as the three of them didn't have any gems, there would still be excuses.

But they were soon disappointed.

I saw Steve walking out from behind holding a scepter, with a proud look on his face.

"Hey, I got the Mind Stone, where's the Space Stone?"

The two looked at each other and put on the masks of pain again.

Stark said helplessly to Steve:

"Sorry, we couldn't get that thing because of Hulk's collision."

Steve was stunned, then put his head in his hands.

His expression was more painful than the other two.



Ant-Man hurriedly said:

"I can explain, Steve, it's really not that we didn't pay attention, but that Tony didn't take it right."

Stark immediately defended:

"That was Hulk's impact! Please, I'm not a genetically modified person! I'm a mortal body!"

Captain America covered his face in pain.

These two teammates are amazing!

In the live broadcast room, wizards were also roaring.

[ Harry: I was very angry, I am still very angry now, that was Anton’s chance to resurrect! 】

[Ronald: I am already laughing out loud, what on earth are these two people doing? Are they both Star-Lord? 】

[Snape: A typical Hufflepuff, reckless, loyal, and prone to accidents. 】

[ Pomona: Bring Slytherin to the same level as Gryffindor. 】

【Snape: Pomona?!What are you doing?!】

[ Pomona: This is how we do things at Hufflepuff. 】

[Sirius: I’m so angry, I actually joined this kind of team in my previous life!]

[Grindelwald: But to be honest, most Aurors and Silent people are at this level, so there is no surprise. 】

Now they can only return and spend the rest of their lives in pain looking at the five gems.

Stark looked helplessly at the sky, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Etc., etc!"

"I know, I know a way.

"It not only allows us to get gems, but also allows us to replenish Pym particles.

Both of them looked at Stark.

"What did you say?".

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